Ar-Kan Rune-Lag

Ar-Kan Rune-Lag

Saturday 17 November 2018

Stan - The Stone of Ing & The English Awakening

In my post about the Ar-Kan Runes I pointed out that the above version of the Stan-Rune would best serve us as representing the White Stone of Ing. After doing so I have been reading up on my notes which are kept on the runes, and a thought arose on the subject which I see as important to us. 

We have the sequence 'Calc-Stan' which means 'Chalk-Stone' which is, of course, a 'White Stone'. In the above rune we have the name 'Stone of Ing' etched into the rune-stave -

'He that hath an ear, let him hear what the Spirit saith unto the churches; To him that overcometh will I give to eat of the Hidden Man-na, and will give him a White Stone, and in the stone a new name written, which no-one knoweth saving he that receiveth it.'

Revelation 2:17

Here we have the prophecy fulfilled, but not just in the Christian Bible, for it is shown clearly in our own English Runes, hidden within the above version of the Stan-Rune. And the Stan-Rune appears only in our own rune-row and not in the Elder Futhark, Younger Futhark or Armanen System. Again, we seem to have proof that these 'English Runes' are the key to the 'English Mysteries' and the use of the Ar-Kan Rune-Lag is essential to the English Awakening. 

'Him that overcometh will I make a pillar in the temple of my God...and I will write upon him the name of my God, and the name of the city of my God, which is New Jerusalem, which cometh down out of heaven from my God; and I will write upon him my new name.'

Revelation 3:12

I have covered this before but it is clear that the 'pillar in the temple of my God' is the White Stone of Ing which has the name 'Ing' upon it. The 'New Jerusalem' that is said to 'cometh down out of heaven from my God' is the future England, and the 'new name' is written upon the one who discovers these mysteries - the name of 'Ing'. Is it not strange that the phrase 'my God' is repeated no less than four times, not 'God' which would be more suited to the Judaeo-Christian Bible. It is clear that the New Age is the 'Age of Ing' and the new God-Form or Archetype is Ing - the Divine Ancestor of the English Folk. 

When we place the Germanic Ing-Rune into the above version it makes the glyph at the top, so both versions contain the 'Stone of Ing', and when we add the Cal-Rune we get the 'White Stone of Ing'. The 'new name' refers to the 'new name of God', which is in this case - Ing or Ingwe, for this is the 'Age of Ing' which was conceived on August 11th 1999 together with the 'Resurrection of Ingwe' as the 'King of the English'. 

The Calc-Rune is the Rune of Kalki (and Kali which is his opposite in a sense, as Hamasson has pointed out) and this is underlined when we consider one of the meanings of chalcan which is 'coming from heaven' referring to the Last Avatar (HelgiH) but also to the 'Stone that fell from Heaven' which is the Graal Stone. The Holy White Stone is connected to the idea of being counter to the 'Black Stone' (symbolic of darkness now) and is 'The stone at the Spiritual Centre which has the power to resurrect the Phoenix ('Fire-Eagle'). 

To understand what I am going to say it is necessary to realise that much of what has come into the Islamic Tradition (in regard mainly to the Sufi Spiritual Tradition) stems from Persia and the Aryans that gave their name to this area which revived its former title in 'Iran', a corruption of 'Aryan'. It appears that the Persian-Arabic ghral could be the root of our word 'Grail' or 'Graal', meaning 'holy stone'. We may not have to go so far away, since there could be common roots for the word since it also comes into the Celtic 'cer' or 'cerrig' which means 'stone' and which seems to originate in the form *gar. We can reconstruct the original meaning through using the term Gar-al which stems from the Gar-Rune ('Spear') and 'Al' which is the same as 'El' which means 'Light' thus 'Spear of Light'. Now even this is a 'coincidence' since the Graal Mythos (through what we call the Four Hallows) appears to come from Ireland ('Land of the Arya') and the 'spear', one of the four sacred objects, is the Spear of Lugh, the name 'Lugh' stemming from an Aryan Root meaning 'Light'. We cannot rule out that the Aryan Initiates who created the Graal Mythos did not recognise the subtle links in various traditions and 'weave' these together into the form it comes down to us. 

The stone (because it points upwards as a 'standing stone') is a male symbol, whereas the cup or chalice (because it points downwards) is a female symbol. The union of the two, when the Spear enters the Cup, creates a 'resurrection' and 'renewal'. The two symbols are fused into the Ing-Rune itself which is thus male-female (which suits the idea of Venus being a male-female 'star'). It should also be remembered that the Germanic Ing-Rune is just that, the 'Ing-Rune', but the English version is a glyph of 'Gift of Ing', containing both Gyfu (2) and the Germanic Ing-Rune. This links straight to the Gar-Rune meaning 'Gift of Ing' too, and also to the Edel-Rune which means 'Gift of Ing' - the last of these relating to At-al-land. 

Lastly, the version of the Stan-Rune that does not contain the Ing-Rune (i.e. the version we use in our Standard Row) suggests 'matter' (stone), and adding the Ing-Rune to this suggests 'Ing-in-Matter', i.e. the incarnation of a god into the physical world - God-in-Matter. This is the idea of the Avatar, who, 'coming from heaven' (chalcan), descends into matter (The Dove or 'Diver'), incarnating into the physical world. Thus, the 'White Stone' version suggests this incarnation upon Earth, and the 'White Stone' has come to light at the very time we are expecting this to happen. Can this really be a 'coincidence'?

