The Sig-Rune or Sigel-Rune is usually seen as the Rune of Victory, but this is just one of its many meanings. The shape is that of an 'S' straightened, and the 'S' is symbolic of the Serpent. This is indeed the Rune of the Serpent at one level. The sound 's' recalls the hiss of the serpent, and the shape recalls the movement of the serpent along the ground. Although this seems quite obvious I have seen few rune-workers giving this meaning, though it was given in one of the works of Rudyard Kipling.
In the Judaic Bible the Serpent is seen as the 'evil' creature that tempts mankind to eat of the Tree of Knowledge and thus gain the wisdom of the knowledge of 'good and evil'. The knowledge of 'good and evil' gives choice, one can choose which way to take. It also leads to being able to eat of the Tree of Life and thus gain Eternal Life or Immortality. The Serpent is banished from the Garden of Eden for aiding mankind on this path, and the path to immortality is blocked by the 'flaming sword'.
In this sense 'victory' is the overcoming of the obstacles to reaching the Tree of Life and the victory over the forces that seek to obstruct this and divert our True Wyrd. If the 'Garden of Eden' is Thule-Hyperborea, the Ur-Home, where lies the Tree of Knowledge and the Tree of Life, then it is a return to the Ur-Home that is needed to achieve this victory. The Sig-Rune thus also represents the Lightning Flash of Illumination which breaks through the barriers of consciousness to reach this Primal Land or Primal State of Consciousness. The Serpent is thus the 'Great Initiator' who acts as guide through the ordeals that have to be passed through in order to overcome the normal human consciousness and achieve a higher consciousness which we shall call the super-consciousness.
The rune also represents the Sun and Light, the Light of Higher Consciousness; again this is the Lightning-Flash or Lightning-Bolt, the Lightning-Bolt of the Thunder-God, Thunor or Thor. The Hammer of Thunor is the weapon of the Gods wielded against his enemies the Joten; the Joten are the Dark Forces, the Forces of Chaos that bar the path to Eternal Life through their role as 'Eaters of the Dead Souls'. They 'eat' the souls of man, returning their essence to the Primal Chaos. The gods enforce the Primal Order and the Joten seek to overthrow that order, creating chaos and disorder. 'Racial Chaos' through the blood-mixture seeks to destroy the gene-pool of our Folk and thus destroy the Blood Memory of the Hyperboreans, the key to the search for immortality.
Woden is not usually associated with the Serpent, but in a dream of January 1st 1989 he appeared in a 'broad-hat' with a Hooded Serpent (Cobra) which he had 'tamed'. Since he is The Hooded One the symbolism is quite relevant. So perhaps there is a link between Woden and the Serpent which has been lost to us. In another sense the Serpent is an important symbol since it lies at the foot of Iggdrasil, symbolic of the earthly state, and its transformation into the Eagle or the Dragon (Winged Coiled Serpent) is symbolic of the transformation of normal consciousness into a state of Higher Consciousness or Super-consciousness.
The symbolism of the Hooded Serpent should not be dismissed out of hand because it happens in a dream. Another dream of a later date showed Woden as God of the Dead, dressed in a red cloak and red hood but with a faceless appearance - his face was a Black Void. This is something recorded by a leading figure in Theodism in the USA and one of my sons from my first marriage had much the same dream of a hooded, faceless figure, though his research was in a different direction so he did not interpret it as Woden. Another dream showed Woden as the Masked One which fits with his role too, so there may be some truth in his link to the Hooded Serpent.
The Serpent figures in many ancient myths and legends from all over the world, sometimes associated with the White Gods which appeared in Central and South America, as well as the Nagas of ancient India. It is always associated with knowledge and wisdom as in the Old Testament account, obviously a copy from Aryan sources. The Serpent symbolism also appears on the headdress of the ancient Egyptian Pharaohs also symbolic of their wisdom.
It forms part of the symbol within the Rad-Rune as the Path of the Serpent which climbs the World Tree, the World Mountain or the spinal column of man. It represents the upward path through the 33 Runes from the base of the spine, moving backwards from Gar to Feoh, Gar being at the lowest point. The 'tree' being upside-down in reality Gar is at the 'top' and thus the highest point; Woden hangs upside-down on the World Tree.
The Sig-Rune also symbolises the spinal column in man - Mount Su-Me-Ru - since this is shaped like a serpent. It thus represents the rune-row in its totality, the means to the End-Sieg or Final Victory. It is said that the 'Serpent Brain' resides at the base of the skull, at the top of the spinal column, and this seems to be the oldest part of the brain, now lying dormant in most but perhaps being the key to latent powers that can be re-awakened to serve our need in this hour of need. In the Sutton Hoo Mask we find the Serpent moves from the base of the neck (Serpent Brain) over the top of the skull, meeting the Eagle-Dragon-Swan at the Mind's Eye (Third Eye) between the eyes in the forehead. The mask was most likely worn by the ancient kings who were also Priests of Woden.
In the ancient forests of Europe Woden sired the Race of Wolsungas whose origins can be traced back to Sigi, their Divine Ancestor. The Wolsunga Race were created as a Divine Race whose wyrd was to war against the Joten, and to further the Destiny of the Woden-Born. Sigi was a name widely used and occurs in the lineage of the famous German Folk-Hero, Herman the Cheruscan. The Sigambrian or Sicambrian Franks are most likely descendants of Sigi the Wolsunga, and thus the Merovingian Kings of the Franks - the 'long-haired' wizard-kings whose symbol was the Spear of Woden. The most famous of the Wolsungas are Sigurd and Siegmund, whose names derive from this rune.
Whereas the Thorn-Rune symbolises the Hammer of Thunor the Sig-Rune symbolises the Lightning-Bolt of Thunor. This is the weapon of the Goten against the Joten. It is the Rune of Light, the Rune of the Lightning-Flash in the Darkness of Night, the Rune of the Lightning-War (Blitzkrieg). This swift, devastating type of warfare was used by Alexander the Great, and is typical of the role of Woden and Thunor in warfare. It was used by the Germans in World War II thanks, I am led to believe, by an English Army Officer named Major Fuller who studied the tactics of Alexander.
The Sig-Rune is symbolic of the Sun, whereas when it is reversed it forms part of the Black Sun. The Black Sun thus symbolises the Aryan Science of Implosion, the moving towards the centre, the inward movement also seen in the form of the widdershins Swastika. Movement inwards towards the source, the return to the source - Hyperborea/Thule. This is the movement against time, against the flow of time towards decay and death.

The rune forms part of the Sun-Wheel, and can be found in the Rad-Rune as the Wheel of the Sun. It represents a yearly cycle (Rad-Rune) and also the Cycle of the Ages (Great Year Cycle). Whereas the yearly cycle moves clockwise through the signs of the Tiw's Kries (zodiac), the Great Year cycle moves anti-clockwise through the Tiw's Kreis (zodiac). This is called the Precession of the Equinoxes. This is a 26,000 year cycle, sometimes seen as a 24,000 year cycle going through 2,000 year world-ages, twelve in all.
The Sig-Rune is an important symbol and has been used in various forms as the 'Lightning-Flash' and the 'Double Sig-Rune'; it is a Germanic Symbol of great power. As the 'Lightning-Flash of Illumination' it breaks through the barriers of consciousness, opening us to the Higher Worlds and to a higher state of consciousness in which we break through the veils of the worlds. Its power should not be underestimated.
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