Ar-Kan Rune-Lag

Ar-Kan Rune-Lag

Monday, 7 October 2019

Fu-Ur-Th & The Golden Age

Feoh is a rune connected to 'gold' but in the sense of the 'Solar Knowledge' contained in the English children's tale of Jack and the Beanstalk. But there may be even more to this than 'Solar Knowledge' or 'Solar Wisdom' because of a connection to the fabled 'Golden Age' through the symbolism of this 'gold'. This is inherent in the 'Art Royal' or 'Alchemy' where the symbolism of 'gold' refers to a new 'Golden Age' brought into being through the transformation of Lead into Gold. 

There is an IE Root *per and a Ger Root *fer which mean 'first', 'foremost' or 'in front of'; there is also an IE Root *prei-/*prai- from which we get the IE Root *preis-mo- meaning 'primal', 'primeval', or 'primordial'. The Latin primus means 'first' or 'foremost' and leads to princips which means 'he who takes first place', 'leader', 'chief' and also 'emperor'. This gives us the word prince. It must strike us immediately that both Feoh and Ur mean 'primal', or 'first'. They have to be connected to each other in some way, or perhaps in many ways.

Gold - First Time - Primal Age - Ruler of the Golden Age. This 'First Time', as I have shown before is the Ar Var Alda which is usually seen as meaning 'in olden times' but which has a much more specific meaning. I have a suggestion here to what the meaning of this is, since it occurs in the Lay of Helgi Hundingsbane, a figure who appears at the change of world-age into what would most likely be the Warg-Age or Kali Yuge. His tale, unlike that of Scef-Ing, does not seem to refer to the ending of the Golden Age, but to a later time when war is kindled, though after a period of peace it would seem. We know that at the end of a world-age there is a period of chaos, and at the end of a Cycle of the Ages a period of dissolution. It may also be so that there is a kind of 'gap' through which the original 'First Time' gets through, whence the Heroic Archetype can get through into the physical world, hence the use of the term Ar Var Alda. Maybe. 

Anyway, there is also an OE fah/fag which means 'radiant' or 'bright' and with the meaning 'gold' again suggests the Sun. This is emphasised by the OE feorh meaning 'life', 'soul' or 'spirit', again suggesting the Sun. A Ger Root *fer- and IE Root *per- mean 'to lead' or 'to pass over', the latter suggesting a 'bridge' (between the worlds). The highest religious position in the Roman Empire was a Pontifex which is a word meaning 'a bridge' or 'a crossing over'. Here we have the idea of the 'ruler' or the 'emperor'.

The 'Ruler of the Golden Age' according to Roman Mythology was Saturn; to the Greeks he was Kronos, to the Germanic Folk, Crodo or Hrodo, and to the English Folk, Sataer or Sataera. Another connection to the Golden Age is the god called Uranus whose name can be rendered -

Ur - Primal.

An - Breath (Geist or Spirit).

Us - To shine, To burn.

Again, the name suggests the Sun or here 'The Primal Sun'. The Age of Aquarius is supposed to be ruled over, we are told, by Uranus, but this seems to have been Saturn originally. But, as I have mentioned before, Saturn and Saeter are both 'agricultural gods' which does not fit at all with the 'Golden Age'. Indeed, they link more to Scef-Ing in the sense of the mythical figure who appears at the end of the Golden Age to bring Fire and Agriculture to the Folk in the North. It should also be mentioned that Frodi (Ingui-Frea) was also linked to a Golden Age. I am going to leave this theme for now because it can seem very mixed up. In regard to Ingus and the 'Golden Age', since the word 'Frea' or 'Frey' can also be rooted in the meaning 'primal' or 'primordial' then the name Ingui-Frey would be 'Ingui the Primal'. 

We move on now to the second rune of the First AEttir - the Ur-Rune. This is another rune meaning 'primal' and another rune connected to the 'cattle' of the first one, Feoh. But this time the Aurochs, Ur-Ox or 'Primal Ox'. Again, if we use the link to 'gold' there emerges yet another Solar Image; this is further emphasised when we consider aur to mean 'gold'. But we are also connecting once again to the 'Golden Age'. We are also back to the Ar Var Alda which can thus be Ur Var Alda, but where AR can be the Black Sun which was originally the 'Golden Sun of the Golden Age'. AR and UR can mean the same, and this could refer to the 'Black Sun'. 

