Ar-Kan Rune-Lag

Ar-Kan Rune-Lag

Monday, 3 August 2015

The Mysteries of Ar

The Aryan Root *ar- means 'movement' or 'to plough' which suggests a link between the Arya/Aryans and the first agricultural civilisations. We can perhaps see this reflected in the stars through 'The Plough' (Great Bear-Woden's Waen) and 'The Driver of the Plough' (Bootes-Ing). The term 'movement' suggests the turning of the northern stars around the Pole Star, and also the apparent movement of the Sun across the day-skies. The term Arya or Aryan is usually held to mean 'noble' but I would suggest this meaning developed from an original related to the 'Sun-Generator' or 'Light-Generator' and referred to the Shining Ones of various myths and legends, or at least the descendants of this god-like race. 

There is a sequence which we shall now look at -

AR - ER - IR - OR - UR

From this we get the name Ir or Er which features in a Greek god who is the father of Atlas, thus connected to the World Column (holding the world on his shoulders is a symbol for this). But the same prefix is assigned to Irmin or Ermin who is the High God of the Saxon, and as we have shown the High God of the Arya. This name has variants in -






It can also be found in the Saxon name for the Milky Way - Iring's Way - which is a title obviously meaning 'Son of Ir'. This name also features in the name Ir(e)land and its older name Er-in, which suggests that an Aryo-Germanic presence was in Ireland, also suggested by one legend of the ancient Milesians referring to the ancient castes of Ireland (which we shall go into another time. 

We have five runes whose names connect in some way to this idea -






The first two can be found in the Common Germanic Futhark, and the first three in the Scandinavian rune-rows, but the last two are found only in the English Rune-Row, together with the other three. Likewise the first three can be found in the Armanen Runes of Guido von List. 

The Ear-Rune and the Cweorth-Rune have the shape of the Irminsul - Column of Irmin - as do the Herne Giant (Cerne Abbas Giant) and the Long Man of Wilmington. The name Irminsul can be rendered Yr-Man-Sul and using the Armanen System the Yr-Man formula contains the Unity of Opposites (Female-Male/She-He). This column can also be seen as the Ar-Man-Sul - the 'Column of Ar-Man'. 

The Yr-Rune is associated with the Yew-Tree so it can be no coincidence that just a short distance from the Long Man of Wilmington is an ancient Yew-Tree and that the area next to the hundred in which the Long Man features was known as the Tree of the Helmed Waendal. We can thus see that the Yew-Tree has associations with Waendal, and perhaps also to Irmin  (Yr-Man). Being evergreen and able to completely renew itself this tree is symbolic of resurrection and of immortality

Returning to the Yr-Man idea this formula (of Miguel Serrano) is the basis of the Union of Opposites symbolised by the Life-Rune (Man) and the Death-Rune (Yr). The fusion of the two runes creates the Hagal-Rune or Heil-Rune and it is thus strange to relate that a name associated with the Herne Giant in Dorset is Heil - a name which has baffled scholars for many years. (It does not fit with the 'Celtic' image of this hill figure.) The figure is a very ancient representation of the 'Club-God' who is the god associated with the Mannerbunde, and whose image can be found on the coat-of arms of the Wandel Family. 

I have shown before how the figure of the Herne Giant reflects the constellation of Orion the Hunter which is a 'winter constellation' and which thus symbolises the direction of 'death' since this is in the west of England. The Long Man is in the east of England and symbolic of 'new life' and of the spring-summer months (seen in its being symbolic of Cygnus the Swan). In these two hill-figures we can find the idea of Life-Death or Yr-Man and in the Solar-Phallic form of the Herne Giant we can see represented regeneration from apparent 'death'. (This is also apparent in the Long Man which has a 'phallus' above it in the form of a Long-Barrow ending in a Round Barrow, which apparently points to the head of the hill figure and across to the White Horse/White Hind on Hindover Hill to the west of the figure.) That the two hill-figures are connected is seen in the Long Barrow (comet-shaped) which is to the east of the Long Man, named 'Hunter's Burgh' suggesting the Hunter-God (Orion-Woden). 

The idea of Life-Death also suggests a beginning and an end, or the first and the last, and this is suggested by these two hill-figures, one in the East (Beginning-Dawn) and one in the West (End-Dusk). I have shown before how the Black Sun of August 11th 1999 heralded the conception of a new world-age - the Age of Ing - and also the coming of the Last Avatar and Incarnation of Woden (as Wid-Ar) on this Earth. Wid-Ar is the 'first and the last' the beginning and the end' as prophesied in various traditions. I have also suggested that the area around the Long Man of Wilmington is a 'Time-Clock' put there by the ancient Shining Ones which was set to awaken our times through the appearance of the Hale-Bopp Comet in 1987, which brought to us the Helgi Mysteries. 

The Ior-Rune shape suggests a 'windmill' and here we may well find a link to Waendal/Mundilfore who is the turner of the World Mill. The rune has been associated with Iormungand (Jormungand) whose name can be rendered Ior-mun-gand which can thus mean 'Wand of Iormun' and even 'Wand of Irmin' perhaps. We could see this as the Cosmic Axis - 'Wand of Irmin' - around which the stars turn, and thus equate Irmin with Waendal-Mundelfore. (For what it is worth the area above the Long Man is named 'Windmill Hill', though no windmill exists there today, though there may have been one in the past.) 

