Ar-Kan Rune-Lag

Ar-Kan Rune-Lag

Wednesday 10 July 2019

The Gifts of Ing

There are three runes which can refer to the 'Gift of Ing', together with a fourth which, if used in an alternative version, means the same -
  • The Ing-Rune
  • The Edel-Rune
  • The Gar-Rune
  • (The Stan-Rune - Stone of Ing)

The Ing-Rune

This rune is made up of two Gyfu-Runes, one on top of the other, which is the 'Kan-Fusion Ing-Rune'. Placed upon its side makes the 'Ur-Fusion Ing-Rune'. The Germanic Ing-Rune is seen as the 'diamond-shaped' centre. Thus 'Gift of Ing'.

Since this is the Rune of the Blood then the 'Gift of Ing' is the Sacred Blood and the Blood Memory. This 'gift' is held deep within the Blood of the Arya, awaiting its time to be awakened. This is also symbolic of the Gift of Immortality since Ing is the 'Resurrected God'. This rune also represents the Igneous Blood or Fiery Blood of the Serpent. 

The Edel-Rune

This rune is a 'bind-rune' made up of the Gyfu-Rune and the Germanic Ing-Rune, thus again 'Gift of Ing'. This time the rune represents the 'Gift of Ing' as the homeland (Heimat), specifically the ancient 'Race-Land' known as At-al-land, where once the English Tribes dwelt. This land sank beneath the North Sea, the last part around the area of the Dogger Bank. 

England is the 'Land of Ing' and thus is also the 'Gift of Ing' to his Folk, the English. Whereas the Ing-Rune can be connected to the English Folk, the Edel-Rune is connected to the Land of Ing. The IE Root *at-al can be related to 'over' or 'beyond' and thus this rune recalls that At-al-land sank beneath the waves and yet the Gods drew these lands into another dimension of time and space, so they are still there but cannot be reached except by the Straight Road as Tolkien asserts. 

The idea of 'Ley-Lines' is a modern invention but it is certainly true to say that most ancient sites are sited on straight lines. These are usually seen to be 'energy-lines' or 'dragon-lines', but legend tells us that such straight tracks were called the 'Dead-Ways' and associated with the dead and thus with the Ancestors. There is thus a possibility that Tolkien's ideas on the Straight Tracks are linked to these Dead Ways and this also may apply to these ancient lands which exist in a parallel world. 

The Edel-Rune is also symbolic of Atlas (At-al-as = the Racial Ase) holding the world upon his shoulders. This symbol appears in old texts but in a rounded form. This rune is thus, like the Gar-Rune, connected to the human spinal column as well as the world axis. 

That the rune is associated with Spirit is clear through the rune-name 'Od' (Od-al) and also with the 'Od-Force' or 'Wod-Force' which is that of 'Divine Madness' or 'Intoxication'. 

The Gar-Rune

Once again, this has a Gyfu-Rune and Germanic Ing-Rune, but these are separate runes as opposed to the Edel-Rune which is a 'bind-rune'. This is the Spear of Woden which is the 'Gift of Ing' like the other two. However, this rune represents the Sacred Centre or Cosmic Axis, at a microcosmic level the human spinal column. This itself is interesting since the side-view of the spinal column is the Serpent whilst the frontal view is that of a downward-pointing Spear. 

In the most ancient texts the 'World Tree' has its roots in the heavens and its branches in the Earth, and is upside-down. Since Iggdrasil is the cosmic representation of the same idea as the human spinal column then we see here that the 'Spear' (Cosmic Axis) is upside-down. The 33 runes run from Feoh at the top down to Gar at the base of the coccyx.

The 'spearhead' is thus the last four runes - Cweorth, Calc, Stan, Gar, which are the Graal-Runes. Thus, the 'Gift of Ing' to his Folk is the Mysteries of the Graal, and the Way to Immortality, when Man can overcome himself to become the God-Man. Gar, as the Cosmic Axis, represents all 33 runes which are found on the spinal column (24 vertebrae, 5 sacrum, 4 coccyx). 

