Ar-Kan Rune-Lag

Ar-Kan Rune-Lag

Friday 12 December 2014

Horns of Gallehus

The Runic-Horn

The first thing that we notice are that the runes are of the Common Germanic Futhark, and since most scholars agree that these runes were the work of English Tribes living in this area these are the runes used by the English at that time and in that area. However, as we shall see on the other horn, the rune-postures show at least one rune that is not in the CGF but which can be found in the Anglo-Frisian Rune-Row. 

In this upper section of the Runic-Horn we find two horned figures, one bears a spear and a noose, the other a scythe and a short staff. There are also two warriors, one on each side, each bearing a sword and a shield. The horned figures seem to suggest a hunting scene and a harvest scene. The stag may be the object of the hunting scene. It should be noted that the dotted figures are spiritual animals which is most likely why they are shown as dotted and not as the normal figures. This hunt, as we shall see, was possibly more of a Ritual Hunt designed to give blot (blood) to the gods before an undertaking by the tribe. 

I am going to suggest that the figure with the Spear and the Noose is that of Woden - Spear-God and God of the Hanged. The figure with the Scythe and the Staff is that of Ingwe who shows here the characteristics found on certain renderings of the constellation of Bootes, and Ingwe is a Wanir-God of the Harvest (Sheaf-Ing). These two here represent a version of the Divine Twins. The stag in the centre is symbolic of the High-God - the King - and also of the god Tiw or Irmin, and this shows the divinity of the twin-figures. The two wolves (dogs) can also represent the Wolves of Woden, but also the two wolves found below Bootes in the northern skies. The 'otherworldly' animals above may be swine or boar, associated with Ingwe-Frey. 

Above the warrior on the left is a eight-pointed star which is a symbol used of Venus (Freya) as the Morning Star. Above the figure on the right is a twelve-pointed star which to me suggests the Sun. We have here symbols of Venus which heralds the dawn and the rising sun in the morning - the time associated with the Divine Twins in this particular role. The fish on the far right suggests the sea, and the Rising Sun which appears to come out of the sea at dawn. 

The Twin-Warriors on each side may well be the incarnations of the Twin-Gods as Hengest and Horsa. This is the Dawn-Time of a new world era and a New Order, and Ingwe is also (through the Wanir) associated with the Morning Star (Venus) and thus the Dawn Time. In a sense this is, like Cerdic & Cynric, also an aspect of the Divine Twins, the Father-Son aspect of this Divine Mystery. 

The second panel is much easier to figure out since the three-headed figure holding an axe and a goat is most likely Thunor, the Thunder-God. As I have shown under the Thorn-Rune in the Runic Meanings section, Thunor is named Third which is probably why he is here shown with three heads. Next to him is his age-old enemy the Serpent of Evil which is shown here with three 'tails' (rather than the usual three heads). This, as I have shown before, is linked to the Aryan Cattle-Raid Myth

On the third panel we see to the left twin-warriors making a form of 'cross'; it would seem obvious to equate these two with the Divine Twins. There is also a horsman, a stag, a serpent that seems to be swallowing (or perhaps giving out) a small figure, a 'centaur' and a twin-headed 'dog' or maybe wolf. The last figure may be twin-horses or even twin-wolves, both of which suggest the Divine Twins again. 

Here we have another figure holding a 'scythe', with a horse to his right, held by its reins. To the right are (again) two wolves (dogs), which again suggests the Wolf-Twins. The figure with the scythe thus suggests Ingwe or Ing. What should be noted about this figure, that of the Divine Twins and the twin horned figures is that they are all shown in the Ear-Rune/Cweorth-Rune posture. 

The bottom panel shows a 'dancing' figure on the left, a figure holding a bowed piece of wood behind his back, a bowman, and what looks like a bear-skin with some form of helmet above it. The latter suggests the Berserker or Bear-Sark and this seems to suggest some form of cultic ritual - again linked to the Germanic Mannerbunde. This will become clearer as we go on. This 'bear-skin' figure has a shape similar to the Anglo-Saxon Ken-Rune with a stave across it, making a cross over the inverted v-shape. This is the same as the marking on the Stone of Ing

Throughout this horn we find symbols of otherworldly-fishes which suggest the sea and also the sea-voyage by the war-bands. We have also the Berserker symbolism which is definitely associated with the Mannerbunde and the Heri or war-band that led the tribe in the battles they undertook. We also have a number of horses and horse-gods which seems strange in view of the fact we are told that the English did not use the horse at the much later Battle of Hastings - a reason why the Normans were said to have beaten them. It seems rather obvious here that the horse was certainly an animal of the war-band, and since the Saxons were likely Sakae (Scythians) in origin these were horse-tribes as is well known in history. 

We should also note that we have symbolic stags and serpents throughout the figures on these horns. Both the Stag and the Snake can be found in symbolism associated with an Erminsul in Dorset which the Xtian priests condemned the worship of at the time. Thus the Stag and Snake seem to have been associated with Irmin. 

