Ar-Kan Rune-Lag

Ar-Kan Rune-Lag

Saturday 29 February 2020

The Sign of Ingwe - 3

The imagery shown in the Sign of Ingwe - 2 shows that the connection between King Arthur and the Constellation of Bootes is clear, and that this is the 'Guardian of the Bear' or 'The Bear Watcher'. But if we look at the image of 'Cuthman' shown below we can see that he (Ingwe) is the 'driver' of the 'Waen' (Great Bear), which is his Mother -

Cuthman (Ingwe) is shown pushing his mother in the 'barrow' (Waen), which is shaped somewhat like the Seven Stars of the Great Bear. It is important to note here that whilst the Christian-Celtic 'King Arthur' is based upon the 12 + 1 = 13 Solar Mythos, English Lore takes us back to the origins of this Archetypal Myth in the Polar Mythos, where the Sacred Number Seven has its basis. 

If you notice carefully, the wheel of the 'Waen' has six spokes showing, but from the layout has another spoke behind the connecting-shaft, making the Sacred Number Seven. The shape of the Great Bear/Plough/Big Dipper is found in the shape of the barrow and the two curved handles.

It is my belief that this Archetypal Myth goes back to the Hyperboreans who dwelt here in these islands - the Shining Ones. These lived upon an island 'beyond the Celts', which suggests the Island of Albion. The Hyperboreans were the Sons of Bor, the Father of Woden. The legend of the Once and Future King is thus a Hyperborean Myth. The later Christian 'Arthur', probably taken from a Romano-British leader known as 'Arthur', clouds the issue and helps the 'divide and conquer' agenda used here in these islands. As a Christian King, Arthur's war against the Saxons was a Christian war against the Northern Gods, just as the later Vikings came pouring out of the Northlands in a Holy War against the growing power of Judaeo-Christianity.

The Great Bear is the Chariot of Ingwe which is driven by Ingwe (Bootes); Ingwe is the force behind this movement around the Pole Star. Whereas the Precession of the Equinoxes is the backwards movement of the Sun through the Twelve Signs of the Zodiac, the Polar Mythos is based around the same 26,000 years (Great Year Cycle) broken into the Seven Stations of the Pole Star, where seven different Pole-Stars appear over this period of time. The Pole Star of this era is Polaris. We have shown that Ingwe is Arthur, and also Scef, the Divine Ancestor of the English. In a sense he is also connected to Hama, and also to Woden. And we should not leave out Thunor-Thor too, since he too has links to this Polar Mythos. Indeed, the Saxon-English god named Pol may also be linked to the Polar Mythos. This seems complicated but we need to bear in mind that many of the forms of the gods interlink and overlap. 

How far this Polar Mythos goes back here in these islands seems to be linked to Ingwe as the Lord of the Elves, and to the most ancient name of England - Albion. Tolkien recognised in his works the importance of the link between the English and the Elven-Folk or Shining Ones. Here, once more, I would like to make the clear distinction between the national boundary of what is known as England, and the ancient Inga-Folk or Inglingas who dwelt here in these islands, and prior to their breaking up, on the continent of At-al-land. It is also a mistake to project the modern world upon these ancient times, since Tolkien clearly states that Ireland was part of what is now 'Britain' and broke off at a later time. We are not talking about the English Folk dwelling on a particular part of these islands, but being part of the Teutonic Folk that dwelt in all parts of these islands in ancient times. 

What I have done here is to flip this photo over so that the words 'Gift of Ing - Fire' are read from the top to the bottom. This way the 'Christian Cross' can be clearly seen, though bear in mind that this does look like a later edition carved onto the original runic staves. However, there is one thing that clearly does not make any sense here, and that is why this was done at all. It certainly does not 'Christianise' a Heathen Stone, nor does it in any way hide the fact that these are rune-staves. In fact, it does not even go any way towards distorting the meaning of these runes - 'Gift of Ing - Fire'. This is not the physical inanimate fire ('feur') but the living, animate force we call the Inga-Force. This is the Serpent-Force or Fire-Serpent; Ingwe, as shown before, means both Serpent and Fire, as well as connecting to the groin area. This is the Fire of Sacral Kingship. 

As seen in the Daily Mail clipping of August 11th 1999 the Germanic Ing-Rune and the Cross of Fro-Ing are both symbols of Ingwe, so the above 'cross' even when super-imposed is also symbolic of Ingwe. The 'King of the Angles' can thus be Ingwe, but it can also be 'King Arthur'; this is no doubt why this legend has become so entrenched in the English Consciousness. The connection of 'Arthur' with Aragorn (LOTR) is through his father - Arathorn - whose name Ara-Thorn is just the same as Ar-Thur. Looking at this we have here a runic formula using the Ger-Rune (Ar) and the Thorn-Rune (Thur). 

The Sacral King forms one of the main features of the Graal Mythos; he is wounded in the groin. The groin has the same symbolism as the thigh, and the Great Bear, in ancient times, was sometimes seen as 'The Thigh' since it is indeed shaped as such. We should also note that Rene Guenon, famous for his Perennial Tradition, stated that the 'Great Bear' was once a Boar and not a bear - the words 'bear' and 'boar' both stem from the same root meaning 'wild animal'. The Symbol of Ingwe is the Solar Boar, or in view of this, perhaps, the Polar Boar

I have mentioned the Tuatha de Danaan who were a mythical race who came to Ireland from the North. Now, according to popular belief the name 'Danaan' comes from a goddess called Dana or Danu; but this is a hypothetical name with no historical documentation whatever. This is a typical case of an individual or individuals guessing the roots of the name and this becomes 'truth' or 'reality', when it is just that - a guess. In view of this, the 'Danu' I have mentioned in regard to the 'Dane Hills' in Leicester (Black Annis) may well be another case of this, and the name could well be from the 'Danes', since this is part of the Danelaw. The name Danaan is too close to that of the 'Danes' to be a mere coincidence; Angul (English) and Dan (Danes) were brothers and Ingwaeones. There is a fragment of the Song of Rig that mentions a Dan and Danp but nothing else is known of this pairing. However, like Hengest and Horsa these may be the Divine Twins of the Danes. The Danish Vikings established Dublin so it is just possible, like in so many instances, they returned to an area long after they had been there in ancient times. 

