Ar-Kan Rune-Lag

Ar-Kan Rune-Lag

Tuesday 6 September 2022

Ancestral Memory


In a previous post on the Inglinga Blog I wrote of a book about water being able to hold 'memory'; in regards to this the experiments shown in the book invariably showed a 'Hagal-Rune' and its many variations and patterns. It suggests that liquid crystals in the blood may thus be responsible for carrying Ancestral Memory. Thus the concept of the Blood Memory. Miguel Serrano talks of the Igneous Blood - 'Fiery-Blood' - which relates to our own ideas on the god Ingwe, and to the concept of 'Fire-in-Water'.

The Edel-Rune is the 'Gift of Ing' which is connected to the DNA, and meaning 'Ancestral Property' which relates not only to inherited land, but also the 'inheritance' passed on as the DNA. We can certainly find the Edel-Rune within the Ing-Rune -

The Hagal-Rune above is made up of a Gifu-Rune and Is-Rune; since this is a 'hailstone' (Ice) or 'snowflake' (frozen rain = ice) the we could see this as relating to the 'liquid crystals' that carry the 'Ancestral Memory'. This is no doubt where the play-on-words created by the Armanen Adepts - Hag-All & Krist-All - originated, since the Armanen Runes are based upon the Hag-All, and thus, reading into this, they knew full well that they were invoking the Ancestral Memory through the use of the Runes. 

Wednesday 3 August 2022



Collins English Dictionary (2005) - 

hallucination - seem to see something that is not really there.

Chambers Etymological Dictionary (1895) -

Hallucination - error, delusion, perception of things that do not exist.

Two different dictionaries dated some 100 years apart, both claiming that a 'hallucination' is something that does not exist, or is not really there. No-one appears to have taken deep thought as to how one can see something that is not there! Many dreams are exactly like real life, and whilst we are in them we believe that we are 'living the dream'. In fact, which exactly is real life our awakened state, or our dream state? 

The Chambers Dictionary does in fact give the game away, since it traces the word back to the Latin - 

  • hallucinatio
  • hallucinar
  • alucinar

The translation of the Latin word is - 'to wander in mind'; this is a far distant meaning to this being an 'error' or 'something that is not really there'. 'To wander in mind' refers simply to a state of 'day-dreaming'. In fact the Skeat Etymological English Dictionary (1894) has this meaning - hallucination - 'wandering of mind'. It goes on to give the same Latin words -

  • hallucinari
  • allucinari
  • alucinari

The meanings given are - to wander in mind, dream, rave, with hallucinatio meaning 'wandering of the mind'. Skeat's dictionary is the closest to being right here, since it translates the term directly from the Latin meaning. A hallucination is simply a 'day-dream', and one as real as any of our dreams; but it is a day-dream which is actually seen as a 'vision'. This is why the meaning has been distorted, since to do so takes a different state of consciousness

There is a single point here that seems to be of great importance, that the Latin spellings can be either ALU or HALU. In Esoteric Work we have seen the importance of the 3-4 Formula, since this occurs in our own 33 Rune-Row, where the Three AEttir are now Four AEttir. 

ALU is linked to our word 'ale' which is an intoxicating drink, a drink which can alter one's state of mind. In the Ar-Kan Three Cauldrons Exercise the Head-Centre is represented by the Ansuz (AESC) Rune and is linked to Odhroerir. The word Od-hroerir stems from Od (Spirit) and hraerir (Excited, Stirred, Intoxicated). This, in our terms is the Wod-Roarer, the 'Exciter of the Wod', and is thus linked to Woden who is the 'Master of Wod'. The Heart-Centre is represented by the Lagu-Rune (Son) and the Hara-Centre by the Ur-Rune (Bodn). These three Sacred Centres are on the three stages of human consciousness - UR = Gut (Intuition), LAGU = Heart (Emotions) and ANSUZ = Head (Intellect). 

Where does the 'H' come into this? Well, we do not have a centre of consciousness that is above the head, i.e. beyond and outside the human brain, heart, gut, and thus the Higher State of Consciousness. In meditation today, whilst doing my daily exercise-bike work-out, it came to me that this may well be symbolised by the HAEGL Rune. 

The Base-Rune is UR, and the HAEGL-Rune is an Ur-Rune with an upturned Ur-Rune above it - Ur and its reflection. This seems to be symbolic of the 'reflection' of anything here in Middle-Earth in the Other-World. This can also be seen if we use the HAGAL-Rune -

Here, rather than the Ur-Rune and its reflection we have the Eohls-Rune and its reflection in the Calc-Rune. That the Fourth Centre would be symbolised by the Haegl-Rune - rune of wholeness, health and oneness - is thus fitting I feel, since it goes beyond the conflict of opposites, merging the two into a wholeness. Thus, rather than the ALU-Formula we have the HALU-Formula. But...I do not feel that this should be used in the ALU-ULA Exercise, since this is the communication between the Base Centre and the Third Eye, and the two-way exchange through the 'Messenger of the Gods' (the Fiery Serpent) between Man and the Gods. At this stage it seems wise to leave this until more research is done on the subject, but HALU does seem - to me anyway - to be a valid extension of the ALU Formula, as may ULAH which naturally follows.

I am inclined to agree with Tom Rowsell (Survive the Jive) in that the 'ALU-GOD' with his symbolism of the Swastika is in fact Woden. Woden's Folk has used the term 'ALU-FATHER' as well as 'ALL-FATHER' and even incorporated the Babylonian name ILU which means 'Light' or 'God'. There is a Semitic term EL for 'God', but even here we have merely a difference of sound/spelling, and we have our own ELF meaning 'Shining' or 'Light', so it cannot be ruled out that this was an Aryan Root-Name. Tolkien has the name of the High God as ILU-VATER, rendered as 'The One', but which can also be 'ILU-FATHER'; since the alternative is ERU, meaning 'The One' then ILU/IRU/ELU/ERU are variations, just as we have IR-MIN or ER-MIN, or even AR-MIN. 

