Ar-Kan Rune-Lag

Ar-Kan Rune-Lag

Thursday 19 September 2019

Yr-Rune & the Inglinga


The Yr-Rune is one of the nine extra runes of the Ar-Kan Runes, developed from the Old English Runes of Northumbria. The Old English Rune-Poem has this verse for the rune -

Yr for every noble and warrior is
a joy and adornment, is fair on a steed,
a trusty piece of war-gear on a journey.

The Norwegian Rune-Poem -

Yr is the winter-greenest
of woods; burning
it is wont to singe.

And the Icelandic Rune-Poem -

Yr is a bent bow
and a brittle tool
and arrow's lightning.

Yr is translated as 'Yew-Bow'  except for the Norwegian version which is the Yew-Tree. It seems fairly obvious that the English used the bow on horseback, as stated in the rune-poem. The Eoh-Rune is the actual Yew-Tree but this does not occur in the latter two rune-poems. The Icelandic Rune-Poem has two meanings for each rune, and those for the Yr-Rune are - Arcus (Bow) and Ynglingr (Inglinga). 

There are various different versions of the Old English Yr-Rune, one of which is as the above, and another with the cross-piece being straight, making a 'T' shape inside the Ur-Rune. This is the importance of the rune since it does refer to something 'primal'. The 'T' shape is that of the Irminsul - the 'Primal Irminsul'. But if we use an ur-glyphic version of the rune we have the Ur-Rune as an inverted 'V' with a 'Y' shape within this glyph. This is the a tree with twin branches (like the Irminsul), and this, I believe, refers to the Three Royal Lines of the Angles - Wolsungas (Trunk), Wulfingas & Heardingas (Branches). 

There was a weird tale called A warning to the Curious written by M.R. James in 1925, and made into a TV program many years later. This was about a man named 'Paxton' who discovered the legend of the Three Crowns of Anglia which were three royal crowns, two of which had long been lost, and one left at Rendlesham, thought to be the capital of the Wuffingas in Suffolk, near to Sutton Hoo and the burial of the Wuffinga King Raedwald. 

The Wuffingas are the Wulfingas, said to have come over from Jutland; however, the Three Crowns emblem above is that of the Swedish Coat of Arms today, so there are links with Sweden too. It appears that the Wuffingas embraced the earlier tribes of Norfolk and Suffolk into their own, ruling as the Wuffinga Royal Line. There is a place near Rendlesham called 'Ufford' - 'Ford of the Wuffingas, and another some six miles east called 'Iken' most likely named after the Iceni Tribe, who, it seems, also had links to the Wolf Totem. 

Thus, the Ynglingr associated with the Yr-Rune refers to the Inglinga Dynasty which ruled over Sweden, as well as Norway at one time too. These are the 'Sons of Ingus' or Ingvi-Frey. I have shown before how the Long Man of Wilmington is very much like some Swedish bracteates showing this warrior-figure holding twin spears, wearing a horned helmet. Near to the Long Man is a 1,600 year-old Yew Tree which obviously has associations with the hill-figure - Waendel. There are areas in Sweden associated with Vendel which is the same name as Waendel. It is thus certain that the Yr-Rune has connections to the Inglingas in regard to the Yew-Tree and the Yew-Bow. 

The Yr-Rune in the Norwegian, Icelandic and Armanen are shaped as the Calc-Rune in the Old English Rune-Row - as above. This can be seen as a bow and arrow, but in modern terms it is also a nuclear warhead-rocket. 

It would seem obvious that 'The Star' of the Tarot Cards is based upon the Age of Aquarius - the 'Water-Pourer'. The eight-pointed star is usually held to be either Sirius or Venus, both associated with Isis, Ishtar, and thus Eastra. I have hinted that there may be a link between the Calc-Rune and the 'Water-Pourer', as well as to the Graal. It is usual to see the eight-pointed star as being Sirius-Venus, but in the background of the card is a mountain ad to the right a tree, suggesting the Midnight Mountain and the World Tree - a northern link. It is thus possible that the Golden Star represents the 'New Sun' of the Aryan Millennium. 

The link here to the Yew-Tree may be that of Immortality and to Infinity; the New Age means a New Man - the God-Man. The 'New Sun' will shine upon the New Man and the New World; but this is usually seen as something to do with Saturn who was the King of the Golden Age. The three crowns also represent the Wolf-Tribes of Woden as shown above - Wolsungas, Wulfingas & Heardingas - all associated with the Wolf-Totem. The Inglingas have a great role to play in the coming events that occur as the New Age dawns. The Yr-Rune is also the YM ('OM') - the Sound of Creation. 

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