The Posture-Horn

As I am going to show here this horn confirms my view that the horns were used as ritual horns (rather obvious) but I feel that these are connected to the Cultic Warrior Brotherhoods known as the Mannerbunde. We shall go through this horn, which I shall call the Posture-Horn, from top to bottom -

The top section contains eight figures in the Peorth-Rune shape, two figures in the Cweorth-Rune shape, and two figures in the Gyfu-Rune shape. The Peorth-Rune is significant because it is a posture that seems to be used when playing Taefl Board which is an ancient board game. There is a very comprehensive work by Kris Kershaw called 'The One-Eyed God: Odin and the (Indo-) Germanic Mannerbunde' which mentions a game from India associated with dice and with a dice called The Dog. If we look at the top row of this section we see two figures in this Peorth-posture, facing each other, with a dog between them in the same position. This is repeated in the next row but the figure on the left is holding what may be a side-on board-game, and the dog is on a lead held by the other figure. 

I don't see any point in mentioning parts that I am not worthy of making any sense of as yet, so I'll just go through the bits that I can see some sense in. In the second row a female holds a drinking-horn; this suggests to me that this forms part of a ritual - perhaps a form of Symbel and the horn-bearer is the Walkyrie of Veleda who bears the horn during this ritual drinking - as part of the Cultic Brotherhood known in the Germanic world as the Mannerbunde. 

On the next section we do have confirmation of what I am saying, since the figures here all seem to connect to this type of Cultic Brotherhood. On the left is a centaur and Kris Kershaw mentions the Gandharva which are centaur-creatures associated with the vratya which were Cultic Brotherhoods. Centaurs are the educators of Achilles in Greek Mythology. 

IN the same section  there are two wolf-headed figures (Ulfhednar), one who bears a club (Woden) and the other an axe (Thunor). The club was always symbolic of the Leader of the War-Band or Leader of the Mannerbunde. To the right of these are the Divine Twins again, in the same pose as on the other horn we have dealt with. At the bottom of this piece are twin coiled serpents in the form of dotted lines, showing they are 'otherworldly' beings, and again we could see them as the Divine Twins but this time in serpent form, like we get on the Caduceus of Mercury. Somewhere at the back of my mind I have an image of two Serpent-Twins that represent the North and South Poles. The Serpent-Current hinted at by the coiling dotted serpents may be forces working between the two poles. The 'ghostly' figure coming up from the energies at the bottom may represent an Ancestral Spirit since the Cultic Warrior aimed to become the Ancestors in their struggle to uphold Cosmic Order - this being the true role of the Mannerbunde. 

The next section shows what seems to be a dog and a wolf, and again a figure in the Ear-Rune/Cweorth-Rune position, but this time holding the club and the axe - joining the roles of the two gods together into one. The dog is the tame and domesticated wolf, whereas the wolf is the dog of the wild. Since the horns are deemed to have been the work of Angles from this area of what became Denmark then they were well aware of an axe-god, who the Frisians named Forseti. These seem to be very ancient symbols We can find the 'Club-God' here in England as the Herne Giant (Cerne Abbas Giant). 

On the next section we have serpents and otherworldly-serpents, together with another twin coiled serpents. In the centre are two figures holding a Taefl-Board under which is another dog-headed figure in the Peorth-Rune position. This seems to be part of the Cultic-Warrior Rites where a game-board with dice is used. The game-board seems to have been originally a ritual-game that involved the Cosmic Battle between Light and Darkness. 

In the next part we have two fleur-de-lys, one on each side of the section, two dogs or wolves facing a stylised head with stylised hair and beard, possibly representing Woden as the Leader of the War-Band - Woden Herian. The fleur-de-lys could represent kingship and aristocracy since this was symbolic of kingship amongst the Franks. The bottom section seems to show two dice which confirms the dice-throwing game which could have been Taefl

The two 'dice' at the bottom, one upright and the other turned over, seem to me to suggest what I have already said about the battle between Light and Darkness, which is fought both here on earth and also in the heavens. If this is so then it suggests that whoever created these horns knew full well the Wyrd that underlay their use - that of the undertaking of a Divine Mission to continue this Cosmic Struggle in another land - a land that would become known as England. This section also has twin-dogs joined together as one, one of these composite figures each side of the twin-dice. Again, this suggests the Divine Twins but this time as Wolf-Twins, and their importance in such a mission. It should be noted that in East Anglia - ruled by the Wuffingas/Wulfingas - Romulus and Remus were minted on certain coins and bracteates, and the Wuffingas claimed descent not only from Woden but from Cesar - Caesar. This hints that maybe the 'Sons of the Wolf' were claiming kinship to Romulus and Remus who were suckled by the Wolf. I have shown in an article in our magazines some years ago how the legend of Merovee, founder of the Merovingian Franks, shows remarkable resemblances to that of Romulus and Remus. I really think that we should give more credit to our forebears who kept full knowledge of their ancestry, lost today to all but what is left of a degenerate aristocracy and royalty. 

The whole theme of the two horns seems to centre around -

1. The Mannerbunde - these were an age-set associated with the razzia or 'raid' which was a war-band known as the heri and which were often led by the Divine Twins which led to the foundation of a new tribe and new homeland. 

2. The Divine Twins - these were the leaders of a war-band, as with Romulus and Remus and Hengest and Horsa, as well as Cerdic and Cynric, and other famous versions of this god-pairing. It is noteworthy that the Twin-Warriors carry swords since the Sword of Hengest was the symbolic weapon of the Wyrd of their Divine Mission, passed to Hengest from AEtla the Hun - Battle-Flame of the White Dragon. This was later known as Sigisbrand when it was wielded by Cerdic and Cynric, and is the Flaming Sword that will be wielded by the Coming Avatar. 