A hurricane, seen from a satellite image, is a swirling spiral, or a swirling swastika in two-dimensional form. As the 'Storm-God' this fits Woden well; we do not know where the term Fylfot came from, but as I have shown before through the Merseburg Charm this is the 'Foal's Foot', and is thus also symbolic of Baeldaeg in the Nether-World. The Fylfot-Swastika is the Black Sun, whose alternative glyph is made up of Four Swastikas -

I have mentioned this because Woden is the 'Exciter of Ecstasy' - of the Woda-Force. Odhroerir is both the vessel (i.e. the Centre) and the force itself (the energy from the Head-Centre). 

Although we use the SWAN as the symbol of the Head-Centre (Third Eye), since this is the Third Eye Centre it may also be fitting to use the UNICORN. The 'Unicorn' ('One-Horn') has a spiral horn at the Third Eye Centre, and has always been associated with the Moon. That this represents as force or energy is certain through the symbolism of the 'Horse'. This is a White Horse with the Third Eye opened - awakened. The White Swan would be the Solar Symbol, whereas the White Unicorn would be the Lunar Symbol. This, of course, suggests another type of meditation-visualisation in which the Left & Right Brains are brought into play together. Left-Brain - SWAN & Right-Brain - UNICORN. 

The Spiral Symbol used of this Third-Eye Chakra would suggest that the use of the SWASTIKA for the Chakras - as is done by Miguel Serrano - is correct. The SWASTIKA is a SPIRAL in a two-dimensional form. This would be an S-Swastika or Thulean-Swastika as used by Miguel Serrano in his illustrations of the Armanen Runes. 

The original Irminsul seems to have had Swan's Wings on top of the Irmin-Column; the symbolism is the same as Iggdrasil in Norse Myth. Below the Swan's Wings are the Ram's Horns, which may well be symbolic of the Ammon-Horn which is found near the Pineal Gland in the head. This points towards the North Star - the Nail of the Northern Sky - which represents the High Seat of the High God. The symbolism of the Serpent (Earth-Bound Man) that transforms into the Eagle/Swan/Winged Serpent (Divine Man - The Man-God) is found in the Symbol of Iggdrasil - the 'Sun-Dragon of Ing'. The God of the Arya -

  • Aryaman - India.
  • Airyaman - Persia.
  • Ariomanus - Gauls.
  • Irmin/Ermin - Saxons.
  • Eremon - Ireland.

The symbolism of the Saxon Irminsul is here shown with three parts - Base-Centre-Head. Iggdrasil has the Serpent (Base) and the Eagle (Head) with the Hawk at the Third Eye (Hawk-Eye). The 'column' of both the Irminsul and Iggdrasil is in microcosm the human spine, made up of 33 parts each one of which is represented by one of the 33 Runes. Of interest here is that the 9 extra runes make up the Sacrum (5) and the Coccyx (4), the last 4 being the Four Hallows, again being part of the 3-4 Formula (Graal-Hallows). 

This figure seems to show Woden riding a stylised horse, and the ALU-Formula may be hidden in the runes etched in different parts of the bracteate - from Denmark. The head of Woden shows his left eye, in front of which is another 'eye', which in itself suggests this is in fact Woden. Similar bracteates show the Swastika, and one with ALU-GOD has the Swastika on it too. 

Ilu (Babylon) and Iluvater (Tolkien) are not 'racial gods', they are the High God or Creator-God, which is akin to our All-Father or Wr.Alda (Primal Ancient One). It may be the ALU also refers to the High God or Creator God - the 'Primal Ancient One'. It is interesting to note that the M42 Nebula in Orion the Hunter (Herne the Hunter or Woden Herian) is the 'Eye of Orion' -

The Myth of Orion, as mentioned in the book Hamlet's Mill has many similarities to that of the Myth of Robin Hood ('The Hooded Man'). Somewhere here there is a link to Woden as Herne the Hunter (Bow-God), and Orion was linked to the Egyptian God Osirus (As-Ar). The name 'Orion' may well be seen as Ur-Aion or 'The Primal Aeon'. In Germanic Lore, when the Sword of Orion turns red this means the 'End of the World-Age'. At the foot of Orion is the Dog-Star - Sirius, and 'The Fool' of the Tarot could represent Orion & Sirius. 

I have strayed somewhat from the original theme - as usual - but my mind 'wanders' as the post progresses, so I like to write down what comes into my head, since these things may one day fit together into a pattern that I have not seen as yet. Here in England the Constellation of Orion is set out in the chalk hills of Dorset as the 'Cerne Abbas Giant' - the winter aspect of Woden as the Wild Hunter-God. The notable feature of this hill-figure is the Solar-Phallic Symbolism, which immediately gives (to most) the idea of 'fertility', but in spiritual terms this denotes a 'Creator-God'. 

I'll come back to the theme of H-ALU when more meditation-visualisation has been done on this, since we cannot use it until being a bit more sure that it is a workable formula. This will no doubt not be verifiable in historic terms, but our Ancient Runes did not stagnate and stay as they were in ancient times - they evolve as we evolve. 

Wednesday 16 March 2022

The Swan Symbolism.


This object was found somewhere in Kent, England, and features a figure with horned helmet and twin spears; it is not unique by any means and the same stance can be found on Swedish bracteates and on the Long Man of Wilmington. There are some important things that stand out with this Germanic Warrior -

  • The Solar-Horns which are like Twin-Serpents, often with the beaks of a bird as the head; it does not come out clear on this one, but the composite Serpent-Eagle or Serpent-Raven or whatever bird is used is symbolic of Earth-Heaven.
  • The second thing is the Belt Buckle; no clothing is actually shown here but the Cultic-Warrior wears a Belt Buckle around his waist. 
  • The figure itself is shown within an Inverted Triangle; he stands on a large globe, and the Twin-Spears point to two smaller globes - this may well be some form of star-lore. There are also smaller globes in the section above this, three can be seen here.

