Ar-Kan Rune-Lag

Ar-Kan Rune-Lag

Friday 16 February 2018

The Runes UR and YR

The Ur-Rune has the basic meaning of Aurochs which is the 'Ur-Ox' or 'Primal Ox'; this was a massive beast with horns that could reach up to 12ft long. You can imagine the power of such an animal. The Aurochs represents the primal nature of the wilderness, the 'Moor-Stomper' as the Old English Rune Poem calls the beast. This is a very primal power, and a chaotic power such as that found in the 'stampede'. 

The rune itself means 'primal' which means 'first'; this is the Rune of Origins which refers to the source of something. The glyph is said to be that of the horns of an ox or bull; the stave also looks like the body of the ox or bull, which may have been where it derives from.

The above is an alternative, although the ur-glyphic symbol was probably like an upturned 'V' rather than as the stave above. This is the symbol of the Primal Mountain and is a male symbol as opposed to the 'V' shape itself which is female. The Sacred Mountain is Mount Me-Ru or Mount Su-Me-Ru either of which we use within Folkish Wodenism. 

It has been said that the stave represents a 'doorway', probably due to the shape of it, though this does seem to need a bit of imagination to see it for one. The Ox or Ur-Ox is an 'earthly' beast, and like Taurus the Bull it has associations with the Earth. This rune represents the Lower Cauldron of the ALU-ULA Exercise, which is Bodn or 'Earth'. 

The rune is a rune of strength and power; it is a powerful healing-rune in ite own right. Meditating upon the rune will aid in strengthening one's self-discipline and Will-to-Power. The Primal Bull has associations with Rudra-Shiva, which underlines its chaotic, wild nature; it is a rune of the wilderness, of the Primal Wilderness. Use the rune when doing strength-training. In order to feel this power it is necessary to retire into the wilderness at times, to get out into the wild, windy, wet, cold wilderness and to 'feel' its power. 

The alternative meaning of 'drizzle' refers to the misty realm created by the coming together of the Primal Fire and Primal Ice. This is the realm of the Mist Hunter and in Celtic Lore we find the figure of Gwyn ap Nydd - 'Gwyn - Son of the Mist'; Gwyn ('The White One') is the Wild Hunter-God that we know as Woden. Gwyn-Wyn-Gwydion-Wydion-Woden - they are the same archetypal Hunter-God and Magician-Poet.

The stave also represents the 'Path of the Fire-Serpent' in that the long upright stave is the Spinal Column along which the Fire-Serpent rises; the stave going across is the path of the Fire-Serpent over the crown of the head; the shorter stave is the final movement to the Mind's Eye or Third Eye. This can be found on the famous Sutton Hoo Mask where the Serpent moves from the neck, over the head, to the Mind's Eye where it meets with the Eagle-Swan-Winged Serpent. The whole thing represents the transformation of the Serpent (Earth-Mortal) into the Winged Serpent-Eagle (Divine-Immortal). 

The Ur-Rune also features in the English Yr-Rune, as shown below -

This rune is made up of an Ur-Rune within which is an 'Irminsul' which can be more easily seen in a variant where the inner cross-piece goes straight across and not at an angle as here. Here the Ur-Rune seems to be used in its original form and meaning of 'Primal' in that the 'Irminsul' represents the Three Royal Lines of the Angles - Wolsungas, Wulfingas and Heardingas. This is an interpretation used solely within Folkish Wodenism and the Ar-Kan Runes. The Yr-Rune also represents Ymir and the Primal Sound - YM (pronounced as UUUM, as in 'l-UM-inous'). 

The Armanen System and Norse Systems use the above rune for YR; both the Norwegian and Icelandic runes refer to either the Yew-Tree of the Yew-Bow. The Old English Rune-Poem also suggests (to me) a Yew-Bow, and the glyph itself also suggests the same. The use of the bow on horseback is clearly stated in the OE Rune-Poem, or at least suggested if the meaning is that of a Yew-Bow. The YR-Rune shown here is also a glyph of a bow and arrow, when turned onto its side. In the Ar-Kan system the above is the Calc-Rune whilst the top glyph is the Yr-Rune. Times change, technology changes, and the above 'bow and arrow' becomes a 'nuclear warhead' in modern terms of warfare - the symbols remain the same. Just as the 'Ministry for Peace' concerns itself with war in Orwellian terms, so the 'Peace Movement' uses a warlike symbol as its prime symbol.