The Danes have their own version of the Once and Future King in the figure of Holger Dansk or 'Ogier the Dane'. Historically, he is the son of Geoffrey, the first Christian King of Denmark who lived in the eighth century CE. Holger Dansk was given an Enchanted Sword by Morgana (Goddess of Fate). He is said to sleep in the dark cellar of Kronborg Castle at Elsinore, Denmark, the setting of Shakespeare's 'Hamlet'. This itself is rather a strange coincidence because Hamlet is based upon the Myth of The Pure Fool ('The Hooded Man'). Holger Dansk is the Once and Future King who will appear as the Last Avatar; this myth is found in both Denmark and France. That this is based upon an Archetypal Myth can be seen in the story connected to Holger Dansk; Charlemagne's son slew Baldwin, the son of Holger, with a chessboard. The chessboard is associated with Morgana (Wyrd). The tale of Holger Dansk is that of Barbarossa who sleeps in the same pose under the mountain in Germany. This is an Aryan Myth or Hyperborean Myth.

The line in the Prophecies of Nostradamus Century 10:32 are thus extremely important - "...from the sky will come the Great King of Terror (Black Sun). He will bring back to life the Great King of the Angles (Ingwe-Arthur)..." The phrase "bring back to life' or 'to resurrect' suggests in itself the Once and Future King who returns not just in the 'hour of need' but at a certain point in the Cycle of the Ages, at the beginning of the Age of Aquarius. 

Ing was first among the East-Danes
Seen by men    until he later eastwards
Went over the waves, waen after ran
Thus the Heardingas named the hero.

I have used the translation by Steve Pollington since he is an expert on Old English; there are variations of this which need not concern us here. This version fits with the Legend of Cuthman who pushes his mother eastwards in a barrow (wagain-waen). It is noticeable that the word translated as 'hero' is here haele, and that the emphasis is upon the word hero as opposed to a 'man'. If this referred to the English Tribes moving to these islands then it would refer to his going westwards. The name 'Ing' was given to him by the Heardingas who are the Haddingas or Heodeningas. 

In Beowulf the King of the Danes is called codor Inguina ('Protector of the Ingwaeones') and frea Inguina ('Lord of the Ingwaeones'); Pliny tells us that the Cimbri, Teutones and Chauci were all of the Ingwaeones. These peoples were the North-West Teutons. In Teutonic Mythology Hadding was persecuted and forced to flee to the East where he came under the protection of Woden and Hama (Heimdall). That we have both Ingwe and Hadding in the same Old English Rune-Poem, and a journey eastwards is thus no coincidence. During his exile in the East Hadding dwelt in Maeringaburg, a name stemming from 'glittering', 'shining', or 'pure'. This name derives from one descended from the Shining Ones. It is interesting to note that the anti-thesis of the Maeringas are the Baningas, related to the word 'bane'; these are the 'destroyers', the 'corruptors', and they follow Loki the Joten. When Hadding goes to the East what he finds is his forefathers

Hadding is bound by Loki, and to free himself he has to use the Leifner's Flames given to him by Woden. This seems to suggest that he freed his chains by his 'Fiery Breath'. It is Loki the Joten who stirs up the War of the Gods, which is paralleled here on Middle Earth by the battle between the North-West Teutons under Svipdag (Waene) and the East-Teutons under Hadding (AEsir). It is the North-West Teutons that lose the first battle, where Hadding is defeated. Hadding later achieves a massive victory and the two sides are reconciled, as are the Waene and AEsir. From then on the Teutonic Peoples trace their descent from both Ingwe and Woden.

Ingwe is the Sacral King, Woden is the High Priest; these two roles were once one and the same - the High-Priest-King. We should note the roles played by these two, and the Sacred Animals that are connected to them. The Golden Boar symbolises the Golden Sun and the Serpent the Earth (Ingwe - Sacral Kingship); the Eight-legged Horse symbolises the means to journey between different worlds (Woden - High Priesthood). 

If we look at this again, the 'crown' is split from the Ing-Rune, creating an Edel-Rune. This is an important point because the Ar-Kan Ing-Rune is made up of two Edel-Runes joined together by the Germanic Ing-Rune at the centre. This is a glyph of the Divine Twins in one aspect. The Ar-Kan Ing-Rune is that of Wid-Ar, the 'Crowned and Conquering Son of the Sun'. In the Third AEtt Ingwe 'loses his crown' because there is 'no new king' as yet - he is to come in the future.

There is 'no new king', for this era is that of The Hooded Man who is the English Folk-Hero rather than the Last Avatar who will be the Great Godhead incarnate upon the Earth to cleanse the world of all that is evil. This symbol - the Edel-Rune - is made up of two Sigel-Runes, one Light and one Dark, thus symbolic of The Hooded Man who bears within himself the Power of Light and the Power of Darkness in balance. This occurs at the liminal point when the Light and Dark Powers are in balance - the Dawn-Time. 

The concept of Ingwe-Woden is inherent in the idea of the Divine Twins or the Twin Kings of Germania. It occurs also in the Arthur (Ingwe) - Merlin (Woden) pairing, and as Aragorn (Ingwe) and Gandalf (Woden) in LOTR. It is also inherent in Hengest (Ingwe) and Horsa (Woden) and other aspects of the Divine Horse-Twins in their role as H-H or the Secret Cypher 88. It also appears in Old English texts as Hama (Ingwe) and Wudga (Woden). This role, at this point of the Cycle of the Ages, is broken into these two parts; it may well be that the figure of Tiw and the Tir-Rune represents a time when this balance was held in one supreme individual - the Divine Priest-King.

Thursday 20 February 2020

The Sign of Ingwe - 2

What I have to say here should be credited to my good friend Hamasson, since he came up with these ideas after reading The Sign of Ingwe - 1 (I've changed the title so that this is linked to the original post). I have added some of my own ideas after his, but the credit is his for spotting this; these things came from a dream he had long ago. This concerns the last paragraph of the original post. I have to say that there is also something very, very strange about this, since the post was an old one and certainly not written on February 16th as the blog suggests. I know that I am not going 'crackers' here because the number of hits on the blog are far above one that has only just been written. It is an old blog that has suddenly appeared in this position; there could be a rational explanation and I could have somehow achieved this by mistake, but it does seem strange, none the less. This is certainly a 'synchronicity' since if it has not appeared there Hamasson would not have seen it, and the rest is history. The Gods work in mysterious ways!