The configuration of the Five Globes at the top is something like a 'W'; this may thus be symbolic of Cygnus the Swan, especially since this seems to be the case with the Long Man. The 'Triangle' is the Summer Triangle of which Cygnus forms  part. 

In 2005 a US 'Think-Tank' went public with its own conviction that a binary system producing powerful jets of cosmic rays triggered a rapid acceleration in human evolution during the last Ice Age. Cygnus X-3 is such a binary system; and we find that Peryt Shou giving details of Cygnus the Swan giving off cosmic rays, well before this was discovery was made.

In an Irish Legend - The Dream of AEngus - we find this hero having a dream in which he fell in love with a beautiful maiden. This is almost exactly how we find the Myth of Frea and in this she is a Swan-Maiden. In the Scottish Western Isles the goddess Bride is seen as the wife of Angus. It seems that AEngus was associated with a brugh which is Newgrange, a place he tricked his father, Dagda, into giving him. 

The Swan can walk on land, swim in water, and fly in the air, which in symbolic form would mean the ability to move between different worlds. The Swan is associated with the dead, through the link to the Valkyries or Swan-Maidens. Throughout Northern Europe there are tales of a Swan-Maiden wearing a Swan-Shift and a Swan-Ring (necklace or the like); the River Elbe stems from alb meaning 'White Swan' in this case, but the word mean 'Elf'. It seems that a Gaelic word eala or eal means 'swan'; eala in Old English means 'hail', and is associated with 'holy'. 

Lohengrin was a 'Swan-Knight', as was the House of Bouillon and Godfrey de Bouillon, Duke of Lower Lorraine and the first 'King of Jerusalem'; this Royal House claimed descent from Helyas - a Knight of the Swan. Weland the Smith is also associated with the Swan-Maiden, and the sister of Hengest and Horsa was named 'Swan'. 

We can see how the Cweorth-Rune is associated with the Swan, and in particular Cygnus the Swan. This is sometimes called The Northern Cross, though its form is that of the Cweorth-Rune. The Constellation of Cygnus the Swan marks the 'Dark Rift' at the centre of the Milky Way Galaxy - the Black Hole. 

One of the things here that is very interesting is the connections between the Swan and AEngus (Ireland) and Hengest (AEngys) - and thus Ingus (England). One of the characteristics the folklore attributes to the Swan is the sound of singing, and especially of enchantment - en-chant-ment. A connection to this happened many years ago when I awoke from a dream in which Heorrenda was sining an 'otherworldly' tune; looking out of the window a bright star was shining - Venus I think. 

The Irminsul in its original form, or so I am led to believe, has Swan's Wings for the 'arms'; there is an Eagle at the top of Iggdrasil, so these seem to be interchangeable symbols. The name 'swan' comes from the IE Root *swen- which means 'sound'; if we use the root in its Ur-Form we find S-Wen where the 'S' could relate to the 'hissing' sound, and to the 'swan-neck' - which itself must relate to the 'necklace' of folklore. 

The idea of the Swan-Ship that sails upon the Waters of Chaos or Waters of Dissolution is thus backed up by the idea of an evolutionary-shift at certain key points in the Cycle of the Ages - due to a Cosmic Event. Man is thus never broken from his ties with the Cosmos. The idea of this Cygnus X-3 binary star causing this came from a book by Andrew Collins - 'The Cygnus Mystery'. Collins obviously goes along with the system 'think-tank' in that this was an 'evolutionary jump' which goes along with the idea that mankind is continuously 'evolving' upwards - which is not quite so. We could say that this caused an 'evolutionary change', as with the idea that Man 'evolved' the 'I' or 'Ego'; this is a necessary change, but should be viewed (in my opinion, that is) in the wider context of being necessary to a future evolutionary change to the Sonnenmensch or Superman and the Absolute I of Miguel Serrano. 

Saturday 19 February 2022

Heil & Sieg!



'Hagal is cold corn/and driving sleet/and snake's sickness'. Icelandic Rune Poem

This is the 'snowflake' rune which covers both hail, sleet, frost, and the flakes of snow - the pattern is of Ice. The inference here is of a 'seed' ('corn'), but I have no idea about the 'snake's sickness' - however, the mention of the snake may be important, so we'll not dismiss that. The pattern is also of Miguel Serrano's HE/SHE concept, which we'll look at later. This is also a Life-Rune - Death-Rune bind-rune -

The pattern is one of 'wholeness' (Heil) since we have here the Roots - Trunk - Branches of a Tree. Wholeness, Holy, Harmony, Health and Healing. The role of the Ar-Man as the one who 'fits together' that which is broken asunder by the Shadow-Forces. In both the Welsh, Breton and Greek tongues the word for 'Sun' is haul, hoel and helios; 'haul' is pronounced 'heil' as far as I know. (These may be from the older tongues.) Rather than the 'H' the Germanic Tongues (including the Irish here) use an S - Sun, Sal, Sol, Solar, Sowel, Sowilo, Sig-el, etc. (The Irish form means 'eye'.) So the Hagal-Rune and the Sig-Rune are linked together, and both can mean 'Sun' - this rune-stave is that of the Sun and its rays. 

'Hagal is coldest of corns/Krist shaped/the original home.' Norwegian Rune Poem.

Again, the idea of a 'corn' or 'seed'; and here, as I have covered before, Krist was the shaper of the UR-Home (Urheim). Krist here is associated with Ingwe, and to the 'Holy Spirit' which is a 'Fiery-Spirit'. This gives us nothing new here.

'Haegl is whitest of corns/from heaven's height it whirls/winds blow it/it becomes water after.' Old English Rune-Poem.

This version refers not to 'cold corn' but to 'whitest of corns' and it uses certain terms - whirls, winds blow it, and that it turns into water. To turn ice or frozen rain into water again needs warmth and heat, so here we may have a hidden reference to Fire. That the wind whirls it suggests yet another reference hinting at Fire, which needs the movement of air to light and maintain its form. Maybe or maybe not, just some ideas here. The rune also shows HE/SHE but in the form of UR/RU, the Ur-Rune and its reflection. 