The Hagal-Rune, shown as the 'snowflake' version below, is made up of the 'Life-Rune' and 'Death-Rune' -

But it is also the case that the Haegl-Rune of the Ar-Kan Runes can be split into two Ur-Runes, one above the other -

The same is true of the Hagal-Rune of the Common Germanic Futhark, which has only one cross-stave. The stave shows - UR-RU. In both cases there is a fusion of opposites into a wholeness. In both cases there is the union of male and female into a wholeness - a Sacred Marriage. There is also a link between the meanings of Ur (Drizzle) and Hagal (Hail); the latter is frozen rain or drizzle.

The difference in sounding UR and YR is quite simple; UR is sounded at the back of the throat, whilst YR is sounded at the front of the mouth. This, I feel, is the way that they could be sounded, but this is just my own idea on the subject. Thus UR is deeper and more 'primal' whilst YR is a shade higher in pitch.

The father of Bor is Buri, and the name 'Buri' is given to a Primal Beast, often the Bear, Boar or the Wolf depending upon cultures. B-Ur-i is a Primal Being, the First of the Gods. His name contains his essence - 'Primal'. He is the 'First of the Gods'. His origins lie in the Primal Ice which also produced the Primal Being Ymir. It was Audhumla, the Cosmic Cow or Cosmic Mother, that licked the Ice and freed Buri; at the same time her milk fed the giant Ymir. Ymir represents the Primal Material from which the worlds were formed by the Gods - Woden, Will and Weoh. 

B = The Creation - Birth.

UR = Primal.

I = Primal Ice - the forming material from which Buri emerged. 

The son of Buri is Bor and the names appear to mean the same; he marries Bestla ('Best Blood' according to Vargs Vikernes); this couple produces Woden, Will and Weoh, the Triple-Godhead. We have the sequence 1 - 2 - 3 which appears as such in various traditions, each giving birth to the next. In fact, we would perhaps be better stating this as 0 - 1 - 2 - 3 since the starting point is really with the Void - Ginnungagap. 

Thursday 15 February 2018

The Lagu Rune

This rune has differing spellings in different areas but the meaning is much the same throughout Germania -

Laguz (PGmc) - water/lake.

Lagu (OE) - ocean.

Logr (O. Ice.) - waterfall.

Logr (Norse) - water.

We can add to this Laukaz which means 'leek' and which is the odd one out here; the leek was a symbol of warrior-hood.

The glyph is that of a wave of the sea, a wave of the lake, flowing water of any kind, and the waterfall as shown in the Icelandic Rune-Poem. So far this is straightforward.

In Wodenic Lore we use the Three Cauldrons as a spiritual exercise; these have been amply covered before so I will not go into the subject fully. What we need to consider is that the Lagu-Rune in this Ar-Kan Rune-Lag system is to be found at the Solar Plexus-Heart Centre - at the Son-Centre. Here it does in fact relate to water, and also to the blood, hence why its colour is red. 

Science knows that the heart generates an electromagnetic field 5000 times more powerful than the human brain; this makes this centre very powerful. The Heart Centre is seen as female, associated with electro-magnetism, mystery, awe, emotions, feelings and the element of Water. In today's society this centre has been almost cut off since the brain-centre is dominant through education and everything associated with modern life. The Heart-Centre is associated with the Soul and with the holistic, intuitive side of consciousness - it is, of course, a Source of Consciousness, no matter what materialistic science maintains. 

As part of the ALU-ULA formula this centre forms the central point of the upwards-downwards movement along the Spinal Column - Mount Su-Me-Ru or Mount Me-Ru. If you chant the ALU-Gealdor over and over in a rhythmic form the sound 'LUWA' can also be heard; this forms part of the same formula but rather than the three letters of spirit, the four letters of matter come into being. 

This brings me to another matter, and one which follows from this idea but is not really the subject of a post on the Lagu-Rune. However, I might as well go into this here for convenience. We have the following runes in the ALU-ULA -

Ur - Earth - Bodn (Boden).

Lagu - Water - Son.

Ansuz - Air - Odroerir.

Now, looking at this we find that the element of Fire is completely missing; this is something that seems to need putting to right. The element Fire should perhaps be found at the Solar Plexus Centre since this relates to the Sun, to Light and thus to Fire. The three colours - Black, Red and White - relate to the colours of the ancient Royal Art (Alchemy). But here again there is another (missing) colour - Yellow. So, we could relate this colour - Yellow - to the Sun-Centre or Solar Plexus Centre. There is reason to believe that the Lagu Centre contains both the elements - Water and Fire. 