The gist of this is that the figure of Bootes (above) I have equated with Ingwe in a specific role, since he is seen here with his hunting dogs. The figure with two dogs and holding a spear is very much like Woden with his two wolves and Gungnir. Next to the figure of Ingwe is the constellation known as Corona Borealis which is the 'Northern Crown'. Hamasson pointed out that he is not wearing the Crown (in fact it looks like the Crown has 'fallen' from his head). He also pointed out that this constellation has Seven Stars which represent the Seven Kingdoms of the English. The Crown also appears like that below, which was in the dream that Hamasson had -

This represents the Edel-Rune (The Hooded Man) who is 'crowned' - 'The crownless again shall be king' (Tolkien). I am going to suggest here that this fits exactly with the other work I have done myself recently, featured in the new book about the 'Kingdoms of Light'. As I have said before, The Hooded Man Current is that which permeates our Folk at this particular time, at the time of the balance of Light and Darkness - the Dawn-Time. The archetype here is that of The Hooded Man or Helgi Hundingsbane, who is 'crownless'. The crown belongs to the 'New King' (The Third Sargon) who appears at the very start of the Age of Aquarius - at the Break of Day. It is Dag, wielding the Spear of Woden, that slays Helgi Hundingsbane and he is the 'Day-Break'. This is the era that is coming in the future.

The above is the Flag of Gondor, showing the Seven Stars of the Corona Borealis; it has been suggested that the Seven Stars represent the Great Bear, but if this were so I think they would have been in the shape of the Great Bear, and not in the shape of the Corona Borealis, as these are. Notice here, though, the above flag is that of Gondor before the 'Return of the King' - there is no crown. 

Here is the same flag but this time the 'Crown' is added, and this is after the 'Return of the King'. 

And above we have the 'crown' (Corona Borealis) in the shape that Hamasson suggested, the shape of the 'Ken-Rune' which represents 'Kingship'. After the 'Return of the King', when the Dark Lord is defeated and the Dark Powers banished from Middle-Earth, the White Tree (Yggdrasil = 'The White Race') comes into bloom, covered in White Blossom. 

All that is gold does not glitter,
Not all those who wander are lost;
The old that is strong does not wither,
Deep roots are not reached by the frost.

From the ashes a fire shall be woken,
A light from the shadows shall spring;
Renewed shall be blade that was broken:
The crownless again shall be king.

Lord of the Rings - J.R.R. Tolkien.

The Seven Stars represent the Seven Kingdoms of the English, and these are also related to the Seven Swords of Wayland. The Sacred Number 7 is the key to these Ancient Mysteries - this is the Polar Number of the Polar Mythos, taking us way back into the mosts of time. Arctur is the 'Once and Future King', the king that was, and the king that will be; he is not the Celtic-Christian 'Arthur', although the legend lives on in that of Arthur, for this goes back further to the original Polar Mythos. He is the Hyperborea Arctur  who is the 'Rightful King of the English' and it is he who pulls the sword from the Sacred Oak Tree. This is the Legend of Sigurd the Wolsunga, the Grail-Lineage. 

In some traditions the Corona Borealis is seen as a 'String of Jewels', especially in a Japanese Tradition. This could well be the Brisingamen Necklace of the Goddess Freya. There is one point here that I should mention, the necklace and the torc are worn around the neck whereas the crown is worn around the crown of the head. The Crown Centre is the highest centre, and centre of kingship, whereas the necklace-torc is that of Freya-Woden but worn as a means that a god 'fetters' his/her Initiates. We have somewhat the same symbolism as the Edel-Rune of the Noble being transformed into the Ing-Rune of Kingship (K-Ing-ship, the word itself contains the Mysteries of Ingwe; this also works for cyning (Old English) and konungr (Norse).) 

Next to Aragorn one of the main characters is Gandalf the Wizard who is of the Istari (a word related to Eostra/Ostara/Ishtar) and who represents the Priest-Wizard. He is the 'wanderer' who wanders Middle-Earth, a Wise Old Man who is aged yet acts young. Once his work is done he leaves Middle-Earth with the Elves, going to the 'Undying Lands'. Once the force of the torc-necklace has done its work, and the crown is once more placed upon the head of the Rightful King, then it returns to the source from whence it came. Aragorn then becomes the Priest-King-Healer which unites the Priest and the King, and the Heildom is once more created. The Mystery of Ingwe is that of the Sacral King

Going back to the above image of the Edel-Rune and Ing-Rune, both of which contain the 'Gift of Ing', it seems clear that, like Agni, Ingwe is the god who confers kingship on the 'Rightful King'. Now, we know that the Resurrection of Ingwe took place on August 11th 1999 through the Power of the Black Sun, and that he represents the Great King of the Angles as shown in the Prophecies of Nostradamus. The Lord of the Rings films came out in 2001, 2002, and 2003 (not 1999, 2000, and 2001 and I wrongly put in the book) which were the first three years of the New Millennium, thus representing a projection of the things that are to come about in the New Age. The Age of Aquarius is the age in which the Rightful King will return and the White Tree will blossom again. 

The Key of the Mysteries lies in the Fire-Serpent which is related to the Fire-God we know as Ingwe. In the sky-lore around Bootes the crown (Northern Crown) has 'fallen' from the head of Ingwe, but when the star-positions change it will once more adorn the head of the Rightful King. Looking back at Wulf's Prophecy this is very vague because of the two currents - The Hooded Man & The Last Avatar - which are somewhat mixed up in the poem. This is not unusual with prophecy.

August 11th 1999 was the conception of the Age of Ing, that was nearly 21 years ago; whether this refers to the Age of Aquarius (coming) or the Age of Heroes (our times) is not at all clear at the moment. Certainly, Ingwe is associated with kingship and thus the Age of Aquarius, but he is also the Hero-God and thus associated with the Age of Heroes. Maybe this does not matter, or maybe this will be another thing that becomes clearer later. What this does go to show is that when one mystery is solved, another mystery is thrown up to keep us going. Unlike modern science that thinks it knows everything, mankind cannot know everything, and our search for knowledge is eternal. 

Ingwe is the Son of Man (Son of Mannus) as shown clearly in the Book of Revelation where his image is that of Bootes -

'And I looked, and behold a white cloud, and upon the cloud one sat like unto the Son of Man, having on his head a Golden Crown and in his hand a sharp sickle.

Revelation 14:14.