The aim of the Global Elite is to make themselves 'immortal' through the means of the 'Immortality of the Cells'. Once more, this is a sick parody and copy of the true road to the Immortals - the Immortality of the Soul. Miguel Serrano covers this topic in his usual style, and it can be found in the Manual of Khshnoom where the Male-Female Souls unite to create the 'Total Man' (Serrano). The Manual tells us that the aim is of the Perfected Soul - Magovan - who is I-e-Su, a passionless birth. It also tells us that this is the Will of God - AHU using their own words. This, then is the true Path of Evolution as set put by the God-head, as opposed to the false path of immortalising the physical body. There is no doubt that there have been some who have mistaken the process for what it really is - Spiritual Evolution. 

Way back in 1981 there was a film called 'Artemis 81' which I have covered before, since it features a battle between Light and Dark, and of a virus that affects the people of one area. It is a strange film which uses the word 'asexual' crossed out - as if emphasising this. The same night as I watched this I had a strange dream in which was a powerful symbol - A Five-Pointed Star (Blue-Black if I recall) and a Sig-Rune in Red. I was told that the Sig-Rune symbolised 'Magical Socialism' and the Five-Pointed Star 'Man Asexual'. I have never used the symbol, but it does seem to be relevant now after learning these things. The Five-Pointed Star is the Star of Venus, which tracks its movement through a cycle; it is also a symbol of Man. Five, according to Miguel Serrano, is a number of Hyperborea.

There are certain other words connected to 'Heil' -

Haele - Hero/Chief/Brave Man.

Hael - Omen.

Haeleth - Hero.

Haeland - 'Saviour' (*).

Halig - Holy (Selig, also Old English, means almost the same - blessed, holy).

Helgi - The Hallowed One - is a Wulfinga and 'Scion of Ingwe'; his Archetypal Myth is somewhat different than that of the more famous Sigurd-Siegfried. Sigurd-Siegfried falls from grace when he forgets his Waelcyrge-Love and takes on a mortal wife; even though he cannot really be said to be blamed, since he was drugged into doing so. Nevertheless, had he cemented the Sacred Marriage between himself and Sigdrifa-Brunhilde as HE/SHE in a Spiritual Union, he would have achieved Immortality. But he did not and his slaying by Hagon with a spear may well have been the judgement on this from the Gods. He also took the Rhine-Gold, which was then thrown back into the Rhine where it belongs. Helgi has a Waelcyrge-Wife and they are not separated even in death. Here we see that nothing in the future is set and here we have two different choices within one archetype. Tolkien reinstates Sigurd as the World Saviour in his version of the tale, which is quite interesting. I have used this here because it fits perfectly with the theme - Hagal-Helgi and Sig-El - Sigurd. 

The Sig-El Rune is the Rune of the Sun; it is also the Rune of the Serpent, as seen by the shape alone - the snake slithers in this form, and also it hisses which again can be seen in the S-sound. (There may be something in this, since some old tongues, including Old English, roll the Rs; maybe the use of a sssss sound for this rune does something in regard to vibration.) This is also the Lightning-Bolt, which we featured in the 'Heil and Luck' on the Inglinga Blog - the Hvarena again. 

The rune-name Sowilo/Sowalo refers more to the 'soul', since this means 'swift-moving' referring to the ability to send the soul out of the body. The names Sol (Sun) and Soul pair up in this respect. Armanen Masters and Adepts used these formulas -

Sal and Sieg!

Alaf Sal Fena! - 'All-Hael (*) and blessings to the Power-Born!'

Heil and Sieg! - 'Hale and Victory!'

(*) Sometimes 'salvation' but 'heil' sounds better to me.

Tuesday 15 February 2022

Ingwe & HelgiH the Third.


Helgi Hjorvarthson is reborn as Helgi Hundingsbane, Helgi Hundingsbane is reborn as Helgi the Haddinga. Each one has a Walkyrie-Wife - Svava, Sigrun and Kara. The last name 'Kara' is an equivalent to the male 'Kari' of Niall's Saga, and maybe even to Kali of the Hindus. Kari and Kali are both related to 'time' in the sense of a 'movement of time' - wind. The 'Lay of Kara' was never found, only mentioned of, but maybe it has as yet not been written. Helgi Hundingsbane is called 'The Scion of Ingwe', and thus in a sense an 'offspring of Ingwe'. He is a Wulginga, close kin to the Wolsungas; indeed he is the Son of Sigmund, half-brother of Sigurd the Dragon-Slayer. 

We find a place in Norfolk, East Anglia, named Walsingham; this is named after the Waelsingas - the Wolsungas. The East Angles were ruled over by the Wuffingas - the Wulfingas. Just above Edinburgh in the Scottish Lowlands is a place named Haddington, clearly derived from the Haddingas; this area was one occupied by the Angles. We have here the Three Royal Lines of the Angles - Wolsunga, Wulfingas & Haddingas. The Old English Rune-Poem mentions the Heardingas (an alternative name) under the Ing-Rune, which has to be significant. In Spellcraft Kathleen Herbert has a chapter named The Everlasting Battle which features Heoden, King of the Wulfingas, and the Heodeningas, named after him. Whether this tribe is the Haddingas/Heardingas is not certain, but the name is linked to Hedhin meaning a 'short hooded cape' - usually something like a Wolf-Skin. 

Helgi Hjorvathsson found a sword at Sigarsholm with a Red Serpent on the blade and a Coiled Snake on the sword-guard. He was told of the sword by the Walkyrie Svava, and he did great deeds using it. Helgi had a brother named Heathin: Kathleen Herbert uses this in here tale about the Everlasting Battle. Heathen meets a 'Witch-Woman' riding a huge Wolf; she is ugly and asks Heathen to lay with her, which he does not. This is an old Aryan Tale in which an ugly woman asks a hero to lay with her, and the one that does turns her into a beautiful maiden. The Witch-Woman is the Fetch (Fylgja) of Helgi. But here it should be noted that the 'Witch-Woman' riding on the Wolf is the symbolism in a dream of one of the men in the Norwegian Army that tried to invade England. This seems to be a 'Personal Fetch' but also a 'Kin-Fetch', and is the Guardian Goddess of the English. 