I was watching a video on Kundalini Yoga which made some interesting points on the 'chakras'. The Rishis who wrote down the ancient texts as 'seers' did not allocate the seven colours of the rainbow to them, as we have been led to believe. This is a 'New Age' thing created in modern times. In fact the images given to these 'chakras' was very basic, perhaps allowing for flexibility in the individual thinking. It was suggested that the 'chakras' are the means of visualising these centres to allow the rise of the Kundalini and thus created by the Rishis for this purpose. 

This idea can be used in our runic work, and the visualisation of the 33 runes going downwards from the neck to the base is thus a meditation practice that is valid. This also goes for the Three Cauldrons which, like the chakras, can have correspondences developed that are there to aid each individual in meditation. We have used the term Mount Me-Ru from the Hindu Texts because this means 'Mount of Measurement of the Runes' (to us). This is the 'Sacred Mountain' as well as the 'Sacred Tree'. Iggdrasil has an alternative name meaning 'The Measuring Tree'.

The diamond-shaped Ing-Rune represents the Sacred Island which is the 'Gift of Ing'; the shape of England, according to two Roman historians, was that of an elongated diamond, as the Ing-Rune. Maybe there is a link to the island where the Last Battle will take place - Oskopnir - which I believe to mean something like 'odd-shaped'. Alternatively, on a conjectural level, this could be 'O-skop-nir' where the 'O' is often squared off into a diamond-shape - 'Ing-Shaped'.

We have to note here that the above ideas can only be equated to the English Rune-Row, since the Common Germanic Futhark contains the Ing-Rune without 'Gyfu', and the Gar-Rune does not appear at all in this rune-row. Only the Odal-Rune would have this meaning. This has to be an important point since the English Rune-Row is specific to the English Folk and the 'Friends of Ing'. These are 'English Mysteries'. 

The Stan-Rune

Strictly speaking we should include the Stan-Rune when used in the above form; this contains the Ing-Rune and is used within the Ar-Kan for the 'Holy White Stone of Ing'. Since the clear message on the Stone is 'Gift of Ing' then using this rune to symbolise this particular Ancient Stone is quite valid. 

The usual version of the Stan-Rune does not have this feature, but is made up of two Eh-Runes and thus perhaps linked to Hengest and Horsa, and even the White Horse Stone. The rune is certainly associated with the horse. With the rune before this - Calc - we have 'White Stone', and thus we have 'White Horse' which is the steed of Hengest and Horsa. It is said that a horse's head is carved on the White Horse Stone, but although there is something on it this is not clear at all. 

The White Stone of Ing

The 'Gift of Ing' is here Fire and this is the Firestone; one photo of this, as Runebinder has pointed out, has a Feoh-Rune on the top, symbolic of the Solar-Fire connected to the Solar-Wisdom. Even though this is not on the stone itself, merely on the photo, its appearance is still significant. Each of the runes here is made up of a number of Germanic Ken-Runes - 'Fire-Runes'. 

The Ing-Rune is an Edel-Rune to which is added the Ken-Rune - Rune of the Fire-Serpent. Runebinder has pointed out that this is the 'Crowned and Conquering Son' or 'Crowned and Avenging Son' - Wid-Ar. Ing represents the 'sap' which arises in the spring; it thus represents the Blood that circulates, just as the 'sap' circulates around the plants. The 'Blood' carries the 'Spirit'; this is the Mystery of the Blood. 

Then we have certain sword-names that contain the word '-ing' -

  • Miming - The Memory of Ing.
  • Nothung - The Need of Ing.
  • Balmung - ?

These swords are just named without any reference to why they are named so; we do not know much about them because we are not told. Julius Evola mentions a sword-sheath named 'Blood Memory', so here again we have links between blood-memory-sword. I have mentioned before how 'Ing' and 'Igg' could be linked together, and even with the same sound. In the by-names of Odin we find that he states that he was 'Igg' before he became 'Woden'; in certain Norse Sagas names with Ing- are of 'one-eyed' figures, which has to be symbolic. 'Iggdrasil' is the 'Steed of Igg' - the 'Steed of Woden', but why have it named after a former name of Woden

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