The Rune of The Hooded Man

This is perhaps one of the most complex symbols that we have used, because it contains so many rune-staves in one bind-rune -

  • The Germanic Ing-Rune.
  • The English Ing-Rune.
  • The Edel-Rune & its reflection.
  • The Kan-Fusion Ing-Rune. 
  • Two Wyn-Runes back to back (88).
  • The Ger-Rune. 
  • The Eolhs-Rune & Calc-Rune, joined by the Ing-Rune.
  • Two Hagal-Runes. 
  • The Ior-Rune.
  • The Isa-Rune.
  • Two Thorn-Runes back-to-back.
  • Twoi Feoh-Runes.
  • Two Lagu-Runes.
  • Two Eoh-Runes.
  • Two Gyfu-Runes.
  • Kan-Runes, both Germanic & English.
  • Two AEsc-Runes.
  • Sigel-Runes.

If you look closely at this the lower Germanic Ing-Rune is over the throat/neck, whilst the upper Germanic Ing-Rune is at the crown area; this suggests that this power is raised from the neck (Torc) to the head (Crown). The Germanic Ing-Rune is formed from Kan-Runes. There is no 'face' within the hood, which is how the god Woden can appear at certain times; there is a Black Void or 'Limitless Space'. The colours (of course) and Red-White-Black, the colours of Eternal Germania and the Wyrd Sisters. 

'In the Days of the Lion, spawned of the Evil Brood, The Hooded Man shall come to the forest. There he will meet with Herne the Hunter - Lord of the Trees - to be his Son and do his bidding. The Power of Light and the Power of Darkness shall be strong within him. And the guilty shall tremble!'

The Hooded Man Prophecy - Horam October 31st 1993.

Of course, the Edel-Rune contains the basic meaning 'noble' and in the ancient Bulgarian legend of the Idel (which is Edel) we find that the foremost tribe of the Seven Aryan Tribes were the Alp Buri who are the 'Sons of the (Noble) Wolf. The Edel-Rune is one that tells us 'Hope is kindled' but in doing so goes forward into the era where the archetype of The Hooded Man comes into play. In the Robin of Sherwood series Herne the Hunter is the 'Lord of the Trees' which is certainly quite right, but the name itself tells us that he is the Hunter-God and an aspect of Woden. We can also see in this that there is a link to Bootes and the two hunting-dogs of Canis Venetici. We should also recall that Arctur ('Arthur') was also a figure that led the Wild Hunt. 

These are specifically English Mysteries which are contained in the Ar-Kan Runes; which is why these have been developed within Woden's Folk. As the above goes to show, these mysteries are found only within the Ar-Kan Runes and relate to the rune-shapes being as they were set down by the original Woden Rune-Masters and Adepts within the 'Old English Rune-Poem'. This is why there are specific shapes to these runes and why we have standardised them in this form, though, of course, the variants are also used. 

As I have said before, Tolkien put the Myth of Hamlet into his works, which is the Archetypal Myth connected to The Hooded Man. This he puts into a sequence -

  • The figure or Eriol is the original Ingwe, and his original name was Ottor; he called himself Ottor Waefre ('restless wanderer'). 
  • His father was named Eoh ('horse'), and he was slain by his brother, Beorn (Warrior-Bear).
  • Ottor Waefre settled in Heligoland ('Heilig Land' or 'Holy Land') and wed a woman named Cwen (Queen), and they had two sons, Hengest and Horsa, born 'to avenge Eoh'.
  • After the death of Cwen he left his young children. Hengest and Horsa avenged Eoh and became great chieftains, but Ottor Waefre set out to seek and find Tol Eressea ('The Unknown Island').
  • Ottor Waefre, in Tol Eressea, was 'made young by limpe (Old English lidh) and married Naimi (Eadgifu, niece of Vaire (an Elf), and they had a son, Heorrenda (who became the Scop of the Heardingas). 
  • Eriol adopted the name of Angol or Engle, and the English are his descendants, and they 'have the true tradition of the Fairies, of whom the Iras (Irish) and the Wealas (Welsh) tell garbled things'. 
In Tolkien's Book of Lost Tales II Ottor Waefre becomes Ingwe and later he is linked to a more historical figure of AElfwine ('Friend of the Elves'). It should be noted that both Aragorn and Gandalf are very closely linked to the Elves. It is said that Ingwe and Earendel dwelt in Luthany ('Isle of Friendship' which is Tol Eressea), before it was an isle. In other words Ingwe dwelt in At-al-land before the catastrophe that broke it apart. Tolkien states that Old English is the sole mortal language that the Elves will speak, showing to us the importance of this language. Tolkien speaks of Seven Invasions with the seventh being that of the Ingwaiwar, led here by the 'Ghost of Ing' (Hengest). AElfwine is 'of the Kin of Ing, King of Luthany'. Luthany was also called 'Albion' by Tolkien. Luthany ('Friendship') is AElfham or Eldaros. IN Tolkiens works Tol Eressea and Luthany become mixed-up, but at one time they are associated with England. 

'Many things shall be done and come to pass, and the Gods grow old, and the Elves come nigh to fading, ere ye shall see the rekindling of these trees, or the Magic Sun relit.'

Book of Lost Tales - II.

The Two Trees are the original trees representing the Sun and the Moon, of which the White Tree was a scion. The 'Magic Sun' here is most likely to be a reference to the Black Sun which will be 'rekindled', although Tolkien would most likely have not consciously referred to this. 

I have mentioned the Brisingamen Necklace in regard to the Northern Crown (Corona Borealis) and in Tolkien's works we find the Necklace of the Dwarves' which is called Nauglafring. This necklace comes to hold the Silmaril - the Jewel of the Gods. Whether this has any relevance to the Northern Crown is a question we need to ask, and may come to light in time.

What is important to note is that Ingwe is the Divine Ancestor of the English Folk, who led them out of At-al-land when the cataclysm began to sink it, anything up to 12,000 years ago. He was certainly 'resurrected' as Hengest ('Geist of Ing'), who led the English Tribes back to these islands as the Romans were losing their rule here. It seems now certain that there were Germanic Tribes here before and during the Roman occupation, and that these tribes spoke a form of what is now beginning to be called 'Proto-English'. This seems to be a North-West Germanic Tongue that originated in At-al-land. It also seems that the 33 rune-row may also have originated in At-al-land. This is why, it would seem, that this rune-row has arisen again in our time. 