Twas in olden times, as Eagles screamed

and holy streams flowed from the Heaven-Fells,

when in Bralund Borghild bore to the world

a hero high-hearted, Helgi by name.

At night in hall the Norns did come,

to the lord they allotted his life and fate;

to him awarded under welkin most fame,

under heaven to be among heroes first.

His fate-thread span they to overspread the world

(for Borghild's bairn) in Bralund Castle;

they gathered together the golden threads,

and in moon-hall's middle they made them fast.

In East and West the ends they hid:

the liege lands lay there between;

on the Northern side, Neri's Sister

did hang one end to hold forever.

One evil only the Wulfing threatened,

the maiden eke who the aethling bore:


Croaked a raven hoarsely, on high-tree sitting -

hunger gnawed him - 'I know something'.

In his bernie stands who was born at night,

King Sigmund's son now the sun is risen!

His eyes flash fire, aethlingawise:

he will feast the wolves fain let it be!

....Hail to thee hero! In happiness live,

Yngvi's Scion, hold sway over men....

First Lay of Helgi Hundingsbane.

The time-span for this appearance of the Archetypal Hero - Helgi - appears to be at the start of the Age of Iron; this is why his mother is concerned, because he has been born to kindle war and strife. This is why the hunger gnaws the Raven, and that he will 'feast the wolves'. Helgi was fostered by Hagal, and whilst with him he had to wear the clothes of a bondmaid and turn the mill wheel; this tells us that this is linked to the Precession of the Equinxes and to the change of one world-age to another. Helgi was slain by Dag ('Day') at Fetter Grove. Helgi and Sigrun are said to have been reborn as Helgi Haddinga and Kara, daughter of Halfdan, as told in the 'Lay of Kara'. 

That this is a Primal Archetypal Myth can be seen in the opening line where 'Twas in olden times' is translated from Ar var Alda which means 'Primal Time' or 'First Time' - the Age of the Gods. Thus we can say of this Folk-Hero -

"I was Helgi, Son of Hjorvarth; I am Helgi, the Hound-Slayer; I will be Helgi the Haddinga."

Helgi - The Hallowed One.

The rune-stave here is made from a piece of an oak-barrel given to me when I was in the Scottish Highlands; it comes from the 'Burning of the Clavvie' which is an old Heathen Festival held near the Moray Firth. 

Hale-Bopp Comet - Bab-Komet

Wednesday 9 February 2022

Apples and Glastonbury


The Cweorth-Rune is equivalent to the Celtic-Ogham 'quert', related to the Apple-Tree. Since the rune is related to Valhalla, then it is also related to Avalon - the Island of Apples. We can perhaps surmise that the Golden Apples of Idunn - the Apples of Immortality - are given out to the Einheriar in Valhalla, that they may fight the 'Everlasting Battle'. 

This alternative version shows a similarity between the arm-position and the leg-position of the 'Dancing Warriors' on the Sutton Hoo Helmet below -

Again, we can perhaps surmise that the posture used formed the basis for the shape of the rune, like the Peorth-Rune and the Taefl-Posture. The spears pointing to the heel and ball of the foot has to have some importance, but I have no idea what. 

It was Woden that brought Ritual Cremation to the Folk in the North, and that the ashes be laid in a Burial Mound of the Kings and AEthlingas. This is the Rune of Ritual Cremation, whence the physical is transmuted by fire into the spiritual - the spirit is released that it may travel to Valhalla. 

The Sword of Hengest is named 'Battle-Flame' (Hunlafing Hildeleoman) and is the 'Hun-Bequest', passed from AEtla to Hengest, from the 'Hun' to the 'Engel-Kin'. As  Sweorth this rune can be connected to the Sword of Hengest, since this is a Rune of Fire. Ingwe is a Sword-God, though this is not made clear in what little we have bout our own Divine Ancestor. We do know that Ingvi-Frey gave away his sword for the love of Gerda (Earth); and that he awoke the fire within Her in order to thaw the frozen ice that enchained her in the Ice-Ages. 

As the Fire-Twirl this is the means by which the worlds were 'whisked' into Creation by Waendal (Mundilfore). Waendal is the god that wields the 'Fire-Twirl', and an alternative rune-name gives us more hints of this role - TRIS. TRIS is the name SIRT spelled backwards, and Surt is the Fire-Giant who destroys the Nine Worlds in the Fires of Destruction, that a New Creation may begin. This is the Dance of Shiva, who has this stance which is most likely a Fylfot-Swastika when the symbol is spun around. 

The connection between the 'Island of Apples' (Avalon) and the Golden Apples of Immortality (Idunn) is rather obvious, and that Idunn has to give the Apples of Immortality to the Divine Heroes in Valhalla. Avalon became associated with King Arthur and Glastonbury Tor -

Whatever academia sees in the name 'Glastonbury' it translates literally as 'Glass-Ton-Burg' which relates to the Germanic concept of the 'Glass Mountain'. It is in the top of the 'Glass Mountain' that the Spear of Marduk is stuck fast, and when he rips it out he throws it to Earth for the Third Sargon to grasp and use to defeat the Powers of Evil. It is true to say that glass-working has been found at Glastonbury, but the name itself hardly points to this being the one and only meaning of the name of the place. 'Ton' means 'town', or originally a 'fortified place', and Burg means a 'fortified place', usually on a hill, for it relates to 'berg' meaning 'mountain'. 'Tor' is a Celtic word used for the hill, on top of which is an old decrepit chapel dedicated to St. Michael - a Dragon-Slayer. 