3. The two war-gods and Mannerbunde-Gods Woden & Thunor, also paired as Woden and Ingwe. In Old English Lore we also have Wudga and Hama who are yet another version of the Divine Twins. The pairing of Woden and Ingwe could well symbolise the fusion of the Asen and Wanen, since Ingwe is of the Wanen and Woden of the Asen. This could also be seen as the fusion of Irmin (High God of the Arya-Saxon) and Ingwe (High God of the Wanen). 

From all of this I am going to suggest that these ritual horns were created by the English (Angles) as Ritual Horns used to hold blot before a war-band left the homeland on a razzia - a 'raid' - that would take the young aethlinga-warriors over the seas to these islands under the guidance of the Divine Twins who are always associated with this type of Folk-Wandering. The English Tribes were led by Hengest and Horsa, the Horse Twins, and we know that these horns have numerous horses shown on them. Their mission was to aid their fellow Germanic Kinfolk already here in England against the growing power of the Forces of the Jotun. 

This also represents a fusion of the Engel and Saxon Nations into the English Nation, and the 'twinning' of Woden and Ingwe represents this fusion. We should also remember that Ingwe was the Lord of the Elves and the most ancient name of England was Albion which can not only mean White Island but also Isle of the Elves. The Engel-Saxon were returning to their ancient homeland! Albion is the Seventh Sword of Wayland which is today being reforged by the Initiates of Woden. 

The horns and the rituals that were performed with them would have been a magical act of protection (Divine Twins) for the warriors undertaking the mission, and also ensuring the victory of the war-band and their Divine Mission. The veleda shown with the drinking-horn would have foretold that victory and magically aided its success through the blot. 

The Taefl-Board Game would have served the purpose of foretelling the coming conflict between the Forces of Light (Gods through Man) and the Forces of Darkness (Jotun through the Anti-Man). This would be a Ritual Game played out on the 'grid' (Earth) just as the coming conflict was to be here in England. This was to become a reality with the razzia of Hengest and Horsa, then the movement of further Germanic Tribes into Britain, until finally the English Folk-Nation was created by King AEthelstan ('Noble Stone') wielding the Spear of Destiny which was the Spear of Woden

Wednesday 10 December 2014

The Fire-Snake

There are 33 runes in the Ar-Kan Rune-Lag system and 33 sections of the Spinal Column, and it seems logical to equate the 33 runes with these 33 sections. All of this, of course, is hypothetical and experimental, and cannot be verified until we meditate upon this to confirm what is being said. The Spinal Column we call Mount Me-Ru which is to us means 'Mount of Measurement of the Galdor' (Me = 'to measure', and Ru = 'to roar' or 'to whisper'). This is an S-shaped column made up as follows -

7 cervical vertebrae (neck)

12 thoracic vertebrae (back)

5 lumbar vertebrae (lower back)

This section makes 24 runes which fit with the Common Germanic Futhark.

The Sacrum - made up of 5 fused bones.

The Coccyx - made up of 4 fused bones.

This section fits perfectly with the 5 extra runes of the English Rune-Row and the last 4 Gral-Runes which finish with Gar. 

The esotericist, Manly P. Hall, mentions that the Sacrum is shaped like the Spades in the pack of playing cards, and equates this with the Ace of Spades. In the most modern packs of cards there are two Jokers added, which is a later addition since originally the Ace of Spades (in much older packs) had The Joker on this card, which is the Beginning and the End - can be used as a One or as an Eleven. Since the sacrum does look something like a 'spade' (which means to draw down) then we could perhaps see the Spinal Column as the Spear of Woden, facing downwards with the head at the Sacrum. It would thus be quite in order to place the runes from top to bottom, starting at the top with Feoh-Ur-Thorn etc. and finishing at the Root Centre with Gar - the Spear of Woden.

The Spinal Column is the Sig-Rune (S) along which moves the Fire-Snake; this lies dormant at the base of the spine, and when awoken moves up the spine until it reaches the top where the Male (Woden) and Female (Freya) are joined in the Sacred Marriage. From thence the Woden Initiate must go beyond this fusion in order that the 'I' is not disintegrated into the One, but individualised and transmuted into the Absolute I - the God-Man. But to do so must first mean a return to the origins which means moving downwards to the source of all things. 

This is a sculpture on a building in New York and represents the Caduceus of Mercury but in a form that is highly symbolic and gives clues to what we mean by the Fire-Snake. The Snake lies at the base of the spine, when awakened moves upwards along the 'energy-channels' around the Spinal Column, and when it reaches the top it becomes an Eagle or Swan, or it sprouts wings and becomes a Winged Coiled Serpent. Awakening this without first moving through the upward spiral of spiritual growth can cause untold problems, and seems to lead to the creation of monstrous beings with power they cannot control. 

In the sculpture we see -

  • A torch-like pillar at the centre, topped by a Pine Cone which obviously represents the Pineal Gland. 
  • This has the wings of a Swan - Sign of the Highest Initiation. This symbolises the purity needed to achieve full and true awakening.
  • Two pillars or torches run beside the central column, representing the energy-channels along which the Kundalini rises.
  • Twin Serpents coil upwards along these columns and the central column (the Spinal Column). 

