The Rune-Web was drawn by Hamasson of Woden's Folk some years ago, for use in our magazines. It is perhaps time that we made a deeper study of this, since it is an important image for Rune-Workers. I have to add that this is just one way that the runes can be set, and there are many ways used by WF - each with its own unique importance. Of course, this is a new image, and not (as far as we know) found in any 'tradition' - but the runes evolve!
At the Sacred Centre is the Gar-Rune which is the Spear of Woden - Gungnir ('Gift of Ing'). This represents the 'pole' or 'central axis' from which all runes emerge. It would have been this point, the Sacred Centre, that Woden would have had to reach (through a 'mystical death' and 'resurrection') in order to rediscover the runes for us.
The photo above is reproduced from an image used by David Icke, and shows the area where the Egyptians recognised as being the seat of the Third Eye. In diagrams of the proposed Order Castle in Wewelsburg, Germany we see that a spear enters the proposed central area, aimed at this very point. It seems plainly obvious that the nature of the new Order Castle was to open the third eye of the Initiates. The Eye of Horus thus seems to depict the Third Eye - what we could call the Eye of the Hero. This is a physical centre that represents a Spiritual Centre, and this point is important.
In Wewelsburg 1933 - 1945 A Cult and Terror Centre of the SS we find the plans for the extension of the Wewelsburg Castle, with the semi-circle and 'spear' which penetrates in alignment with the North Tower. It is impossible to miss the shape of the Spear entering the Gral. In Tantric Lore the aim is to unite the Serpent Goddess (Shakti) with the god Shiva, and thus open the Third Eye. Thus the Gral (at one level) refers to the uniting of the Hero-Valkyrie opening the Third Eye. Since this project was meant to be the Centre of the World it would seem that the opening of the Third Eye was a 'world project'.
There are 32 more runes scattered orderly around the Rune-Web (8 x 4) which makes for a very orderly pattern of 4 x first rune, 4 x second rune, etc. starting from the outside. The 33 - rune English rune-row is used. Rather than the runes being in straight eights, they are placed in a cyclic form moving clockwise around the web, and starting at the top with the next eight. These are the rune-names used within the Ar-Kan Rune-Lag -
There are variations to the certain runes, and different names are used too; these are the main runes that have variants -
Different rune-names can be used for runic-gealdor since certain runes have very different meanings (on the surface), for example -
Sigel - The Sun, Solar Power, Solar Force.
Sowilo - the Soul, shape-shifting, soul-travel.
We can see that the runes are far from static and must be used in different ways to produce certain results. There are certain simple rules to rune-magic -
1. Visualisation of the Rune.
2. Gealdor - Sounding of the Rune.
3. Will - Sending of the Rune through the Force of Will.
Perhaps the most important thing is - intent. Without this no result can ever be expected, and doing rune-chanting for the sake of rune-chanting can be dangerous. Some occultists warn not to use 'lust for result' but this does not mean what I have said, for there has to be something that the work is undertaken, and this has to be a result from the working. What these people mean is not to dwell on the result, but to use the Force of Will to send the runic-power, and not dwell on it after.
We have used runic-gealdor-visualisation with groups of people at Folk-Moots, but this has been used in a way to achieve results within the group - lifting the 'spirit' of the group, which it certainly does. But for other runic gealdor the better way is to use a specific group trained in magical arts, since it takes years to do so and more experience is needed so that dangerous forces are not invoked - or the work rebounds back, which is certainly true of any form of negative magic. This is why it is always wise to use a positive magic that causes a change.
We have used the Nine Glory-Twigs in teaching and this is a Mother Rune out of which all 33 runes are obtained. Once again, Woden discovered the runes, and he would have lifted them out of the Mother Rune or Primal Pattern. It can be no coincidence that a Secret Rune-Row given to a Woden Initiate a few years ago also fits into the above pattern. We can only assume from this that since these are not 'traditional runes' (like the Armanen Runes) the pattern contains an infinite number of rune-shapes that can be 'discovered' by future rune-workers. The centre of this is once again the Gar-Rune.
Now are Har's sayings spoken in Har's Hall,
of help to the sons of men,
of harm to the sons of the Jotun....
The 'Sayings of Har' 165.
Here we are told clearly that the runes were discovered by Woden for his own Northern Folk that they may aid them, but they would cause harm to the Jotun. The name of Woden here 'Har' is said to mean 'High One' (Sturlasson) but it is rooted in the same as hari/heri and related to the Hero-God - God of the Mannerbunde.