There is a connection to Woden here, through a legend that comes from a Celtic source whence the hill is said to be the home of Gwyn ap Nudd (White, Son of the Mist) who is the Wild Hunter-God in Welsh Lore. The site is in England and not Wales, and how and when this legend appeared I have no idea. The idea that King Arthur was buried there comes from a con-trick by monks of the Glastonbury Abbey who wished to make it a site of 'pilgrimage' - and no doubt make a 'bit on the side' in the process! These legends seem to be added on at a late date, so we have to strip them away to find the truth of the area - like Silbury Hill. 

In one Germanic Legend the Glass Mountain is associated with Siward - Sigurd - and the chapel dedicated to the Dragon-Slayer seems to suggest such a link here. Indeed, St. Michael is a typical 'Dragon-Slayer', though the symbol is used more of the later 'St. George'. There is no legend as far as I know of a 'dragon' here, but that does not mean that there has never been one. The area itself is full of old legends and full of ancient sites.

Many years ago, before I started out in Odinism in fact, I first (like many) came through the 'Celtic' side (which seems to be 'acceptable' to The System), and travelled from Leicester to Glastonbury to meet with a group on May Day. I made the journey and no-one turned up! I had no idea who they were but found them in a magazine, but after that I did not bother. However, to the more positive side; I used the day to look around the place, since I had never been there before. After a couple of pints in a local pub, and a good hot meal, I decided to camp at the foot of the Tor, so I made my way there.

I had only a sleeping-bag and a divvy-bag to crawl into, and slept beneath a large tree at the base of the hill. During the night I was sort of half-asleep and half-awake and felt something grip the back of my neck - hard. No panic, but felt very wary of what was happening! The grip came loose, and I got up to look around, no-one being there; but I had been sleeping on a tree-root - shades of Lord of the Rings. Anyway, I went back to sleep after some time, and awoke again just as it was getting light, to hear the sounds of a kind of monk's chorus. Getting up to see, I walked all around the Tor, and saw nothing. At a later time, whilst talking to Asbeorn when I was in the Scottish Highlands staying with him, and he said he had had similar experiences years before at the same place. Weird! 

Monday 24 January 2022

Wid-Ar - God of Resistance.


The Old English withstandan means 'resistance'; it is the root of 'Wid-Ar', the God of Resistance. The Rune of Wid-Ar is the Wolf-Hook Rune, the 'Rune of Resistance'. The German 'widerstand' means 'resistance (not sure if that has 'dd' or 'd', put me right if I have spelled that wrong). There re also some German words and phrases that give another meaning to the word -

Widder - The Ram/ Aries the Ram.

Wieder - to be back again/ to come back/ to return.

Wieder bekommen - to get back.

Wiederholen - to repeat.

Wiederholung - repetition.

Der Widerspruch - contradiction/to go against.

Wiedersehen - to see again.

Wieder - again/return.

Wieder-erscheint - appears again.

Wiederkehrt - 'returns'. 

Wid-Ar is 'He Who Returns'; he is the Strong One who returns every 26,000 years at the end of a Great Year Cycle. He is not a god we wait to come after Ragnarok, since his role is to avenge Woden, to rip open the Wolf's Jaws and free the Spirit of Woden, thus taking upon himself the Spirit of All-Father. 'The Father and The Son are One.' 

Widhr (Old English) - Resistance/To stand against.

Widdershins - to go against/anti-clockwise motion.

Dumezil saw Vidar as being the god that -

  • Is aligned with vertical space, due to his hands on the lower jaw of the Fenris Wolf, and horizontal space due to his wide steps and strong shoe. Vidar is the offspring of Woden and Grid, and if we see the Giantess Grid as being connected to the 'National Grid' - the 'grid-system' we use on maps - then she represents the Earth-Forces or Dragon-Forces that move around the Earth.
  • The god who stops the Wolf from destroying the Cosmos; he returns every 26,000 years and the 'Twilight of the Gods' as the 'World Haeland' ('World Saviour' if you like). 
  • The 'Twilight of the Gods' occurs at the end of a Cycle of Ages or 'Great Year Cycle' when the star-positions align as they did 26,000 years before, and we have the same Pole Star as at that time - Polaris. 

Slumber watcher 'till the spheres,
Six and Twenty-Thousand years,
Shall revolve e'er I return
To the spot where now I burn.
Stars that soothe and stars that bless
With a sweet forgetfulness.
Only when my round is o'er
Shall the past disturb thy door.

Polaris - H.P Lovecraft.

Monday 10 January 2022

Birth of the Son

We can recognise in the English version of the Ing-Rune the human DNA Spiral; the rune-meaning 'son of' or 'offspring of' confirms this idea. The symbols on the White Stone of Ing (in this case the term 'white' has even greater significance) state - Gift of Ing, which is 'Fire' as shown by the Ken-Rune in the middle of Ing and Gyfu. But the shape of the carvings on the stone itself also seem to suggest a link to the DNA Spiral. (There is also a 'coincidence' in the name of the Inkas, originally Ingas I believe, which means 'descendant' or 'ancestor'.) The DNA or 'Genetic Code' is passed from generation to generation, and is thus the blood-link between the generations. This determines who we are.

Since the rune-stave itself is a double-X this underlines the meaning of 'gift', since this is indeed a 'gift' passed on to our children, and their children....But it is also the link between every individual and the First Man (Ask) created by Woden-Will-Weoh. As the Cycle of the Ages has moved downwards the former 'Pure Blood' or 'Sacred Blood' has been diluted over and over again, and this has accelerated in the past 1500 years or so, and today has gone at a breakneck speed. 

If we use the Vedic God Agni as a parallel to the English God Ingwe, Ingwe, like Agni is 'Born of Fire', and in particular 'Born of Friction-Fire' through the rubbing of two wooden sticks together - 

"Agni, (The Fire) is the Son incarnate of Savitri (Heavenly Father) conceived and born by the Virgin Maya and had the carpenter, Twasti, ('Maker of the Swastika') as his earthly father. In the Cave of the One of Both Sticks, which has the name 'The Mother', lives the Goddess Maya, the embodiment of Creative Powers, who gives birth to the Son under the influence of Vayu (The Spirit), the Breeze of the Wind, without which the Fire cannot be lit." 