The same symbolism is contained in The Hooded Man image here drawn by Hamasson, and which is taken from a symbol that I adopted after the Hale-Bopp Comet Initiation back in 1997. This symbolism is also related to the HelgiH Mysteries which were given to me at the time through what I can only call a Sun-Initiation or what is now termed a 'Shamanic Initiation'. It contains two Haegl-Runes (H-H) topped by an Ing-Rune drawn as Twin Wyn-Runes back-to-back (88), the English Ing-Rune symbolic of the Twin Serpents and the Germanic Ing-Rune at the top symbolic of the Pine-Cone.

The Spinal Column is here an Is-Rune, but since it is topped by what we can see in the first figure as a 'pine-cone' but which tops a 'torch' then this can only be the Pine-Torch (Kienspan) which has to be related to the English form of the Ken-Rune - which forms the rune-posture seen in the Heil Salute. As Runebinder has shown (Volkisch Runology) this is an invocation of the Kan-Force - which thus suggests that it is an invocation of the Fire-Snake. The two runes - Ken and Sieg - are actually linked in a subtle way -

  • 'S' is a glyph of a snake, since the snake moves in this shape, and also the sound of some snakes (adder etc.) is a sssss which mimics the shape of the 'S'.
  • Kan is the root of Dra-Kan (dragon) and the rune is of the Fire-Rune and of the Kan-dil Force or Kun-dalini. 
  • The Armanen Hagal-Rune ('Heil') can be found in the English Runes as the Ior-Rune which is a rune of the Serpent. That this is associated with a 'river-fish' should be taken as symbolic and hints at the idea of Fire from Water

The Ing-Rune on The Hooded Man symbol is also a Kaun-Fusion made up of twin Kan-Runes (Ken-Runes); this rune can also be made up of an Ur-Fusion when this one is turned on its side. The Ur-Fusion is symbolic of the sexual act relating to virility and fertility, which are necessary for the survival of any species. 

This is a version of the Ing-Rune, though it is also shown without the upright stave running through the Ing-Diamond. This rune is how the Constellation of Bootes can be seen at certain times of the year - it is the Rune of Ingwe who drives the Waen around the Pole Star or Nail Star. This is also twin Wyn-runes back-to-back, Wyn being the 8th rune of the Futhark. 

The Hagal Rune is the 'snowflake' and in a slight variation can be found in the English Rune-Row as Ior which is seen to mean Iormungand (Ior-mund-gand = Ior-world-wand). This rune is related to the idea of the World-Turner who is Waendal or Mundilfore, and also links to the next rune (Cweorth) which is the Fire-Twirl. 

This version of the Ken-Rune is that of the Kienspan or Pine-Torch which is symbolic of the Fire-Snake and, as it is said in the Old English Rune Poem - 'burns bright where the AEthlingas lie' i.e. in the Round Barrows and Long Barrows scattered across England. We should note that the Glory-Fire burns within  the dwelling of the AEthlinga or Noble-Man, despite some of the translations that suggest otherwise. 

The Ing-Rune has been associated with the Beacon-Fire and Ingwe is associated with Fire; we find the Ken-Rune variant on the Stone of Ing which tells us that the 'Gift of Ing' is Fire. This is verified when we find an old legend associated with Sceaf (a name of Ing) who in one legend has a lighted taper
Sceaf is an archetype similar to that of Hama-Heimdall, a bringer of culture and of fire to mankind at the ending of the Golden Age. Hamasson has pointed out that Agni is Inga reversed. Agni is the God of Fire and the son of Nine Wave Maidens (Muses). Heimdall is associated with Fire and Sound Waves. He is also the Manu of this era, and the 'Son of Man(u)' is Ingwe. 

It is Heimdall who retrieves the Brosingamen Necklace after it is stolen by Loki the Trickster (The Great Liar), and this is the Necklace of Fire owned by Freya - a necklace being symbolic of the female genitalia area, an inverted V or inverted triangle.This, of course, is the area of Kundalini where the Goddess of Fire sleeps. 

In myths from Iran-Persia we find a battle between the Arya and the Turanians, the Turanians trying to steal the Hvarena or 'Glory of Light' which rightfully belongs to the Aryan Nations given to them by Ardvi Sura Anahita who comes from the God of Light - Ahura Mazda. Ardvi Sura Anahita is the Persian equivalent of Freya and the tale is very similar to the stealing of the Brosingamen Necklace (Hvarena - Glory of Light). It is Kau Khusrau, a figure we can equate with the Hamlet/Amlodhi of the North, who regains the stolen Hvarena. He is the Divine Fool or The Hooded Man. Zarathustra-Zoroaster is the Prophet-Leader of the Arya who leads the war against the Turanians, wars that end in the Arya being led westwards and northwards under the guidance of their Race-Soul - Ardvi Sura Anahita or Freya as we know her to be. 

It would seem obvious that we have a dim recollection of the Secret of the Fire-Snake being stolen and the power abused by those who have no right to wield it. Indeed, the legends of Atlantis speak of this abuse of power, and this could be that of the Fire-Snake and the Vril-Force both of which are connected. We have a subtle hint of this in The Thirteenth Warrior where the 'Vendel' awaken the 'Fire-Snake' (symbolically with torches), are led by a Horned Leader, act like low-life animals, and worship a Dark Goddess in a Cave in the Underworld. There may be some mix-up with the Berserkers but the theme holds some interesting ideas.