This loss of the 'Northern Crown' fits exactly with the ideas put forward before on the Third AEttir of the Ar-Kan Rune-Row. Tir (Tiwaz) is the original 'Crowned King', the King of the Golden Age when everything was in harmony, balance and Eternal Peace. This is why this rune has two 'arms' which represent this balance and harmony. At the end of this Golden Age, Tiwaz loses his Right Hand, and thus the balance is broken; his role is then passed to Woden who is here symbolised by the Lagu-Rune which is the Rune of Magic & Sorcery. Tiwaz will regain his role as the Righful King and wear the Northern Crown.

To sum up here - the Crown is fallen from the head of 'The King', and becomes the Brisingamen Necklace (Torc of Woden). With the 'Return of the King' and the defeat of the Dark Lord (Sauron - Shaddai) the 'Once and Future King' is crowned once more - the Northern Crown returns to the head of Ingwe. Ingwe is Arctur, and Arctur is the 'Once and Future King' - of the English. This is why Nostradamus referred to the 'Great King of Angolmois', Anglomois being a place in France called after the Angles - the English - because at one time they dwelt there. 

Notes -

1. The Welsh term 'Arth Fawr' refers to the 'Great Bear' and is said to give rise to the term 'Arthur'. But, as we can see in the 'Crown of Gondor', the Rightful King is associated with Bootes and with the English. This is the 'Once and Future King'. This is perhaps why the English have retained the Legend of King Arthur, especially since we have the very same archetype of Gandalf in the wizard, Merlin. 

2. When we use the works of J.R.R. Tolkien we do so with a great respect and reverence, with the recognition that he would most likely not share our own world-views or weltanshauung. This also goes for Richard Carpenter who wrote the 'Robin of Sherwood' series, although, unlike Tolkien, his work was rather more distorted in parts. There is no doubt these two brought to light some Eternal Truths, even when this may have been done unconsciously.

3. These ideas suggest that the 'King' or 'Sacral King' is Ingwe, whilst the 'Priest' or 'Priest-Wizard' is Woden. These come out as Aragorn and Gandalf, and Arthur and Merlin, an archetype that recurs through time. When the Dark Forces are beaten and the Dark Lord destroyed, the 'Once and Future King' fuses both the King and the Priest-Wizard in his own being. This will happen at the beginning of the Age of Aquarius. 

4. Aragorn is of the Dunedain or the 'Rangers' who are solitaries working sometimes in groups; he is a scion of Elendil and heir to the Throne of Gondor and Arnor. He is of the most ancient Royal House of Numenor (At-al-land). He is equated with Ingwe and to the Elven-Race. Like 'The Hooded Man' the Dunedain dwell in hidden settlements in the ancient forests. The Elves named him 'Estel' - 'Hope'.

Tuesday 18 February 2020

Path of the Serpent

"The awakening of the Kundalini Power is felt as a descending and an ascending current....The descending current is the energy from above coming down to touch the sleeping power in the lowest nerve-centre at the bottom of the spine; the ascending current is the release of the energy going up from the awakened Kundalini."

Sri Aurobindo.

This fits exactly what I have said long ago about the upward-downward movement along the spinal column, as symbolised by the 'squirrel' Ratatosk who scurries up and down the World Tree, and in doing so linking the Eagle to the Serpent. The name Ratatosk tells us more about the workings of Kundalini -

Rata - Rasa = 'Vital Essence', 'Elexir', the 'Dance of Shiva' (the movement of energy around a centre. Rapture, ecstasy, orgasm.

Tosk = 'tusk' or 'tooth', but in this case the Boar's Tusk linking this both to Ingwe and to Freya. 

Moving now to the Myth of Knitbjorg when Woden bores his way into the Sacred Mountain he uses an augur named Rati; the significance lies in the fact that a specific name is given to the tool, thus hinting at some hidden meaning. The word rati is the same as rata. 

Obviously, both rata and rati should have some connection to the Rad-Rune whose alternative name can be Rat-Rune. This rune-stave can be seen as an upright column (Pillar-Tree-Spine) with the Serpent moving up it; the Sigel-Rune is that of the Serpent, as the shape suggests. If we read the quote from Sri Aurobindo carefully there is no suggestion that the Serpent actually moves up the spinal column. What he does say is that the Sleeping Serpent awakens and sends an ascending current of energy upwards along the spinal column. 

What he also says is that in order for the sleeping power (Kundalini) to awaken there must be first a downward movement from the higher chakras. If we now equate this with our own Ar-Kan System then this movement is symbolised by ALU. The ascending current of energy that moves upwards after the awakening of Kundalini is thus ULA. The Three Cauldrons are thus the key to awakening the Sleeping Goddess. The Ur-Rune represents the 'source' or 'primal source' at the Base-Centre, symbolised by the Black Cow. The serpent Nidhog, who lies at the base of the World Tree, has a very significant name - Nid = 'need', 'necessity' or even 'death' and hog which is the pig or Boar of Freya. Freya-Idunn is the Sleeping-Goddess who has to be awakened by the 'Hero'. 

The Sigel-Rune represents the Serpent due to the S-shape movement and the sound - sssss. It also represents the Sun as in the IE Root *sowilo or *saewelo. It is interesting to note how different Indo-European Languages have retained the variants of names for the Sun -

Helios (Greek) - 'sun'.

Haul (Welsh - pronounced 'Heil') - 'sun'.

Heol (Breton) - 'sun'.

Suil (Old Irish) - 'eye' (representing the Sun as a symbol).

Sunne (Old English) - 'sun'. 

Sol (Norse) - 'sun'.

It must be noted that the Greek, Welsh and Breton words differ from the Old Irish form, the latter equating with the Germanic form. The Serpent here is that of the Solar Serpent, that which the Egyptians symbolised by the Uraeus Serpent which was a stylised Egyptian Cobra representing the Serpent-Goddess, Wadjet. 

We have seen how the Base-Centre is named Bodn suggesting the German boden meaning 'earth'. There are certain other root-words connected to this centre too -

  • boedan (OE) - 'to proclaim'.
  • bodian (OE - 'to announce'.
  • boda (OE) - 'messenger'.

