Ar-Kan Rune-Lag

Ar-Kan Rune-Lag

Thursday, 15 February 2018

The Lagu Rune

This rune has differing spellings in different areas but the meaning is much the same throughout Germania -

Laguz (PGmc) - water/lake.

Lagu (OE) - ocean.

Logr (O. Ice.) - waterfall.

Logr (Norse) - water.

We can add to this Laukaz which means 'leek' and which is the odd one out here; the leek was a symbol of warrior-hood.

The glyph is that of a wave of the sea, a wave of the lake, flowing water of any kind, and the waterfall as shown in the Icelandic Rune-Poem. So far this is straightforward.

In Wodenic Lore we use the Three Cauldrons as a spiritual exercise; these have been amply covered before so I will not go into the subject fully. What we need to consider is that the Lagu-Rune in this Ar-Kan Rune-Lag system is to be found at the Solar Plexus-Heart Centre - at the Son-Centre. Here it does in fact relate to water, and also to the blood, hence why its colour is red. 

Science knows that the heart generates an electromagnetic field 5000 times more powerful than the human brain; this makes this centre very powerful. The Heart Centre is seen as female, associated with electro-magnetism, mystery, awe, emotions, feelings and the element of Water. In today's society this centre has been almost cut off since the brain-centre is dominant through education and everything associated with modern life. The Heart-Centre is associated with the Soul and with the holistic, intuitive side of consciousness - it is, of course, a Source of Consciousness, no matter what materialistic science maintains. 

As part of the ALU-ULA formula this centre forms the central point of the upwards-downwards movement along the Spinal Column - Mount Su-Me-Ru or Mount Me-Ru. If you chant the ALU-Gealdor over and over in a rhythmic form the sound 'LUWA' can also be heard; this forms part of the same formula but rather than the three letters of spirit, the four letters of matter come into being. 

This brings me to another matter, and one which follows from this idea but is not really the subject of a post on the Lagu-Rune. However, I might as well go into this here for convenience. We have the following runes in the ALU-ULA -

Ur - Earth - Bodn (Boden).

Lagu - Water - Son.

Ansuz - Air - Odroerir.

Now, looking at this we find that the element of Fire is completely missing; this is something that seems to need putting to right. The element Fire should perhaps be found at the Solar Plexus Centre since this relates to the Sun, to Light and thus to Fire. The three colours - Black, Red and White - relate to the colours of the ancient Royal Art (Alchemy). But here again there is another (missing) colour - Yellow. So, we could relate this colour - Yellow - to the Sun-Centre or Solar Plexus Centre. There is reason to believe that the Lagu Centre contains both the elements - Water and Fire. 

As the 'Son' this centre equates with Ingwe/Ingui; as the Son of Njord he is associated with water, but as the Divine Hero he is associated with the flame and with fire. Ingwe can be seen as Agni of the Vedas - Fire from Water. Here we have the links between Fire and Water, both held at this centre. 

When we consider certain key points within our runic-lore we find this recurring pattern of 3-4 - Spirit-Matter. The following are clear examples -

  • There are 3 Aettir in the Common Germanic Futhark; there are 4 Aettir in the Ar-Kan Runes.
  • There are 3 Graal-Runes in the Ar-Kan Runes - Calc/Stan/Gar; there are the 4 Hallows in this system - Cweorth/Calc/Stan/Gar.
  • There are 3 'cauldrons' in this system; there is a hidden 'cauldron' represented by the colour Yellow.

This even comes into biblical lore with the Four Horsemen of the Apocalypse, where we have Black, Red, White and Yellow; the latter, Yellow, is the 'pale horse' associated with 'death'. 

White Horse - a Crowned Bowman.

Red Horse - Swordsman.

Black Horse - Scales or Balances.

Pale Horse - Death. 

Red and Yellow make Gold! This is the 'Alchemical Gold', the end-result of the alchemists journey. 

The Heart-Centre is the centre associated with the emotions, with true (Aryan) compassion, and with love. The symbol of the heart is really the female buttocks and genitalia hidden in one symbolism; in the case of 'love' an arrow passes through this heart. In the Dream of the Rood we find the Krist pierced by arrows reflected in Beowulf where Herebald is pierced through with arrows. Herebald is, of course, Baeldaeg. Let me just look at the name Bael-Daeg, which means - 

Bael - this can mean 'Light' and also 'White',

Daeg - 'Day'.

This we have - The Light-Day or The White-Day, the 'Light-God' or 'White-God' who is also known as Pol or Pal, names associated with the 'pole' and with the Polar Mythus. Also associated with the symbolism of the Heart and Arrow is the god Wali, Son of Woden. The Son of Bael-Daeg is known as Brand a name linked to 'Fire', to the 'Fire-Brand', and to the 'Sword-Blade'. 

In the Chakra System the 'Heart Centre' is named Anahata which is said to mean 'unhurt', 'unstruck' or 'unbeaten', or so it would seem. This name is not very far from the Iranian Goddess known as Anahita or in full Ardvi Sura Anahita. She is the goddess associated with the waters and the source of the Cosmic Ocean. Her association with water is underlined by her chariot being drawn by four horses - wind, rain, cloud, sleet. She is the 'Source of Life' and associated with Venue and the Eight-Rayed Star or 'Veneris' (Serrano). In Armenia she is known as Anahit and she is the Goddess of Sovereignty.

It would seem quite obvious that consciousness does not exist merely in the human brain; indeed, since there are so many cases of 'out-of-body-experiences' and 'near-death-experiences' logged down for us, consciousness exists outside of the human body. It seems to interact with the brain and also with the heart. The ancient peoples knew that consciousness exists to some extent in everything

The term 'heart' in some way connects to the 'earth'; moving the first letter - 'h'  - to the end produces 'earth', here we have a subtle connection (*). Connecting this to Ingwe and the Inga-Fire we have the word 'hearth' which is made up of both 'heart' and earth'. At the side of the 'hearth' is the Inglenook (Ing-le-nook). Ingwe and Fire are connected through this; and the Golden Boar is symbolic of this Solar-God or Solar-Phallic God. 

(*) This I got from a 55 Club work which linked this idea to the 'Beginning and the End', and the 'First and the Last'.

In the Chinese system there are three 'Dan Tiens' - Lower, Middle and Upper; these are the Energy-Centres of the body, or rather, Energy-Centres linked to the human body -

Lower Dan Tien - Jing which is the Source of Energy.

Middle Dan Tien - Qi/Chi which is the heart area, associated with thoughts and emotions.

Upper Dan Tien - Shin which is associated with consciousness and spirit.

Here we can actually see a link with our runes since the Lower Dan Tien is the 'Source of Energy' whilst we use the Ur-Rune for this - Primal or First, i.e. the 'source'. The Middle Dan Tien is the heart-centre and it is here that the 'thoughts' and 'emotions' stir the Chi-Force (Vril) into motion. The Upper Dan Tien is the realm of Spirit, of Od/Wod - the Realm of Odin. 

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