The Kundalini is a spiralling force, working like a 'screw', which is why it is glyphed by a Coiled Serpent. When awakened it becomes a Winged Coiled Serpent, hence the reason that Woden's Folk uses this as our White Dragon symbol. 

The term Kundalini stems from -

Kund - 'to burn'.

Kunda - 'to coil' 'to turn' 'to spiral'.

Both meanings fit with the Fire-Snake and we should note that the word dragon is made up of dra = 'to turn' to coil' to spiral and gan means 'to generate' and the Germanic form is kan which is the Kan-Rune. 

There is also the meaning -

kundala - 'serpentine' or 'spiralling'

ini - 'small'

There are certain aspects of the Hindu God called Agni that we need to look at now; he is all of the following and more -

  • God of Fire.
  • Messenger of the Gods.
  • Hearth God.
  • The vital Flame of Life or Spark of Life.
  • Cosmic Fire - Cosmic - Spiritual Fire.
  • Solar Fire - Solar - Soul Fire.
  • Friction-Fire - Planetary - Body Fire.  
Some of these points tell us more about the god Ing or Ingwe (Inga) since he is associated with the Beacon Fire and also the Hearth Fire (Inglenook). He is the Fire-in-Water which carries the Flame of Life - the 'sap' in plants and trees. He is thus the Fire-in-the-Blood which carries the Flame of Life within Man. 

Ing is, of course, the Ingvi-Frey of Norse Mythology and the brother of Freya; his symbolism is the Golden Boar whose bristles symbolise the Sun's Rays that bathe the Earth in Light and Warmth (the Sun itself is feminine in Germanic Lore but the rays are masculine when they reach the Earth). The Sun is the Solar Boar and the Boar or Swine (pig) is sacred to the Arya and to the English symbolic of their Divine Ancestor - Ingwe ('Lord Ingwe'). 

All of this symbolism appears on the Sutton Hoo Mask which was found in the burial-ship and mound of the Wulfinga King Raedwald -

  • The Serpent runs over the skull of the mask.
  • The 'Irminsul' making up the nose-piece (ondveg) is either a dragon, eagle or a swan.
  • At the end of the wings are twin boars - the Solar Boar of Ingwe. 
We have here all of the secrets of Kundalini in a mask which some believe was worn within the Cult of Woden -

The Serpent running over the mask, meeting the Eagle at the Third Eye, between the eyebrows.

The Irminsul or ondweg which is the 'Way of the Vital Breath' here being the nose-piece, where the Vital Breath is taken.

The Eagle, Swan or Winged Coiled Serpent which is the Kundalini awakened.

The myth is related in the Myth of Knit Mountain as shown by Brian Bates in 'Wisdom of the Wyrd' and we have added some vital bits in other areas of our work, bits that confirm this idea and also bring further light to the meaning of the myth. The symbolism is found on Yggdrasil with the Serpent (Base), the Eagle (Crown) and the Hawk (Third Eye). 

We should also note that Yggdrasil is called the 'Measuring Tree' which links to the Mount Meru idea that we have shown before. This was also called Su-Me-Ru where Aryan Root * su- means 'to generate', 'to produce' or 'to drive'. 

Aryan Root * su- 'to generate', 'to produce' or 'to drive'.

Aryan Root * me- / *ma 'to measure'.

Aryan Root * ru- 'to sound', 'to roar'.

In the awakening of the Kandil-Force the god Woden and the goddess Freya are the active forces. Woden is the Leader of the Warband (Woden Herian) and Freya is the Veleda who can foretell the outcome of a suggested plan of battle, and herself influence the outcome by her Seidr-Magic. The Veleda serves up a Horn of Mead which gives power on both physical and spiritual level - see the part in Beowulf about Hrothgar and Wealhtheow, and note that the Queen Wealhtheow had the Brosingamen Necklace of Freya. Woden is the Master of Wod and Freya the Mistress of Seidr. This is the mystery of Frey-Freya as both husband-wife and brother-sister - Frey is Ing is Woden. The 'Battle-Swine' is the Boar of Freya and he is the lover of Freya, known as Ottar, thus another name of Frey is Ottar. 

The Horn of Mead served up by the Veleda is linked to the Nectar of the Gods (Amrita-Ambrosia-Soma-Haoma) which is released with the awakened Kundalini and flows downwards through the body. Nectar = Honey = Mead. This is also called The Hidden Man-na which is a spiritual presence or sacred power that is experienced. 

Miguel Serrano talks about the Mystic Wedding - HE/SHE or EL/ELLA - which is the union of Woden and Freya. The key is the Mystic Love from the Heart Centre which radiates around the body - A-Mor - which is also the 'No Death' as Serrano tells us - Immortality. This is experienced in the Crown Centre which is the Seventh Chakra, but there are two above this which goes beyond this stage. 

This stage is made clear in the Chinese Taoist Tradition where the upper Dan Tien (Third Eye) is called The Crystal Palace (which, incidentally, fits with the idea of the Sacred Mountain topped by a crystal). At this centre the Shen (Spirit) is refined into Wu Wei (Emptiness), which is the Void/Black Hole/Black Sun where the Initiate has to 'cross the abyss' (void) in order to reach the next stage, past the Union of Male-Female. From this union arises the Diamond Body which represents the stage in which Immortality is reached - the Sonnenmensch. 