Now, there does seem to be a hidden message here that hints of a link between the 'Black Sun' and a 'Black Hole'. The Icelandic Rune Poem has the different meaning of 'drizzle' which seems out of place somehow, certainly nothing to do with the meaning 'primal'. There is a Sanskrit word uksh clearly connected here to 'oxen' and this means 'to sprinkle' reminding us of this 'drizzle'. Of course, all of this is symbolic and refers to the realm of Niflheim or 'Mist-Home'; but it can also refer to the nebula since nif and neb are mere variations of the same root-words. A nebula is the name given to gas and dust ('drizzle') given off by a collapsing star, and a 'collapsing star' later forms a Black Hole

There is an IE Root *er- which gives us words such as 'origin' and 'original', but the root-meaning is 'to move' and 'to set into motion'. This gives rise to the name Irmin or Ermin as well as to the Irminsul. The Aryan Root *ar- means 'movement' or 'to plough' and gives rise to the name Arya or Aryan. But the root also seems to embody the sense of the most ancient Hyperborean Race  whose genes were passed into the Aryan Race, but 'hidden' in the sense of being something passed from generation to generation until the time was right that this would become active once more at the end of a Cycle of the Ages. 

The Ur-Rune in its Ur-Glyphic form is an 'upturned V' which is a symbol of the World Mountain - the Midnight Mountain in the North. Above the Midnight Mountain shines the Black Sun. It is not too well known that the word boreas meant originally 'mountain'; thus Hyperborea would refer to the Midnight Mountain. In fact, the IE Root *G(w)era- refers to the Hyperboreans, and means 'mountain'; the fact that etymological dictionaries refer to the 'mountains of Thrace' being north of Greece is a later misunderstanding of the Midnight Mountain in the Far North. There can thus be links to B-ur-i and B-or who would be connected to the Midnight Mountain. (*)

There is also a Ger Root *ar-/*or which means 'to be' or 'to exist' and this seems linked to the idea of Being which is the term used of the Golden Age by Julius Evola. In relation to the name 'Saturn' the Golden Age in Vedic Lore is named Satya Yuga, where sat means 'being'. Thus, the original name 'Saturn' may well have referred to the concept of 'Being'. 

We must now turn to the third rune of the First AEttir - the Thurn-Rune or Thurs-Rune. The Icelandic Rune Poem equates this rune with Saturn and also to the Ruler of the Legal Assembly or Ruler of the Thing. These can be related to the god Thunor, whose rune this is, but also to the god Tir who is associated with Truth, Justice and Order. But here we can also see a subtle link with Uranus, the Varuna of the Vedas; he is also an ancient god of Order, Balance and Truth. 

The Thurs-Rune is not just the harmony and balance created by Thunor, but also the 'seeds' of the disharmony and unbalance of the Thurs and the Dark Joten. We should recall that the 'Giants' steal the Solar Wisdom ('gold' or 'cattle') from the Gods or Arya. But the Thorn-Rune is also the 'Rune of Third', the Divine Hero who regains the 'cattle' stolen from the Arya, just as Jack regains the 'gold' stolen from his father. Feoh and Ur contain the Divine Wisdom or Solar Knowledge of the lost Golden Age, and Thorn is the rune connected to regaining this knowledge when it is 'stolen' by the 'Giants'. 

What we do have here in the sequence Fe-Ur-Th are links to the fabled Golden Age, the 'Black Sun' of this ancient era, the Hyperborean Race of the 'Shining Ones' that seem linked to the Feoh-Rune, the 'Black Hole' at the centre of the Milky Way Galaxy, and Saturn-Saeter, Ruler of the Golden Age. Each of these runes moulds its meaning into the next rune, each one relating to the other, and each one being related to the same theme - the Golden Age of Being. In fact this sequence seems to be continued through Os-Rad-Ken-Gyfu-Wyn, all of which could be related in some way to the Golden Age of Perfection. 

Os - Ruler of the Golden Age.

Rad - Right Order, Truth, Rita.

Ken - Knowledge, Wisdom, Enlightenment, Kinship and Fellowship.

Gyfu - Exchange, harmonious working of giving and taking. 

Wyn - Fellowship, Joy, Harmony, Blessedness.

One of the things that could bring light to the problem of Saturn and the Golden Age is the Roman festival called 'Saturnalia'. This happens around the Yuletide period of the year which is the time of death-to-rebirth' and also of the 'Ride of the Wild Hunt'. Since the essence of this festival is one of everything being turned upon its head then this fits with the era in which we are living through today. This is the time of dissolution and of chaos. It is thus possible that the idea of 'Saturn' and the 'Golden Age' may be that of this god overthrowing his father Uranus who was the 'God of the Golden Age'. Uranus is 'castrated' by his son, Kronos, meaning that he is unable to procreate and thus becomes unable to rule creatively. Since the name 'Chronos' is associated with 'time' this is something that would have come into existence at the end of the Golden Age. 