As the 'Son' this centre equates with Ingwe/Ingui; as the Son of Njord he is associated with water, but as the Divine Hero he is associated with the flame and with fire. Ingwe can be seen as Agni of the Vedas - Fire from Water. Here we have the links between Fire and Water, both held at this centre. 

When we consider certain key points within our runic-lore we find this recurring pattern of 3-4 - Spirit-Matter. The following are clear examples -

  • There are 3 Aettir in the Common Germanic Futhark; there are 4 Aettir in the Ar-Kan Runes.
  • There are 3 Graal-Runes in the Ar-Kan Runes - Calc/Stan/Gar; there are the 4 Hallows in this system - Cweorth/Calc/Stan/Gar.
  • There are 3 'cauldrons' in this system; there is a hidden 'cauldron' represented by the colour Yellow.

This even comes into biblical lore with the Four Horsemen of the Apocalypse, where we have Black, Red, White and Yellow; the latter, Yellow, is the 'pale horse' associated with 'death'. 

White Horse - a Crowned Bowman.

Red Horse - Swordsman.

Black Horse - Scales or Balances.

Pale Horse - Death. 

Red and Yellow make Gold! This is the 'Alchemical Gold', the end-result of the alchemists journey. 

The Heart-Centre is the centre associated with the emotions, with true (Aryan) compassion, and with love. The symbol of the heart is really the female buttocks and genitalia hidden in one symbolism; in the case of 'love' an arrow passes through this heart. In the Dream of the Rood we find the Krist pierced by arrows reflected in Beowulf where Herebald is pierced through with arrows. Herebald is, of course, Baeldaeg. Let me just look at the name Bael-Daeg, which means - 

Bael - this can mean 'Light' and also 'White',

Daeg - 'Day'.

This we have - The Light-Day or The White-Day, the 'Light-God' or 'White-God' who is also known as Pol or Pal, names associated with the 'pole' and with the Polar Mythus. Also associated with the symbolism of the Heart and Arrow is the god Wali, Son of Woden. The Son of Bael-Daeg is known as Brand a name linked to 'Fire', to the 'Fire-Brand', and to the 'Sword-Blade'. 

In the Chakra System the 'Heart Centre' is named Anahata which is said to mean 'unhurt', 'unstruck' or 'unbeaten', or so it would seem. This name is not very far from the Iranian Goddess known as Anahita or in full Ardvi Sura Anahita. She is the goddess associated with the waters and the source of the Cosmic Ocean. Her association with water is underlined by her chariot being drawn by four horses - wind, rain, cloud, sleet. She is the 'Source of Life' and associated with Venue and the Eight-Rayed Star or 'Veneris' (Serrano). In Armenia she is known as Anahit and she is the Goddess of Sovereignty.

It would seem quite obvious that consciousness does not exist merely in the human brain; indeed, since there are so many cases of 'out-of-body-experiences' and 'near-death-experiences' logged down for us, consciousness exists outside of the human body. It seems to interact with the brain and also with the heart. The ancient peoples knew that consciousness exists to some extent in everything

The term 'heart' in some way connects to the 'earth'; moving the first letter - 'h'  - to the end produces 'earth', here we have a subtle connection (*). Connecting this to Ingwe and the Inga-Fire we have the word 'hearth' which is made up of both 'heart' and earth'. At the side of the 'hearth' is the Inglenook (Ing-le-nook). Ingwe and Fire are connected through this; and the Golden Boar is symbolic of this Solar-God or Solar-Phallic God. 

(*) This I got from a 55 Club work which linked this idea to the 'Beginning and the End', and the 'First and the Last'.

In the Chinese system there are three 'Dan Tiens' - Lower, Middle and Upper; these are the Energy-Centres of the body, or rather, Energy-Centres linked to the human body -

Lower Dan Tien - Jing which is the Source of Energy.

Middle Dan Tien - Qi/Chi which is the heart area, associated with thoughts and emotions.

Upper Dan Tien - Shin which is associated with consciousness and spirit.

Here we can actually see a link with our runes since the Lower Dan Tien is the 'Source of Energy' whilst we use the Ur-Rune for this - Primal or First, i.e. the 'source'. The Middle Dan Tien is the heart-centre and it is here that the 'thoughts' and 'emotions' stir the Chi-Force (Vril) into motion. The Upper Dan Tien is the realm of Spirit, of Od/Wod - the Realm of Odin. 