Thursday 23 October 2014

The Ancient Runes of England.

Although I have not read this work - Stonehenge Sacred Symbols by Neil L. Thomas - this post uses the reviews shown for the book, so I am only going on these rather than an actual knowledge of this work. It would seem that this professor from Australia toured the ancient sites of Britain to look for the history of his Celtic ancestors, but found a pre-Celtic civilisation that must surely relate back to the time when this was part of the North-West continent of Atalland. Our interest in some of the numbers he found and the measurements - again taken from the reviews.

He regards Avebury Stone Circle as once having 99 stones, broken into the formula 33 x 3; he then goes on to see the Long Man of Wilmington as being 33 faethms (fathoms) in length. The measurements of the Long Man, in another review, are -

33 Megalithic Rods (a MR being 2.073 metres).

The height of the Long Man multiplied by 33 = a Megalithic Mile.

This is why I have chosen to put this post on the Ar-Kan Rune-Lag blog since the number 33 is that of our own Rune-Row. Since it has always been my contention that the 33 runes were used here in England in ancient times, and we have used the term Runes of Attaland, this fits with this idea again. It was Marby who also saw the 33-runes as being the Runes of Atlantis and that this referred to the continent in the North Sea. 

I have equated the Hindu Mount Meru with the idea of the human Spinal Column which has 33 segments including the 5-4 fused segments of the Sacrum-Coccyx. The 24 runes seem to link to the 24 segments, and the extra 9 with the fused sections at the base of the spine. This would suggest that the runes are read from top to bottom which fits in with Miguel Serrano's idea that the usual base-to-head sequence is reversed in our system.

Me-Ru - MR - I have noted in another post how this relates to a measuring rod and we can thus surmise that the spinal column (Irminsul-Yggdrasil) is also a measuring rod, based upon the Number 33. It is also interesting to note that the author, Neil L. Thomas, sees the Long Man as the 'Dod-Man' with his twin measuring-rods. He is not the first to equate the figure with the Dod-Man which was done by Alfred Watkins who coined the termed 'Ley-Lines'.That the original figure of the Long Man held two spears does not negate this argument, for the Spear of Woden equates with the Sacred Centre and the Cosmic Axis and thus back to the Spinal Column in man. 

We also have the rather odd fact that the Old English Rune-Row contains the Four Hallows or Gral-Runes, again which must have come from very ancient times. What many scholars seem to be missing is that putting a lot of these 'odd facts' together brings the conclusion that the English go back into the Megalithic era - and it is now known that parts of Stonehenge were built by the people from Jutland.

In regard to the era of which we speak here - the so-called 'Megalithic Era' - this seems to relate back to a time when 'Giants' (I am not talking of 'Jotun' here) walked the Earth. We seem to have an account of these in the Old Testament and also in the Book of Enoch where the Watchers or Angels lusted after the 'daughters of men' and took them as wives. From this appeared what are called 'Giants' but which are originally Nephilim in Hebrew, and which were also referred to as the Sons of Anak. These were men of a particularly tall stature who were said to have built the massive stone structures all over the world. These may equate to the Shemsu Heru or 'Followers of Horus' who were seen as a kind of Master Race that ruled the Egyptians. This Master Race would appear to be the Sons of Anak who ruled over many different cultures and peoples - which goes some way to explaining the links between ancient cultures world-wide, and also some way to explaining why modern scholars tend to be wrong in their assertions of who built these advanced structures - they would have stemmed from the same Ruling Elite.

One of the last remaining 'Giants' may have been the aptly-named King Og  who was an Ammonite and King of Bashan. At a battle in the kingdom of Bashan, Edrei, King Og and his Ammonites were slaughtered man, woman and child in an act of total genocide by the famous Israelite - Moses (see Numbers 21:33-35). According to Arab tradition these people - the Ammorites - were said to be connected with a megalithic culture found in Palestine, Lebanon, and Jordan.

In a fragment called The Book of Giants which itself was part of the Book of Enoch found amongst the Dead Sea Scrolls we are told that these 'Giants' fell from grace through their scientific experiments on animals and humans which produced mutants and monsters, and they caused 'great corruption' on the Earth. It appears that a 'Giant' named Gilgamesh tried to stand against the heavenly powers (Gods) but realise the futility of his actions, and for these actions the Gods brought the Great Flood upon the Earth and destroyed these 'Giants'. This is the sinking of Atlantis, which has the same kind of end, a Great Flood brought on by the misuse of power by a once advanced race - as our people were once far more advanced and have sunk to the pitiful state we see today - together with the corruption of the Earth, animal experiments, and human experiments and a host of other ills that these peoples also imposed upon the Earth.

We could mention here that the highest degree of Freemasonry is that of the 33rd Degree; we must understand that Freemasonry seems to have sprung from an ancient tradition, and like all things has been distorted and used against our Folk. Through Masonry we find that their rituals may contain an ancient tradition about the Resurrection of the Soul which occurs at the rising of Venus - the Morning Star - and which leads to Immortality

I have taken this idea from Uriel's Machine written by Christopher Knight and Robert Lomas, both connected to Freemasonry. This is an interesting quote from the book -

The 'wands' are the measuring rods that the Canaanites and first Jews called asherah; named after the goddess who was the mother of the dawn and the dusk. As with the gigantic prehistoric carving of the chalk man at Wilmington in Sussex, the purpose of these asherah is to determine the angles of the sunrise and sunset indicated by the shadows cast from the vertical staffs.'