I have also shown before how the Long Man is the April Fool or Divine Fool associated with Parsifal-Hamlet-Lohengrin and thus The Hooded Man. My good friend and comrade Hamasson has suggested a link between the Odal-Rune and The Hooded Man, due to the shape of the rune itself. This is emphasised by the name Od-al since in Kent the Hooden-Horse (pronounced as uooden-horse as in the true pronunciation of uuoden (i.e. 'odin' as the Scandinavians pronounce the name). In ancient symbolism the rounded shape similar to the Odal-Rune was symbolic of Atlas holding the world upon his shoulders - we are back to the Upholder of the World-Pillar. The name 'Atlas' suggests At-al-As which would mean 'Racial Ase', especially if the rune is connected to him via its shape. 

The Yr-Rune when drawn in its ur-glyphic form shows an Ur-glyphic Irminsul within the Ur-Rune (Primal Mountain) and this symbol is also known as the Ang-Rune in this form, symbolic of the Three Royal Lines of Anglia This has a 'trunk' (Waelsingas) and twin 'branches' (Wulfingas-Heodeningas). We can find evidence of this through names on the east side of England, i.e. Ancient Anglia - Wuffingas of Suffolk, Waelsingas (Walsingham) of Norfolk, and the Haddingas (Heodeningas) near Edinburgh, the area now in Scotland once known as 'Saxony'. 

The Aryan Root *ar- is also the root of our word 'year' which itself suggests the movement of time through the seasons, and thus Cyclic Time. The God of Cyclic Time is Waendal-Mundilfore who moves the World Mill, and whose son is Hama-Heimdall who incarnated in order to save the Ancient Wisdom and to recreate the Divine Social Order of the Gods. Hama was thus born of Nine Wave-Maidens ('Music of the Spheres' - sound waves) and is an 'avatar' or 'archetype' that is resurrected at certain times of the Cosmic Cycle in various forms to fulfil a destiny. 

The Germans prior to World War II resurrected the name Ara-Hari as a Solar-God, and the name contains Ar and Hari which are rooted in the same meanings, the latter a name of Vishnu as the 'Blonde God'. This is also connected to Woden since the title Har may be rooted in *haihs which means 'one-eyed' or 'blind'. We use this in Woden's Folk in an Invocation of Woden, based upon the same type of mantra as used by the Hari Krishna, but with a different tune and layout, ours based upon 61 Words of Power, the Number 61 being that of W-O-D-E-N. 

The Root *ar- can be found in so many variations and words that give us insights into its many meanings and many levels of meaning -

Ar - Er - Ir - Or - Ur - Yr - Ear - Ior - Har - Hari - Hara - Heri - Herian - Aryan - Arya - Hera - Heru - Hero - Hor(us) - Herne - .....

In the Eddas we find a strange phrase ar var alda which crops up in one instance in the Helgi Lays, and which is sometimes translated as 'in ancient times' but which could be perhaps better translated as referring to the Ur-Time or First Time. The aim of any form of ritual should be to connect to this Primal Time or First Time. The words seem to be connected to the title Uralten and to the Wr.Alda of the Oera Linda Book. These names would mean roughly - The Primal Old One or The Primal Ancient One

The form AR is a reflection of RA which is, of course, the Egyptian name of the Sun-God, and Ara-Hari seems to have been a name used of the Sun-God. We have two examples of this type of 'reflection' in THOR-ROTH and in TIR-RIT both cases being god-names and symbolism connected to that particular god. The word ara contains both AR and RA which may not be a coincidence. 

The Ar-Rune is named as Ger in the English Rune-Row and Jera in the Common Germanic Futhark. These all refer to 'year' and to 'that which completes a cycle' and thus to cyclic time, which we have already looked at in connection with Waendal-Mundilfore. Both the yearly cycle and the Precession of the Equinoxes have the Sun as the central marker, around which the zodiac revolves - either clockwise (yearly cycle) or anticlockwise (precession). 

Irmin is the Aryaman of the Hindus, the Airyaman of Iran, Eremon of the Irish, and many more such names throughout the areas of the Indo-Europeans. This indicates that ER-IR can be replaced by AR and that this is a valid god-name that can be used, just as the Armanen uses the title Ar-Man which is a form of the Divine Ancestor or 'proto-man'. The name is often used of the Arya or Aryan Man which was a title used of the Twice-Born i.e. the Initiated Ones. The High God of the Arya was thus named Ar, Er or Ir with many variations in sound. 

The name Arya has also been used of the High Goddess of the Arya and we may well have an example of this ancient concept in the Old English charm for a 'Land Remedy' where we find the invocation -

Erce, Erce, Erce, Mother of Earth....

The title Erce fits well with Er or Ermin who could be 'the Almighty, the Lord everlasting' mentioned in the same text. We have thus a male-female pairing of Er-Erce if this is how the text originally worked. This same charm has the following invocation -

Hail to thee, Earth, Mother of Men!
Be fruitful in God's embrace,
Filled with food for the use of men.

The term 'God' has obviously replaced a heathen god-name here, and in the Robin of Sherwood series this was rendered -

Hail to thee Earth, Mother of Men!
Be fruitful in the embrace of the Sky-Father!

The latter is perhaps nearer to the true version and the 'Sky-Father' would be Tiw or Irmin, or even Woden as the chief god of the AEsir. 

It has been said that the name Erce is Greco-Latin rather than Old English, but this emphasises what has been said rather than negating it. If this is so then it is akin to arch- or arche- which refers to 'beginning' from which we get the term archetype which means 'Primal Type' or Ur-Type. We are left with the conclusion that Ir, Er, Irmin, Ar, Ar-Man is a very ancient title of the High God of The Arya, and the Saxon Nation were Aryans since their god was Irmin. 


  1. The Viking Norse word for plough was 'arĂ¾r', and this is the root of the christian term Arthur, as in Arthur's Wain!

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