Wednesday 7 February 2018

The Bind-Rune

Most people will know what is meant by the term 'bind-rune'; for anyone who does not it means a number of runes bound together into a single symbol. The rune-meanings are thus 'bound' together into a 'magical formula'. I am going to use the above drawing (courtesy of Hamasson) to show how a bind-rune works. Although it may seem quite simple this one has a number of runes within it that are not at first obvious. Let us go through the runes and I hope that I have covered all of them as we do so -

Is-Rune: This is the upright stave running through the centre; it means 'ice' which is stasis, stillness, but which also represents the Cosmic Axis which at one level is the spinal column.

Ing-Rune: In this we can find an Anglo-Saxon Ing-Rune and two Germanic Ing-Runes (diamond-shape). These two latter runes are found in a separate rune-stave, but that there are three runes has to empower the Ing-Rune more due to this. This is the Rune of Ingwe - it is the rune associated with the 'Son of Man'. This concept is very important and I'll deal with that later.

Ger-Rune: The Anglo-Saxon Ger-Rune is formed by the upper part of the Is-Rune, being made up of this and a Germanic Ing-Rune. Ger relates to the seasons revolving around the Cosmic Axis. 

Eolhs-Rune : Calc-Rune : Ing-Rune: The Anglo-Saxon Ing-Rune, with the upright stave running through it, can be seen as an Eolhs-Rune (Tree of Life), a Calc-Rune (Death-Rune) and the Germanic Ing-Rune which naturally forms part of the A-S Ing-Rune. Here we have 'Ing hanging between Life and Death'. This itself is a powerful symbol, and when held within that of The Hooded Man this is made even more powerful. 

Wyn Runes (back-to-back): Here we have the Mystic Formula '88' since the Wyn-Rune is the eighth rune of the Futhork. The Wyn-Rune is that of 'Joy' and also symbolic of the 'Tribal Banner' and thus represents the 'Joy in Kinship'. It is the rune of fellowship and kinship. 

Feoh-Runes: Two Feoh-Runes can be found within this bind-rune, each facing outwards from the central Is-Rune. Feoh is a Rune of Fire, a Rune of Light, and a Rune of Initiation. 

Thorn-Runes: the upper part of this symbol shows two Thorn-Runes, one right and the other reversed. These runes are very powerful symbols and in The Hooded Man we find a darker side as well as a light side - he comes both to destroy and to recreate. 

Ken-Runes: Two Germanic Ken-Runes can be found in the A-S Ing-Rune; this is the Ken-Fusion version of this rune, holding within it 'Cosmic Fire' and the 'Fire of the Forge' - the 'Fire of the Will'. 

Edel-Rune: Two Edel-Runes can be found, one upright and the other upside-down. In a sense these symbolise the Divine Twins which have a connection to The Hooded Man. The rune itself, as Hamasson has shown in the past, is that of The Hooded Man. It also relates to the 'Racial Homeland' - At-al-land. One is the sinking of At-al-land, the other the rising of At-al-land. This all relates to Ingwe and to The Hooded Man. The A-S Ing-Rune itself shows 'The Hooded Man' with a 'Crown' - the 'Crowned and Avenging Son of the Sun'. (Hamasson pointed out the 'crown' too). 

Sig-Runes: The Sig-Rune (forwards and backwards) can be found twice in this same bind-rune, being formed within the A-S Ing-Rune. The 'Lightning-Flash' was, to Nietzsche, symbolic of the Superman. 

Nyd-Rune: This is another rune that can be found within this glyph; it can be found twice within the symbol, thus doubling the 'Power of Need'. This is the 'Sword of Need' (Nothung) which is in fact the 'Need of Ing'. 

Tir-Rune: This is another rune found within this symbolism; from this the Lagu-Rune can also be found, but we should not push these points too far perhaps. Tiw is the 'God of Victory'. the 'Tribal God'. 

Eoh-Rune: We can find this rune hidden too; this is the 'Yew Tree', the tree of Eternal Life and Death. The opposites of Life and Death, Good and Evil, Light and Darkness can be found symbolised here. 

That is far as I can go here though I may have missed something, of course; this is enough to show how many runes can be found in this type of bind-rune. There is a lesson here since if such a bind-rune were made up for a certain purpose the rune-magician must be sure to recognise any 'hidden' runes he puts in which are not necessarily part of the bind-rune. 

This symbol was originally a kind of 'logo' or 'signature' which I used myself; it originated in a symbol put down after the mystical experience I had back in 1997, and it was connected to the Hale-Bopp Comet Mysteries. It developed and has been altered slightly but the basic meaning relates to The Hooded Man.