In Norse Sagas there is a tale about the World Mill churning out gold; it is greed that creates a situation in which the maidens who turn the mill unhinge it and create a catastrophe. It thus seems possible that some form of disharmony entered at the end of the Golden Age which caused its downfall. The 'World Mill' is linked to the Precession of the Equinoxes and the 'wobble' of the Earth due to its being 23 1/3 degrees off its true axis. The idea of the World Mill being 'unhinged' seems to suggest some form of cataclysm that threw the Earth off its true axis. We have also the theme that the Dark Sorceress named Gullveig appeared amongst the Gods, and her name means 'Gold-Lust' I am led to believe. She appears in Middle-Earth as 'Heid the Seeress', though the name 'Heid' was used frequently for such figures, not all as dark and destructive. If Viktor Rydberg is right then Loki eats her half-burned heart and thus takes on this female form of evil as an androgynous figure of male-female evil. It would seem that the dominant theme of the end of the Golden Age centres around the corrupted use of 'gold' in some way. 

If we look to Central and South America we find that such cultures as the Inkas created vast amounts of symbolic and religious objects out of gold; not for the wealth of the gold but as symbolic and religious 'divine' objects. Of course, some of the Christians who later came onto the scene did not quite see these in the same light, so here we can see how the same objects are seen differently according to the thoughts of different peoples. Like our own Germanic Culture, gold was originally 'wealth' but thought of in far different terms than the later 'greed for gold' that replaced that of honour and loyalty. So far down the road to insanity has this world gone that today 'wealth' is centred around the 'Electronic Fund Transfer System' where nothing is transferred from one person to the next. Everything is merely on paper (or today a screen) and the whole thing is an illusion where no actual wealth exists - only credit. Whereas gold and wealth were the bind between the King and his Warriors, the King and his Folk, it became a means to control the people; today there is no 'gold' in circulation, only 'credit', and the use of a 'Credit Number' will be the means of total control over the world. Both the Norwegian Rune Poem and the Icelandic Rune Poem warn that 'Wealth causes kinsman's strife' and this became truer and truer over the ages until today we see the pinnacle of the problem of 'gold' and 'wealth' in their material form. The symbol of gold in a spiritual sense is far different. We are living through the polar-opposite of the Golden Age that has gone, and the Golden Age that is coming. 

Saturn is seen as 'Old Father Time' and as I have stated before this suggests that the 'imprisonment' or 'enslaving' of Saturn- Kronos is seen in the replacement of Cyclic Time by Linear Time. The Widdershins Fylfot is thus the means to counter the movement of linear time towards death and decay; it is used by the Men Against Time who do not fit into this decaying, rotting and dying world and the Old Order, and who are the heirs to the New Order and the New Race of Man to come. 

As symbolic of Baldaeg-in-Odainsacre this is also symbolic of the Black Sun which is the power that courses through the Blood of the Arya, or rather the heirs to the Arya, those 'solitaries' who remain true to their Gods, their Ancestors, to All-Father and to Truth and Justice. This symbol is 'not of this world' because it comes from another world but it has infinite power in this world of matter. 

According to Miguel Serrano we have entered the 'Lead Age' which is one of tremendous upheavals and terrors at the end of the Warg-Age or Kali Yuga. This is thus associated with Saturn-Satan; it is the transmutation of Lead (Saturn) into Gold (The Sun) that will usher in the new Golden Age. Since World War II saw the 'Ride of the Wild Hunt' at the 'Yuletide' of the Great Year Cycle, then this downward movement is to be expected. The result of this disastrous world war was not a 'victory' for anyone since it merely resulted in the situation getting far worse than it had been - the world was thrust into disorder, chaos and dissolution. After the Yuletide the 'winter' sets in and this is the coldest, harshest and worst time of the year. We are now in the 'Great Winter' of this cycle, but all we can hope for is that 'time' as we know it has been speeding up, which means this era will last much shorter than it normally would. Only the most hardy and strong within Nature live through the winter months. This is the time for the 'Survival of the Fittest'. 

As stated in earlier blogs it is 'Mercury' (Woden) and 'Sulphur' (Ingus) that hold the key to the transmutation of Lead (Saturn) into Gold (The Sun). This process runs hand-in-hand with that of the 'Philosopher's Stone' which is the key to Immortality and to the creation of the God-Man or 'Coming Race'. The new 'Golden Age' requires a new 'Golden Race' - the Sun-Man or Solar Race. This is more of a 'recreation' than a 'creation' but in the process, due to the 'ego' being developed within man, the new 'Golden Race' will not be the innocent and childlike race of the former Golden Age, but an 'adult' and 'mature' race with self-consciousness and thus the ability to create at will. 

(*) There is also a subtle link to the Beorc-Rune here; when turned upon its 'back' this becomes a symbol of 'mountains', maybe linked to the Germanic berg or burg. The rune, despite numerous attempts to connect this to other trees than the 'birch', would be pronounced 'beorch' and thus clearly means the 'birch-tree'. This is the first tree that appears after a forest fire or when swathes of trees are cut down during the 'management' process used by such eminent governmental departments as the 'Forestry Commission'. This is thus the 'Tree of Rebirth and Renewal', and is symbolic of rebirth and renewal. Opened up it is the Peorth-Rune, Rune of Birth. 

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