The Woden Initiates who left to us these mysteries would have been well aware of what they were doing. They left to us the name of the figure associated with the 'White Stone' - Cuthman. The name has to be broken into cuth-man where the word 'cuth' stems from the Old English cyththe meaning 'native land' or 'kindred', but more importantly stemming from 'cuth' which means 'known', thus giving us Known-Man. In fact, so well known that every one of the English Folk would have known who he was - their Divine Ancestor. These Old English words mean exactly the same as that of the meanings of the Edel-Rune, and thus can refer to 'Blood and Soil' as does the rune. Can we have more proof that it is correct to see Ing(we)/Ing(ui) as the Divine Ancestor of the English Folk?

The White Stone of Ing can thus be seen as the herald of the appearance of the 'Man to Come', just as was the Hale-Bopp Comet and the Black Sun of August 11th 1999. It was this Black Sun (Solar Eclipse) that was symbolic of the conception of the New Age - the Age of Ing. It was also the key to the Resurrection of Ing(we) which was inevitable for the New Age to come into being. All of these are subtly connected together, and all of these were recognised by Woden's Folk and became part of the Woden Folk-Religion. Next year - 2019 - we are twenty years from the Solar Eclipse, twenty-one years from the founding of WF in 1998, and twenty-two years from the appearance of the Hale-Bopp Comet in 1997. The years 1999, 2000 and 2001 saw the trilogy called Lord of the Rings which was an awakening call to the English Folk. At this time it certainly does not look that way, but these things happen at a different level and even though the Dark Forces seem to have total control, and be able to manipulate every form of resistance that comes against it, they will one day make that grave mistake and become too complacent, too sure that they have the final victory over us. 

The White Dragon Symbol may well prove to be the key to this English Awakening, even though today it is flown at rallies that are far from having our own Folkish Weltanshauung. Having said that, even though the strongest organisations today on the so-called 'right' are those created for the purpose of drawing our Folk away from their true destiny, there are people who attend the rallies and marches who are more clued up on the real struggle. The White Dragon Kindred were the first to revive this as an English Symbol, and this was part of Odinism - Northern Heathenism. Hence, the symbol lies firmly rooted in English Heathenism and not in any form of Judaeo-Christian organisations that have arisen due to Islamic Militancy. But I do not feel that I should lay any claim to anything except recognising this as an English Symbol and promoting it as such at the very start of the revival of Folkish Wodenism. The White Dragon Symbol itself has taken off on its own; this is a case of where a symbol can arise not from the physical world but from 'another world' and then have a life of its very own. I believe this to be the case here and it has arisen again at this time because its time has come round again. 

A symbol is firmly etched in the consciousness of a Folk, and arises from the Folk-Soul of that people, even though this happens at a subconscious level and not consciously. This being so that 'life of its own' can only grow stronger as time goes by, since like anything else a life has a beginning (birth) which 'grows' into maturity (life) and then 'dies' after its time has been spent. The same applies to this Sacred Symbol and its time has now come. Indeed, the childhood of the symbol is perhaps nearly over, and its strength would thus take off at a much faster pace (into its 'youth' period). We have to recognise that when the Dark Forces set out to destroy English Nationalism, and succeeded in doing so at the 'civic' level, the White Dragon survived this onslaught and came out unscathed - thus showing the true power of a Sacred Symbol. It spread even further than here in England and at one level represents Germania Awakening.

All of these parts of the English Mysteries can be found in the simple Stan-Rune, even down to the Legend of Hengest and Horsa, since the Stan-Rune can also represent the White Horse Stone or Inga-Stone (Inger-Stone). This is why the Ar-Kan Rune-Lag has been developed as it is, not just as yet another rune-row which has been 'twisted' to suit our needs (as some of the more ignorant would have it) but as a rune-row that embodies the whole of the English Mysteries which arise from Folkish Wodenism and the new Spiritual Revolution. In one set of symbols we are trying to recreate the ancient Mysteries of Ingwe and not only that we are trying to go back as far as the Mysteries of At-al-land. This is why the 33-runes are used since these contain the 'Tree Mysteries' which pertain to the ancient folk of these islands. They also contain the Graal-Runes and the Four Hallows, and are thus best suited to our Folk here in these lands. 

But there is another vital point here, and that concerns the ideas put in an earlier post on the 'Hermes' - 'Pile of Stones'. The Stan-Rune is the Rune of the Boundary, and is thus neither in one world nor in another, it is in that liminal area outside of Time and Space. It can thus also be seen as a 'doorway' or 'gateway' to other worlds, other dimensions of being. That is not to say a 'gateway' that we can use for contacting other worlds, but here we see examples of this 'gateway' being used to transfer this knowledge to us through this 'portal'. This is why so much stuff comes through at this time, because we are being guided from 'beyond', guided by the Gods, Ancestors and the Thule Initiates who live on in the 'other-world'. The first Stan-Rune used here is made up of two Man-Runes, one upon the other, and the Man-Rune is a link between Gods and Men. Again, in one simple rune-stave we have the key to the communication between Man and the Gods - it is here in the symbolism. This rune is so complex and contains the following runes, if not more that I have not seen -


Ing-Rune (Ar-Kan)

Ing-Rune (Germanic)

Two Man-Runes

Two Beorc-Runes

Two Eh-Runes

Four Wyn-Runes

Two Thorn-Runes

Two Gyfu-Runes



Four Lagu-Runes

Two Dagaz-Runes

Two Edel-Runes

Two AEsc-Runes

Two Armanen Os-Runes

Two Is-Runes

The Stan-Rune, in this version as the 'Stone of Ing' contains all of these runes (and maybe more); it is such a complex rune which has to contain all of the meanings of these runes too. The two Edel-Runes, one facing upwards, the other downwards, suggests the sinking and rising of At-al(-land). And these ideas spring from just one rune! Through the Ar-Kan Rune-Lag we are building a Folkish Encyclopaedia. 

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