Like the name Rati the name of the centre, Bodn, has specific meanings that tell us the nature of this centre. Ratatosk is usually said to take 'messages' from the Serpent to the Eagle, and vice versa. The OE boda fulfils this role. The word 'announce' stems from a Latin word meaning 'messenger', and 'proclaim' means simply 'to call out' or 'to cry out'. All of these suggest some form of communication between the Base-Centre, Mid-Centre and Head-Centre. 

There is some reason to suggest that the movement of the Serpent-Energy upwards along the spinal column is done in a kind of S-shape, just like the movement of a serpent. This was the form that a Woden Initiate had a vision of many years ago, this movement spinning the 'Black Sunwheels' in different directions as it rose. The Alu-Ula Formula tells us the downward-upward movement as shown by Sri Aurobindo. This is the movement sequence we have used in the Ar-Kan Rune-Lag, not consciously I would add. It should be pointed out that the word Alu is the same as Ilu and thus refers to the Supreme Godhead. Ilu-Vater (Ilu-Father) is the name used on Arda (Earth) according to The Silmarillion; He is known as Eru - 'The One'. In some Germanic Tongues the 'r' and 'l' can be interchanged, so these root-words appear to mean the same. 

ALU-ULA Spiritual Exercise - The Three Cauldrons

  • Stand upright with the feet around shoulder-width apart.
  • Hold the closed right fist over the chest area with a crescent-shaped left hand slightly folded above it. Hold this for nine seconds whilst stilling the mind as best you can.
  • Drop the hands by the sides, hold for three seconds.
  • Now draw the hands up to the forehead covering a point between the eyes; the hands are shaped as a Triangle with the 'Third Eye' in the centre. Hold this here for nine seconds, centring the consciousness in this area. Now intone (aloud) the galdor ANSUZ (ahnnn-zzzuz) three times. The 'n' and first 'z' sound should be prolonged. When doing this try to focus the consciousness between the eyes whilst at the same time intoning the galdor from this area, feeling the vibrations as you do so. The galdor is best done at a high-tone here.
  • Now draw the hands down to a point over the Heart Centre; whilst doing so slowly part the thumbs to form two Lagu-Runes with the fingers pointing outwards and away from the chest. As you make this move breathe out. Intone the galdor LAGU (laaaa-guuu) three times. In doing so focus the consciousness on the Heart-Centre and intone the galdor from this area, again feeling the vibrations as you do so. The galdor is best done at a middle-tone here.
  • Draw the hand down to a point just above the navel area in the shape of a Trikona (Downward Triangle). Centre the consciousness in this area, intoning the galdor URUZ (uuur-uuuz) three times, again intoning the galdor from this area and feeling the vibrations as you do so. The galdor is best done in a low-tone here. 
  • Finish by bringing the hands back up to the chest, the closed right fist and half-moon left hand again used to represent the Sun (right) and Moon (left) in balance and harmony. 

One thing that needs pointing out but which should be obvious; there is no intention whatever to awaken the Fire-Serpent (Kundalini), and you should not visualise anything whilst doing so, with the exception of the use of Animal-Totems at each centre (which I have not done here). There are many books and YouTube videos showing how to awaken this force, but done without a master or guru this can be very dangerous. You need only to read The Serpent of Paradise to see what Miguel Serrano has to say about his experiences on this subject. 

In regard to the Energy-Centres mentioned here - Bodn, Son and Odroerir - there is 'method in the madness' as they say. Obviously, the Head-Centre is the most known centre of consciousness, but in reality these three centres are all centres of consciousness. 

The Head-Centre - the centre of intelligence, for we say 'use your head', or 'he's lost his head', 'he's not got his head screwed on', etc.

The Heart-Centre - the seat of our emotions, for we say 'with all my heart', 'he put his heart into it', 'his heart was not in the work', 'a heart to heart discussion' etc. 

The Base-Centre - the seat of our instincts, for we say 'a gut feeling' meaning an 'instinct'. This is also a centre linked to courage because we have another saying - 'he's got guts'. Despite the fact that modern 'experts' ignore these old sayings they have more truth than any of their crazy 'progressive' ideas.  

Thus, when doing such an exercise the aim is to awaken the three Centres of Consciousness through the galdor and concentration. It is first necessary to centre the concentration in the Head-Centre. There is a reason why this is done by concentration in the Head-Centre and moving downwards; in my own opinion it seems logical that before any kind of 'awakening' it is necessary to spiritualise these centre, bringing the Light down into the Darkness. Since, it would seem, the Counter-Initiation uses these same methods it would appear obvious that in doing so any 'awakening' and 'enlightenment' would come to them at a very basic physical level. Our aim is to spiritualise the body, and thus spiritualise the Earth. What this means is to raise the level of vibrations, hence the emphasis upon the different use of sound, from the 'high', to the 'middle', to the 'low'. 

The Galdor - When doing the Ansuz at the Head-Centre you should feel the vibrations especially in the 'nnn' sound and the 'zzz' sound; you should try to use a sound that is the same pitch for both syllables of the word. This seems to work best for me anyway, though others may be different. There is always room for experiment here. Indeed, the best way to go about this is to experiment at each centre until you 'fell' the right vibration. Then all that is needed is practice.

Both Nidhog and Ratatosk are associated with the Boar, which is associated with both Ingwe and Freya. It is thus no coincidence that on the Sutton Hoo Mask we find the wings of the Eagle-Swan-Winged Serpent ending with Boars. Hence, both Ingwe and Freya are linked to the Kundalini Force or Fire-Serpent; it is also true to say that there is a connection to Venus (Solar System) and Sirius (Galactic). The kinks between Ingwe and Agni tell us for sure that there is a link to the Fire-Serpent. 

We should mention here that there are two concepts of 'fire', just as there are two words for 'water'; this applies to many words in the Indo-European Tongues. One is of an animate gender which is used when fire or water is seen as an active, living force; the other is a neuter-gender used when fire or water is a physical substance. 

IE Root *egni- - Fire as an active, living force. IE Root *pur- - Fire as a physical substance.

IE Root *ap- - Water as an active, living force. IE Root *wed- - Water as a physical substance. 

