Ar-Kan Runes
In Esoteric Wodenism I use the 33 Anglo-Frisian Runes but not strictly as they appear in historical documents. This is why I chose to call these the Ar-Kan Runes, since some of the runes will have more than one rune-symbol, and also more than one rune-sound. They will be neither 'historical' nor 'traditional' so it makes sense to use another name for a 'new' system, and thus stave off the inevitable accusation of not being 'authentic'. Were we to take the 33 Runes of the Anglo-Frisian rune-row and use their rune-meanings alone we would get no further than a set of mundane meanings, some of which have a Christian tinge, and the system would be unworkable.
Guido von List used an 18-rune Armanen System, but as Aelfric Avery shows in 'Armanen Runes and the BlackSun Volume 1' he did not invent the rune-symbols nor the rune-names. What he did do is to match the rune-staves with the Ljodatal in the Havamal, and in doing so he produced a set of Magical Symbols that could be used for this purpose. The rune meanings of the Havamal cannot be easily matched to either a 24-rune system, nor a 33-rune system, which is why very little weight is given to this by modern Heathens. But they do match with the 18-rune Armanen System. Since these 'spells' come after Woden's initiation on the World Tree, and his recovery of the Ancient Runes, it is assumed these are Runic Spells. The genius of List (under the 'possession' of the Spirit of Woden) was that he matched the 18 runes with the 18 spells, thus making a working system, something not done elsewhere. (*)
(*) If I remember rightly Freya Aswynn tried to match the 24 runes with the 18 Rune Spells, but this involves using two runes for one, and does not fit as well as the 18 Runes. But there is no reason why List's 18 Rune-meanings cannot be matched with the same runes in the Ar-Kan System, which I am working on now.
In doing so there are some spells which seem better fitted to other runes, and I see no problem in adapting this. I'll give a few examples here -
OS-RUNE - breaking fetters. A dream I had years ago connected the Perth-Rune with the breaking of fetters, and the rune-shape itself suggests this, since it is an 'opened up' Beorc-Rune.
RAD-RUNE - Stopping an arrow in flight. In cases of trying to stop something directly the Root-Sound 'ST' has been used, and thus the STAN-RUNE seems to be appropriate to this.
BEORC-RUNE - Protection in battle. Since this involves blessing with water, the LAGU-RUNE seems more appropriate, especially one a Leek is given to the warrior.
These are just things I thought up now, and much more work is needed on them. But this could serve as a basis for more 'rune-spells' that could be made to match each of the 33 Runes. Of course, this is going to be neither 'traditional' nor 'historical', but the runes do not stay static and change and adapt - indeed, the runes are maybe not bounded by Time and Space, they are timeless! In fact, there is perhaps a need for a new set of Rune-Poems for the Ar-Kan Runes, one that will ensure they can be used in a magical way, being easily remembered through verse. The last three rune-spells contain remarks upon women, and how to get and keep a woman, something that would seem far more at home in the modern mundane use of runes. However, just a quick look will show how these might have hidden meanings relating to the Female Mysteries.
The Armanen Rune Adepts and Masters adapted the meanings of the runes to the 'Spirit of the Age', and this has come in for some criticism. I have done just the same here, since whatever criticism is made their work has proof of success in that this led to the German Awakening and the Incarnation of Wotan in the German Folk. The aim of Esoteric Folkish Wodenism is to continue this work but in a form suited to the English Folk, and to prepare the 'vessel' for the next Incarnation of Woden on Earth. We follow Miguel Serrano in this, though his work did not revolve around the English Folk. Miguel Serrano was aware of the work of Woden's Folk.
Woden's Folk was the first real attempt at reviving Folkish Wodenism here in England through its own English Heathen Movement. Small groups had dedicated themselves to Woden, but for all intents and purposes Odinism was the main base for Northern Heathendom. Today more and more Wodenist groups are springing up, some of whom are Folkish in nature, many are not. What they have in common is that an English Religion is being promoted more widely here in England, and the scene is being set for a future Folkish Movement. Our work on an esoteric level differs -
1. Woden's Folk was founded in order to prepare a 'vessel' that will be able to take the Incarnation of Woden as Wid-Ar the Avenger - here in England. This is unique and is not widely accepted, except for a good number of individuals who follow this work, some of whom are in the USA.
2. Woden's Folk recognises the Incarnation of Wotan in Germany before World War II, this again is not widely accepted, and in the main most are scared stiff of even studying the subject. However, there are more and more people beginning to awake to this through Carl Jung's 'Wotan' essay. It will take much time to get people to overcome this fear, indoctrinated on them for decades.
3. Woden's Folk set out to create a new Folk-Religion for the English, a religion suited to these aims, and one suited to the 'Spirit of the Age' - Zeitgeist. A new runic system has been created and is still being created, one suited to our era, and to the struggle we face today.
On the wider level Folkish Wodenism will expand through all of the groups and individuals who are growing in numbers, and this will help to preserve some of our Culture & Tradition (much will be lost in this Dark Era). An English Symbol has arisen - the White Dragon - which will act as a unifying symbol for the English Folk. Years of research and use show that this is a powerful symbol and the one that we should use, one that arose in the 1980s at exactly the right time. This Sacred Symbol draws power from not only our realm but also from other worlds of being. It forms the basis of the Eternal Struggle between the Red Dragon and the White Dragon for supremacy over these islands. (This has nothing to do with the Welsh and English.)
The WF-C is now really a 'non-organisation' working like the Wotan Network and it will grow organically from this. Woden's Folk is no longer an 'active group' and remains as the 'Telegram' channel called 'Woden's Folk', promoting Esoteric Folkish Wodenism. My main work now is done with emphasis on the esoteric side, (**) because this is how it must be; many of the groups arising now shun esotericism, a vital part of any Spiritual Revolution. The last few years have shown us how powerless we are whilst working at the material level, and how powerful the Global Powers really are - and that is because they use Occult Knowledge and Occult Power in their aims and agenda.
(**) I still stick to a healthy balance here but with emphasis on the Esoteric Arts, since this is a side that needs to be developed within Folkish Wodenism.
The Ancient Runes can be a means to counter the mind-control used by the Occult Powers, so this work is growing more and more important as the noose tightens. Mind-Control is the main power over our people, feeding false propaganda and scare-mongering in order to increase stress, tension and fear, which aid the work of control. We don't have to think deeply on the means by which the people are controlled, since they are under a form of spell or curse that binds them, not allowing them to break free as free-thinkers. Most people are not strong-minded or strong-willed enough to break the spell! Working on the Group-Mind and the Group-Soul is the only means to break these fetters, and that means using the Magical Runes to do so.