This piece is of interest because although I cannot now supply the source, there is a written piece by a Sussex priest who stated that when the Sun rises at certain times of the year (Spring Equinox/Autumn Equinox) the light runs up or down the two staffs of the hill-figure. This fits exactly to what is stated here, so I cannot tell whether these people had access to this work or whether the knowledge was found separately. It is also significant to note that the 'measuring-rods' were called after the Goddess of the Morning Star - Eostra in our own lore, also known as Freya of the Waene (Venus). She is also known as Idunn and her Twelve Apples of Immortality are the Crown of Twelve Stars known as the Corona.

The Long Man is shaped as the Ear-Rune and Cweorth-Rune, and the prefix Ear can be found on Earendel which seems to have been a term used by the English for the Morning Star. We have also noted in past articles that the planet Venus was in the House of the White Dragon, together with the Sun and the Moon, on August 11th 1999 at the time of the Solar Eclipse. Venus is associated with birth and with resurrection and this seems to have formed part of Masonic ritual, and is why the light of this planet is important in the layout of such megalithic structures as Newgrange in Ireland. Earendel is Ear-Waendel which is the figure of the Long Man of Wilmington. Venus is a 'double-star' of male and female, according to Miguel Serrano. The symbol for this double-star is twin sig-runes (SS).

If we read into these ideas we find that an ancient Race of Light maintained their immortality through a cycle of resurrections under the Light of the Morning Star - which is what Miguel Serrano tells us, though maybe in a slightly different way. This is the Enlightened Beings we have seen as Tulka (Tibet), Avatar (Hindu) or Boddhisattva (Buddhism). I have mentioned Newgrange, and this has an association with a figure called AEnghus or Angus, a name which has the same roots as Ingwe or Ingui.Newgrange has always been associated with the Tuatha de Danaan - Tribe of Danu. The name 'Danu' could be equated with Idunn and it seems that Newgrange is associated with the Morning Star. The Tuatha de Danaan were called the Lords of Light.

It is around 9 months from the Spring Equinox to the Winter Sunwend, near to the period of human gestation. It is quite possible, indeed highly likely, that the ancient rituals that have been recorded in many different traditions, hint of a spring ritual, under the influence of the Goddess of the Morning Star, was used to resurrect the soul of the King-Ruler of a tribe into a new King-Ruler, born at the Winter Sunwend. The figure of 'Jesus' and that of 'John the Baptist' may also contain hints of the same theme -

1. The Krist is conceived on the Spring Equinox, and born at the Winter Sunstead.

2. He dies on the Spring Equinox, and is 'resurrected' at the first full moon after - Easter. Thus, he dies on the same day as he was conceived.

3. John the Baptist is conceived at the Autumn Equinox, and born at the Summer Sunstead.

It seems that a traditional unit of length known as the gaz was used as late as the Nineteenth Century in north-west India, and the British Government standardised it as 33 inches. It was also found that the Indus inches of the Indus civilisation at Mohenjo-daro totalled exactly 33 inches. The Indian gaz was very near to the measurement of the Megalithic Yard.

Of course, none of this actually proves that the 33-rune row was used here in England in very ancient times. But it goes some way to show that the extra Gral-Runes may not have been 'borrowings' as some suggest, but may already have been part of this system used by the Frisians and Saxons. The Ear-Rune/Cweorth-Rune may represent the idea of 'measurement' as the shape of the 'Dod-Man'. 

What has distorted our idea of ancient history is the false claim that the Celtic Druids built these great monuments, whereas the truth is more in line with their being built by a people called the Hyperboreans from whom descended the Germanic Folk and Germano-Celts. These were either the 'Giants' or their descendants. It would seem that this ancient Solar Race were a highly advanced people with a highly advanced civilisation, but some of them abused their power and corrupted the Earth and threatened its destruction - for which the Gods destroyed most of them in a Great Flood. The remnants were scattered and tried to rebuild their ancient civilisation but many of them, like the Ammonites, were destroyed or scattered again. The 33 rune-row may have been a vestige of the pre-flood civilisation, or was created in order to save the ancient wisdom after this flood. 

Monday 13 October 2014

The Ing-Rune

The Ing-Rune

'Ing was first among the East Danes
Seen by men until he later eastwards
Went across the waves, the waen sped behind
Thus the Heardingas named the hero.'

Old English Rune-Poem (Translation by Steve Pollington).

This small piece from the Old English Rune-Poem may not seem to say a lot, but there are some very interesting secrets held within it. Let us now look carefully at this piece to unravel, these secrets -

  • Ing was first amongst the East Danes.
  • Ing then went eastwards over the waves.
  • The Waen sped behind.
  • The Heardingas (Haddings) gave the name Ing to this Divine hero.

In order to understand this piece we need to study the Legend of St, Cuthman which fits exactly with this piece in the rune-poem. Cuthman pushes his mother in a wagon, and the direction he takes is eastwards. Symbolically (which explains this whole mystery) Cuthman 'drives' the Waen in which dwells his 'mother'. The phrase 'The Waen sped behind' is actually 'waen after-ran' hints at this, although strictly speaking the Waen is in front and moved by Cuthman.