Hence, the Inga-Fire or Agni-Fire is not the physical inanimate substance, it is the active, living, animate Fire. This is why we find Inga-Frey is the 'Master of the Inga-Force' and not the actual force itself. We can also see that the Feoh-Rune is the rune of physical inanimate Fire, whilst the Ing-Rune is that of the active, living, animate Fire. This brings up a rather interesting question; we usually associate Ingvi-Frey with fertility and virility, and very often he is associated with the Earth. The Ingwaeones could thus be perhaps associated with Fire in terms of the active, living force, rather than the Earth. His role as a 'Fertility-God' may thus refer to that of a non-physical living Creative-Force linked to Fire. This is perhaps why the Waene-Gods are associated with Sacral Kingship which is an idea enforced by Agni who is a god related to kingship. This is also found in the Iran-Persian concept of the Hvareno which is the 'Glory of Light' and associated with Fire. 

There is no food for thought here in terms of the Holy Runes, because we clearly have runes for both types of 'Fire' here, and thus there is a likelihood that there are also different runes for all the different elements - Fire, Water, Earth and Air (or Ice perhaps since some use this as the Fifth Element). Certainly, if we link Woden to the Vedic Vayu then they are both linked to the IE Root *aiw-/*ayu meaning 'Vital Force', 'Life-Force', 'Eternity'. They are also linked to the element Air, so this force permeates everything; it does indeed, since air is needed for Fire, it is to be found in Water, it is found in the Earth (soil). This *aiw- or Vital Force is the Life-Force or Universal Force, symbolised by the air because it permeates all things. This is why 'air' is associated with 'spirit', the air we breath being the inanimate physical, whilst spirit is the active, living force behind this. 

'Before the Serpent curled itself round the trunk of the Tree of Paradise it lived in the liquid depths beneath the roots of the tree...In the secret depths from which it emerged it enjoyed a type of elemental power and pleasure, but when it encountered the force of the sun it seemed to recoil and expand at the same time. The result was a conflict of Light and Darkness, for the force of the Serpent is both liquid and frozen...'

The Serpent of Paradise - Miguel Serrano.

The above statement shows how much inner knowledge Miguel Serrano really had. Going back to the IE Root *ap- meaning the active, living force of water we find that two of the most ancient civilisations - Sumer and Akkad - used the term Ap-su in reference to the Primeval Sea below the void space of the Underworld (Kur) and the Earth (Ma) above. Here we can see its use as the active, living force, and not the physical water itself (though many scholars would not recognise this). The Sumerians called this Abzu and the Akkadians Apsu, the latter moving into Babylon where the same spelling was used. We can see here how the Fire-Serpent actually dwells in the watery deep rather than in the Earth itself - this is the region of the Underworld. What we need to recall here is that 'water' in the sense of an active force is a malleable-force that can be shaped and which flows. It is not physical water, but it has the qualities of physical water. 

I think the best way to describe what I am saying here is in terms used in the Martial Arts; there are 'hard' styles which are more 'earthy', and there are 'soft' styles which flow like water. The Base-Centre is certainly linked to Earth, but in the chakra-system this area covers three chakras -

Muladhara Chakra - Earth.

Svadhisthana Chakra - Water (ap).

Manipura Chakra - Fire (Agni).

Note here the use of the word ap for the water-centre; also that many ancient civilisations were said to be 'Semitic', and it is said that Sumer cannot be linked to the Indo-Europeans through language - so they say. However, the Sumerians used this Indo-European Root-Word for their concept of water at this level. Certainly the Akkadians did so because they used the ap- prefix. The Ap-su would thus be the area in the Underworld where the Serpent lies coiled and sleeping. This actually fits exactly with the concept of Nidhog at the base of the World Tree. The term 'Nid' can be found in the Nyd-Rune and it actually refers to the Underworld for, according to Viktor Rydberg, the term 'Nide' suggests the Lower World. I would think myself that this is where we get the term 'nether' meaning 'below' or 'under' as in the Netherlands. This concept is linked to the Inner Earth of Miguel Serrano, and thus to Shambhalla. This is not, as we can see from the concept of 'water' as a living force, a physical world, but is in a different dimension. 

According to Viktor Rydberg the subterranean realm was that of Mimir, and this would be 'raised out of the sea' after Ragnarok and the Great Cataclysm. Nide's Realm would also arise from the sea. In Voluspa stanza 56 we find the term 'idhya groena' which means 'ever-green' or 'very green', and here we may well find the same concept used by the Babylonian Seeress, Sahaja, who used the term Greenland to describe a different world, indeed she mentions that Shaddein (The Lord of Shadows) hovered near to the 'Greenland' summoning demons to his aid. The Land of Mimir is inviolable and cannot be penetrated by these Dark Forces, which is where Baeldaeg and the Asmegir await their time to be 'resurrected' after Ragnarok; also Lif an Lifthrasir dwell in these realms and will repeople the Earth then. This is how the Golden Age will be devoid of all evil, but the Earth has to be cleansed before this can happen - cleansed by Fire and Flood. 

There are two ways we should look at the term 'raised out of the sea' because it may well be used in the physical sense of a continent arising out of the seas after the Great Cataclysm - as we find in the ideas surrounding Atlantis. But it is also used in the sense of the 'Inner Earth' (in a parallel dimension) arising out of the Ap-su, the subterranean world, which is the New Earth, cleansed and purified of all evil. This is why, according to Rydberg, the New Gods find the Sacred Tablets which were 'lost', simply because they were hidden deep within the Realm of Mimir. Mimir, of course, is 'memory', hence the reason why Miguel Serrano constantly refers to the Blood Memory and to the 'nostalgia' we have in yearning for the Lost Homeland. This Lost Homeland will arise once more from the Realm of Mimir - the Blood-Memory.

The Base-Chakra is thus connected to -

The Ur-Earth or Primal Earth.

The Ur-Water or Primal Water.

The Ur-Fire or Primal Fire. 