Now, we cannot but equate this not only with Agni and thus Ingwe, but also of the Solar Krist, so we can here quote this same paragraph using different names -

"Krist (The Fire) is the Son incarnate of the Heavenly Father, conceived and born by the Virgin Mary and the carpenter, Joseph, as his earthly father. In the Cave of the One of Both Sticks (stable), which has the name 'The Mother' (The Womb), lives the Goddess Mary, the embodiment of Creative Powers, who gives birth to the Son under the influence of the Holy Spirit, without which the Fire cannot be lit." 

Indeed, in one telling section of the New Testament (will look up the exact part), John the Baptist states that he comes to 'Baptise with Water', whereas the Solar Krist comes to 'Baptise with Fire'. This tells us that Ingwe and the Solar Krist are one and the same - Kristianity existed long before the historical 'Jesus Christ'. Some scholars trace the origins of 'Christ' to Egypt, but there is here a hint that not was also an Archetypal Myth found in Aryan India. Not being too clued-up on Egyptian Mythology I can only hazard a guess that the Solar-Krist would be the equivalent to Horus the Son. If so, then this would encompass the Archetypal Myth of Hamlet which is not found in the New Testament version. 

The Vedic Vayu is 'The Wind' at one level, but at a deeper level this is the 'Vital Breath' (Ond) which is the Gift of Woden; Vayu seems to be a Vedic form of Woden. As we can see from the English word 'spirit' (based upon the Greek I believe) this relates to 'respire' and words like this, and thus to 'breath', and thus to 'Vital Breath'. Maybe Sleipnir is the Wind-Horse of Woden - the 'Great Breath' is Atem, AEthm, Atman, Odin, Woden, Wotan. 

"The first spark that came from the cavity (cave) of the sacrum of Maya (Womb of the Mother), by turning the Fire-Twirl Pramantha (Swastika) represents the birth of Agni. This spark is called 'The Child'."

The Fire-Twirl is here represented by the symbol of the Cweorth-Rune; since the VW Symbol when spun at a certain speed creates a Widdershins Thulean Swastika it is thus possible that when spun at a certain speed the Cweorth-Rune makes the same symbol - as would the figure of Rudra-Shiva -

Now, is it not also a massive 'coincidence' that this would also apply to the Long Man of Wilmington in East Sussex, England? This is the site where, on August 10th 1999, we buried eight bottles labelled 'Millennium Ale' containing a written ritual, on the labels of which was Old Father Time and a blond-haired, blue-eyed child. (*) The following day at 11.00am as the Sun darkened this ritual was performed at the Long Man. The Black Sun (Solar Eclipse) is said to 'resurrect' the 'King of the Angles' - i.e. Ingwe. Thus, through the Fire-Twirl Ingwe was 'resurrected' (reborn), ushering in the Age of Ing. 

(*) Yes, aware of the ritual said to have been performed by Guido von List this was done as a symbolic link to the German Awakening. The 'Sword of Hengest' passed from the 'Hun' to the Engel-Kin. 

When we consider the above we should note that the Vedic Vayu would more precisely be equated with Weoh (Ve), obviously an aspect of Woden. This is the Holy Spirit of the New Testament, the 'Breeze of the Wind', needed to ignite the Holy Fire (Agni-Ingwe-Krist). Three things are needed to kindle fire - Fuel, Air and Heat (FAH). The fuel is the wood by which the Nyd-Fire is kindled, the air is here symbolised by Woden-Weoh-Vayu, and the heat kindled is represented by Agni-Ingwe-Krist. 

We are here not speaking of the Birth of the Last Avatar, since this cannot take place until the 'Day-Break' of the Age of the Water-Jug. The period we entered around this time is that of The Hooded Man which is the Age of Ing - the transition period between the Age of Pisces and the Age of Aquarius. When we note that Sargon the First named himself the 'King of the Universe', ruling over Sumer in ancient times, it is clear that the Third Sargon will also take upon himself the same title (as did AEtla the Hun and Genghis Khan, the latter mentioned in the Sajaha Prophecies as the one 'not of our blood'), as the Last Avatar or the Man to Come. He will fulfil the role of The Second Coming as the Solar-Krist or White-Krist riding a White Horse and wielding the Word-Sword. In one sense The Hooded Man - like 'John the Baptist' - prepares the way for the Krist-Avatar; the Archetypal Myth once more takes form in the physical world. 

Rune of Destiny


"Use your destiny, don't fight it." - Guido von List

The Armanen Masters had a truly deep and profound knowledge and understanding of the Ancient Runes, one which anyone studying the runes should not overlook because this is not a 'traditional' runic system. List acquired his knowledge of the 18 runes through a mystical experience when he was temporarily blinded after a cataract operation, thus taking upon himself the Wotan Archetype to rediscover the Ancient Secrets. List, and other Armanen Masters after him, gave to each rune a short and simple catch-phrase. Here I am going to take a brief look at the above since it can be of great help to us today during the world's problems due to the World State Agenda.

"Use your destiny, don't fight it." The Nad-Rune is one of 'need' or 'necessity' and in itself it has the basic meaning of obstacles placed in front of us; in this sense it is a negative rune. But as with all runes it has two sides, and the other side is one of overcoming such obstacles; hence the meaning of 'need' or 'necessity' because it is these obstacles that force us to act in order to overcome them. Without obstacles in life we could not overcome our limitations as humans; this is the meaning of the words of the Aryan Krist - 'To him that overcometh will I give to eat of the Tree of Life'. 

We are witness to the way that most people today face any form of change, obstacle, or disaster; in the face of change and obstacles most people cannot do anything to overcome them, they are in a state of fear and terror that numbs their senses into being unable to act. This is clear from the pandemic 'raging' amongst us, which at this point is a virus (Omicron) which is no more than a mild flu in most cases. The 'proles' are unable to see through the lies and deceit, even when scientists and doctors are beginning to tell the truth of this - they prefer to listen to the lies and deceptions of the media, press and politicians (or perhaps better put those pushing from behind the scenes). 