This I see as a piece of star-lore, and the only constellation to fit the role of Ing is that of Bootes which 'follows' the Waen (Great Bear) eastwards around the Pole Star. Bootes would seem to be the driver of the Waen symbolised by a team of Oxen.

This is a drawing of Ing pushing his mother in the wagon; the shape of the wagon is very much like that of the Great Bear (Woden's Waen). The legend tells us that he pushes his mother from Steyning (Sussex) to Chidham which is eastwards of Steyning. The name 'Steyning' directly translates as 'Stone-Ing' and although the term 'People of the Stone' has been used to translate this I see no reason not to use the direct translation, thus also linking the Stone of Ing with the Divine Hero - Ing or Ingwe.
Ing is the Divine Ancestor of the English Folk and variations of his name can be found right across the British Isles - in Scotland the name Angus is a variant of Ingus, which itself is a variant of the name Ing. The rune-poem tells us that Ing is the Divine Hero, and the meaning of the rune tells us that he is the 'Son' which has significant importance to Wodenists, since this is part of our work on the Last Avatar. England is the Land of the Son as much as Germany is the Fatherland.

The constellation of Bootes is actually shaped like the rune above, which is a variant of the Ing-Rune. This can only be seen on certain nights of the year. Ing is thus the Driver of the Waen and the Great Bear is the Chariot of Ing. In The Secret Doctrine H.P.Blavatsky mentions that the Great Bear is the Mother of Revolutions and we have other sources that mention the Great Bear as the Womb of Time. It is significant that Ing drives this area of the sky.

The translation of this section of the Old English Rune Poem has been very controversial, and various different interpretations have been given to the same text. We have to remember that the Germanic people used various means of hiding their secrets and mysteries, and one of them was word-play, giving two different meanings to one text. This could be the case here.

If the waen is the Great Bear, known as Woden's Waen, it could also just as well be the Sun-Waen, the Sun moving eastwards across the skies during the day, sinking behind the horizon in the west in the evening. Rising before the Sun is Venus - the Morning Star - which also travels eastwards across the skies, 'arising' again just as the light fails in the west. Ing could thus be seen as the Morning and Evening Star. We would seem to have confirmation of this since the 'Christ' of Revelation is said to be the 'offspring of...the Morning Star...'. In the Legend of Cuthman we find hints that Ing and 'Christ' were seen as one and the same. It should be noted that the English Initiates would have been aware that Ingwe and the Krist were one and the same Archetypal Myth.


The runic markings on this stone are Anglo-Saxon Runes, bearing the inscription 'Gyfu-Ken-Ing' with an alternative Ken-Rune with a (later) cross-marking. The reading is the Gift of Ing which is the name of the Spear of Woden (Gungnir) and on here seems to be associated with Fire (Ken-Rune). Since the Ken-Rune is also associated with the Kon(ungr) and with kingship then the Gift of Ing could also be seen as 'Kingship'.

The Ing-Rune at the start of this post is a glyph of the DNA Spiral, hence the meaning 'son of' or 'offspring of' - the genetic inheritance. This is the Rune of the Blood Memory and links directly to the Edel-Rune which is the rune of Blood & Soil, and which also contains a bind-rune Gyfu-Ing thus giving us Gift of Ing again. The idea of genetic inheritance and that of the racial-homeland are bound together.

The Old English version of the Ing-Rune can be drawn in two different ways - as we have done in an 'upright' form' or turned sideways in which it makes a glyph of the sexual act - a clear virility and fertility symbol (Ingwe-Frey is shown with an erect phallus on many carvings). But this also tells us that the Ing-Rune contains an Ur-Fusion (when turned sideways) and a Ken-Fusion (as the one at the start). That we have here a 'fire-glyph' and the Stone of Ing runes tell us that the Gift of Ing is 'fire', then we have a Divine Hero or Hero-God associated with Fire. Hamasson once pointed out that Inga spelled backwards is the Hindu god of fire - Agni.

This is said to be the Agni-Fire associated with the Fire-God of the Hindus known as Agni, from whose name we get the terms - igneus, ignition, ignite etc. Compare this photo with the one below -

This was a photo taken by a fellow WF Activist at a Folk-Moot at the Wayland Smithy; the flames that show up on the photo are very hard to explain, and certainly look like the Agni-Fire shown in the other photo. This is a close-up.

This is how the 'fire' showed on the actual photo with the White Dragon in the background, and the WF Blood-Flag shown to the left of the photo.

That Ing can be equated with Fire is seen in the term Ingle-nook which is the area around the hearth of a house-fire. If we equate Ing with Sceaf, since they are both the Divine Ancestor of the English Folk, then we have an account of Sceaf being on a shield bearing a lighted taper which links Sceaf to fire too. This can be no coincidence and I feel that Sceaf-Ing is the bringer of agriculture (Sheaf of Corn) at the end of the Golden Age, and that he is the culture-bearer figure who we can equate with the Aztec Quetzalcoatl who - interestingly - is associated with Venus.
Ingvi-Frey is one of the Waene (Vanir) Gods whose name equates with 'Venus' and so this culture-bearer and divine ancestor is associated with the Morning and Evening Star - he is thus the First and the Last or the Beginning and the End, since he rises at Dawn and sets at Dusk. Miguel Serrano sees Venus as being a male-female star who would be Frey-Freya in Norse Mythology. Venus is the 'sister-planet' of the Earth.