We can also deduce from this that the Feoh-Rune is not that of the Primal Fire, since it is an inanimate form. The Primal Fire has to be associated with the Ing-Rune, or even perhaps the Ken-Rune/Kan-Rune which is the 'Fire-Serpent'. Or since the Ing-Rune contains two Kan-Runes then this may be the key -

When we look at the above Ing-Rune we can see the Kan-Fusion of two Kan-Runes; the other version, where this is laid upon its side, is the Ur-Fusion. The Kan-Fusion is thus the Fire-Serpent connected to Ingwe. Since the Fire-Serpent dwells beneath the World Tree in the Waters of Ap-su then we can now see how this is linked to Hama-Heimdall, Agni and Ingwe who represent Fire-from-Water. This Primal Fire resides in the Ap-su which is the living, active-force of Water. This is why the Waene-Gods are associated with water, not with 'water' but with the Ap-su

Since there was no letter 'p' in the Germanic Tongues it would be interesting to find out what the Germanic equivalent of Ap-su would be. The modern German apfel means 'apple' which may be linked to these ideas, the apple being the fruit of the Tree of Paradise. Certainly, this fruit is associated with the Tree of Knowledge (Wisdom and Understanding) and the Tree of Life (Immortality). Since there was no letter 'p' in the old Germanic Tongues we can only guess that the Root *ap- was perhaps ab- or even af-. This could well be where the word Afalon (Avalon) stems from, since this is the 'Island of Apples' but it is also the Sacred Island to which the dead go across the waters - the Ap-su. These ideas are pure guesswork, and yet may well be near to the truth, since the Sumerians used Ab-zu and the letter 'f' can replace the Greco-Latin 'ph'; the Indo-European Root for 'fire' is *pur so again this makes sense to replace the 'p' with an 'f'. 

Since we find that Loki the Trickster steals the Brosingamen Necklace from Freya, and it is Hama who retrieves this from the waters, then the Brosingamen Necklace is clearly connected to the Serpent-Fire. The same applies to the Hvareno which was retrieved from a lake by the Persian Kai Khusrau; the Hvareno was the property of the Aryan Nations and the Turanians tried to steal this from them. This was held by the goddess Ardui Sura Anahita for the God of Light - Ahura Mazda. 

The word 'Serpent' can be seen to be a symbol in itself - 'Ser' being the Letter S which is a Number 5, and the term 'pent' meaning the Number 5 - hence the Number 55. The source for this was online but I am afriad I cannot recall where I saw it. It may be important.

The IE Root *ang(w)hi- means 'snake' or 'serpent' and is connected to another Root *eghi- which gives the Greek ekhis ('snake') and ekhidna ('snake' or 'viper'). This is the root of the name Ingwe or Ing. We can see this in the name Angus (AEngus) used in Scotland and Ireland. Ingwe is a name rooted in both Fire and Serpent. 

'When the Ice of the Darkest of Night melts away under the Fire of the Black Sun of the Inner Earth, the poison apple shall fall away, and the Sleeping Goddess shall awaken, throw off her White Wolf Skin and arise renewed by the Golden Apples of the Immortals. When the Moon is under her feet and she is clothed in the Golden Sun, she shall bring forth the Child of Light who will lead the English Folk in their Divine Mission against the Servants of Darkness.'

The Prophecy 88 (Wulf Ingessunu). November 9th 2014. 

Let us look again at this prophecy, because it has further hidden meanings which relate to this post -

  • The Ice melts and turns to Water - Ice is static and frozen still, Water flows and has movement. This is a great change. From inertia comes movement.
  • This happens due to the Fire of the Black Sun, which is in the Inner Earth - Ap-su. This is not in our 'earth' but is hidden in a parallel-world that is symbolised by the Inner Earth.
  • The Sleeping-Goddess (Idunn) has been 'poisoned' by the 'poison-apple' which 'falls away': there is a subtle 'play-on-words' here when rendered into the German Tongue. We have the word 'apple' which is apfel in German, and the word ab-fall which means a 'falling away' - a very clever means to use a double-meaning (this was not deliberate, I may add). 
  • The White Wolf Skin refers to the Ice or the Snow, and the Golden Apples of the Immortals are the Golden Apples of Idunn. When an apple is cut into half across the centre (not the axis) it shows a five-rayed star - one of the symbols of Venus.
  • Venus - the Morning Star - is the Goddess with the 'Moon under her feet and she is clothed in the Golden Sun' as she can be seen on certain days around Dawn. 

The 'Child of Light' is, of course, the Last Avatar, or may even refer to the Hooded Man Current which paves the way by awakening the 'heirs' - I am not sure of this. This refers to the English Folk, but it is in fact hard to see how this figure will arise here when we look around us. I have had doubts on this since these islands are not really big enough to create the base for such a figure to arise to lead an Army of Light against the Dark Forces. If this referred to The Hooded Man Current then there is no problem since this makes sense. What should be remembered here is that the three waves are all connected to the same Archetypal Myth of HelgiH

Anyway, these are just thoughts, but there is also another, hidden, meaning in this prophecy. The Sleeping-Goddess in the Kundalini Serpent which lies asleep in the 'Great Deep' (Ap-Su). The above fits well with the earlier quote fro Miguel Serrano - '...for the force of the Serpent is both liquid and frozen'. The awakening of the Kundalini-Serpent takes place in the Great Deep, through the Power of the Black Sun of the Inner Earth. However, Venus is the star that channels the energies of the Black Sun (Central Sun) to the Earth, hence the links here to Venus. This star is also where the Divine Child comes from and goes back to - it is the Star of Hope.

Note: In regard to the ideas on the nature of Ap-su and 'water it may well be best to make this clearer and more easily understood. In esoteric or occult circles there are Four Elements - Earth, Air, Fire & Water - to which the Northern Tradition sometimes adds Ice. These are not the physical elements but are the active, living forces, but in order to invoke such forces it is necessary, it seems, to use the inanimate, physical equivalents. 

Earth - This is the solid state equivalent to matter; I am not sure what the word for the living, active state is. 

Air - The living, active state is from the IE Root *aiw- / *ayu whose mysteries can be found in the Eoh-Rune/Eh-Rune combination. This force is the Vedic Vayu who is the equivalent of Woden. In the concept of 'air' we also find the concept of 'spirit'.

Fire - The living, active state is from the IE Root *egni- giving rise to Agni and Inga ('gn' and 'ng' are merely variants). These mysteries can be found in the Ing-Rune. The inanimate state if from the IE Root *pur- / *fur giving rise to the English 'fire', and these mysteries are found in the Feoh-Rune. 

Water - The living, active state is IE Root *ap- / *ab- and the inanimate state is from IE Root *wet- giving us 'water' and 'wet' etc.

Ice - Obviously, this is found in the Is-Rune which is supposedly the inanimate form; again, I am not sure what the living, active state is called. The word 'ice' comes from the IE Root *eis- a root which can also mean 'iron' as a 'holy metal'. The Avestan aesma stems from the same root, sometimes translated as 'anger' but this is really a force much like the Germanic wod-. The root itself seems to suggest two very different meanings, so maybe some words do not have two different variants.