I think that here we have a good example of the way two separate and different types of individuals react to problems and obstacles. The 'Ultimate Man' (Nietzsche's 'herd-animal') who is part of the collective masses, gives way to such problems by conforming to a clear tyrannical regime that cannot be seen as anything else but evil (we see this most clearly in such figures as the French President, Macron, and the way that in Australia there are 'concentration camps' ('quarantine camps' is used to hide the truth) where even young people have been confined). On the other hand the 'Overman' (or rather the 'Solitaries' who pave the way for the 'Overman') do not see this as a disaster or catastrophe, but as a means of overcoming our human limitations. Thus, it is the latter who use the advice of Guido von List in not fighting or denying their destiny, but using it as a means of overcoming their own limitations. 

The rune-stave is also symbolic of the 'Broken Ego', since it is the Is-Rune with a line breaking it into two parts. This is the Mystery of the Solar-Hero, the best known example being Siegmund who pulled the Sword out of the Sacred Oak, a mystery shown in this rune-stave. When the sword is pulled from the Sacred Oak what is left is the 'Ego' (I) made whole once more. In the famous operas of Richard Wagner, particularly his Ring Cycle we find some of these mysteries, where the sword wielded by Siegfried is named Nothung -'Sword of Need'. However, another rendering of the name Nothung would be the 'Need of Ing' which gives this a whole new level. 

In Norse Mythology the World Tree is the Ash-Tree - Iggdrasil; I have shown before that the Old English AEsc-Rune has a rune-poem that suggests that the Anglo-Saxons also saw this as an Ash-Tree, or at least some of them. I say 'some of them' because the most revered tree of the Anglo-Saxons was the Oak-Tree, which was not just seen as the tree of Thunor the Thunderer. It was the tree associated with Robin Hood, and thus with Woden; this is in fact confirmed when we recognise it as being associated with Herne the Hunter who is an aspect of Woden as the Wild-Hunter God. Like the other Germanic Tribes in Germania, the Anglo-Saxons held the Oak Tree to be the most sacred tree, and it is possible that the Iceni of East Anglia derived their name from the Oak Tree. 

Whether we use the symbolism of the Sword from the Oak-Tree or the Sword from the Stone makes no difference, for they both have the same basic meanings, including that of the 'Broken Ego' which is healed when the Sword is taken from the Tree or Stone. This symbolism also applies to the 'Broken Sword' which was re-forged by Sigurd-Siegfried in order to slay the Dragon. This too is made whole again. It is the Solar-Hero who wields the Broken Sword in order to slay the Dragon of Darkness and Chaos. The other important symbolism in both of these examples is that only the one who is rightfully 'king', who has the Divine Right to rule, can take the Sword from the Oak or Stone. This also applies to the re-forging of the Broken Sword, for only the 'Rightful Solar-King' is able to wield the powers of the Sword. Indeed, as we found in the figure of Aragorn (Lord of the Rings) it is only when he is given the Sword that he takes up the Divine Destiny allotted to him - which he tried to deny before, mainly because he did not see himself fit for such a task. 

In this case it is the Sword itself that represents the destiny of the Solar-Hero; we see this in the Saga of Beowulf where Hengest is given the Sacred Sword of AEtla the Hun - Hunlafing Hildeleoman - which passes the Wyrd of AEtla to Hengest, who thus becomes the 'King of Kings' and 'Lord of 'Lords', taking up his destiny of 'World-Ruler' (werold-raedan). I recall somewhere of a similar example in more modern times when a Sword forged in Solingen was passed to a similar type of 'World-Ruler'. The Spear of Destiny has a similar meaning (strangely enough the Spear is broken into two pieces). 

What we need to understand about the examples I have given here is that these conform to an Archetypal Myth and that this is how we can recognise certain famous figures in history as living that Archetypal Myth and we can better understand who they are and their role in life. Hengest is the Geist of Ing ('Spirit of Ing') and it was his role, at that particular time in history, to lead the English Tribes here to the British Isles to create the English Folk-Nation which would arise in later times. It is also important to note that Hengest was one of the Divine Twins and what we know of him comforts to the archetypal pattern of such figures as Romulus, AEtla and Genghis Khan, all of whom slew their brother or half-brother, though this does not appear in the Myth of Hengest. 

In this respect the events around August 11th 1999 take on an even greater significance; this was the conception of the Age of Ing. When the Black Sun 'resurrected' the 'King of the Angles' (Ingwe) this tells us that in our time the Spirit of Ingwe has been reborn to once more lead the English Folk in their True Destiny. In the Robin of Sherwood TV series of the 1980s we find that it is the Sword Albion (Seventh Sword of Wayland) which is the key to the Destiny of The Hooded Man (Robin Hood), and is passed from Ailric of Loxley (we have to assume this) to Robin of Loxley, and then to Robert of Huntingdon. This is also true of the Bow and Arrow used by The Hooded Man; we have also the symbolism of Herne's Arrow woven into the tale. (The Bow and Arrow is clearly a much earlier symbolism connected to Woden-Herne as the 'One-Eyed Hunter-God'. This is not clear in regard to the Norse Odin, though this may be seen in the figure of 'Arrow-Od' who seems to be a kind of 'Wild Man of the Woods'.) 

So, the massive problems that we face today should not be seen as something to despair about, nor seen in the negative light that the Forces of Darkness try to create. What is happening should be seen as an obstacle that we need to overcome, a problem that has to be solved. In this regard the Nyd-Rune is also about the problem, but it also tells us that the solution to that problem lies within the same rune. Basically, the solution that stands out clearly is that these obstacles must be seen as the means to overcome our human limitations, to fulfil our Divine Destiny, and as a means to fulfil the evolutionary-drive towards the Sixth Root Race - the Sun-Man (Sonnenmensch).